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Year Later, Russia Win Over Georgia Cuts Both Ways

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  • Year Later, Russia Win Over Georgia Cuts Both Ways

    By Megan K. Stack

    Los Angeles Times d/la-fg-georgia-russia7-2009aug07,0,7849593.story
    Aug 6 2009

    After its swift military victory over Georgia, the Kremlin seemed
    poised for greater influence in nearby states, but they have been
    bucking an economically weaker Moscow whose intentions worry them.

    Reporting from Moscow -- Last August, fresh off a swift,
    decisive military victory over U.S.-backed Georgia, the Kremlin
    basked in newfound international power and domestic prestige:
    Oil was booming. Anti-Western taunts and propaganda crammed state
    media. A dramatic message about resurgent Russian strength had been
    unequivocally delivered.

    One year later, the euphoria has evaporated. The war is still
    discussed in tones of righteousness, but the military victory left
    Russia isolated; made formerly compliant neighbors reluctant to do
    Moscow's bidding; and sparked a foreign capital flight that dovetailed
    into the global financial crisis.

    Most crushingly, the war has done serious damage to what is plainly
    Russia's top foreign policy priority: the reestablishment of what
    the Russian president has called a "privileged" sphere of influence
    in former Soviet states.

    Today marks the first anniversary of the war's outbreak, when an
    overwhelming wave of Russian tanks and warplanes crossed the border
    and roared to within 30 miles of the Georgian capital, Tbilisi. The
    exact circumstances of the war's onset remain in dispute, but the most
    commonly held version of events is that Georgia launched a military
    operation to reassert control over the rebel province of South Ossetia,
    and Russia invaded, fighting on the side of the separatists.

    Threats and accusations of renewed fighting are flying thick and
    ominously this week, and there is concern that new battles could erupt.

    Some analysts say Russia's postwar isolation is fueling instability. In
    Moscow, they say, there is a lingering discomfort over the war's
    failure to unseat Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, who is
    openly loathed by Russian leaders.

    "Many in Moscow believe this is the result of indecisiveness, that
    we should have marched all the way to Tbilisi and finished the job"
    said Pavel Felgengauer, a Moscow-based military analyst with the
    Jamestown Foundation. "There's a strong opinion here that a serious
    mistake was made and that the answer is regime change. The situation
    is very dangerous."

    In Georgia, the U.S.-backed leadership has been left to grapple
    with the painful reality of lost lands and shattered military
    infrastructure. Political instability intensified this year as massive
    demonstrations demanded Saakashvili's resignation, pointing to the
    war as evidence of his insufficiency.

    But if Russia's plan was to show its might, to strike a crushing blow
    that would frighten former Soviet countries into greater compliance,
    it backfired. The sight of Russian tanks crossing into a neighboring
    country stirred dark memories of the Soviet past, and, analysts say,
    shifted the psychology in the region.

    Instead of being intimidated into submission, the neighboring states
    have become defiant and have begun to buck Moscow. Resistance has
    been bolstered by the global financial crisis and tumbling oil prices,
    which abruptly dried up Moscow's cash flow.

    Signs of Moscow's waning regional influence are coming at a furious

    In July, five leaders of neighboring countries -- nearly half the
    invited luminaries -- failed to show up at horse races hosted by
    Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at the Moscow hippodrome. The races
    are seen as an unofficial summit of the Commonwealth of Independent
    States, the regional confederation of post-Soviet countries. A year
    ago, many analysts agree, such a snub would have been unimaginable.

    Kremlin efforts to create a "rapid reaction force" among former Soviet
    countries to counter North Atlantic Treaty Organization military
    strength have also met with surprisingly stiff opposition. Both Belarus
    and Uzbekistan have refused to sign the agreements needed to create
    the force. This week, Uzbekistan warned that a planned Russian base
    in neighboring Kyrgyzstan would destabilize Central Asia.

    Armenia, once Russia's most stalwart ally in the Caucasus, has also
    been distancing itself. This summer, to the intense irritation of
    Moscow, Saakashvili was presented with Armenia's Medal of Honor during
    a visit to Yerevan, the Armenian capital.

    Even impoverished Tajikistan is striving quietly for independence,
    preparing to ban the use of the Russian language in government offices
    and documents.

    But nothing has so starkly crystallized Russia's isolation as the
    question of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, both breakaway republics
    inside Georgia's internationally recognized borders. Russia had been
    building ties with the two republics for years, including passing out
    Russian passports to residents and taking on payment of pensions. After
    the war, Moscow quickly recognized them as independent states and
    dispatched heavy deployments of Russian troops to defend them --
    presumably, from Georgia's central government.

    Yet not even Belarus, a country whose policy has closely twinned that
    of Russia, was willing to recognize the independence of South Ossetia
    and Abkhazia. In fact, only Nicaragua joined Russia in acknowledging
    their independence.

    Since the war in Georgia, sparring between Moscow and Belarus has
    repeatedly erupted over trade and circumstances in Georgia. Analysts
    say the sight of Russia's invasion of a neighbor and onetime ally
    threw a chill over Belarus' relationship with Moscow.

    "The Belarusian leadership does not want to see itself in Georgia's
    shoes," said Leonid Zlotnikov, an analyst with the Belarusian Market
    newspaper in Minsk, the Belarusian capital. "[Moscow's] idea of
    pressure by force does not appeal at all."

    As regional resistance mounts, some analysts are beginning to question
    the conventional wisdom of Russia, as the government likes to put it,
    "rising from its knees" under its longtime leader, Prime Minister
    Vladimir Putin. Between the pro-Western inclinations in Ukraine and
    Georgia; the moves by China to build better relations with Central
    Asian states; and recent ripples of political rebellion across the
    former Soviet Union; Russia's power is badly diminished, they argue.

    "We always say that in the 1990s Russia was weak and now it's strong,
    but actually, if you look at it, its sphere of influence and interests
    has shrunk dramatically," said Felgengauer, who gained prominence
    after predicting last summer's war. "Russian power is shrinking. It's
    huffing and puffing under Putin, but it's shrinking."

    Sergei Markov, a ruling party lawmaker and political analyst seen
    as close to the Kremlin, agreed that Russia's regional standing had
    suffered because of the war in Georgia.

    "It's true that Russian behavior during that period in August was,
    you know, I wouldn't say aggressive, I'd say maximum-style," Markov
    said. "I think what neighboring countries are afraid of is exactly
    this maximum style and unpredictability."

    But he argued that any international loss had been offset by the
    cohesion of popular support within Russia itself.

    The line from state media is that only Russia had the moral rectitude
    to step in to save the South Ossetians from the central Georgian
    government. Russian television viewers were fed a drastically
    exaggerated version of Georgia's assault on South Ossetia, and many
    Russians still believe the long-discounted Russian allegations that
    Moscow intervened to stop a "genocide" that killed thousands.

    "Russia gained the consolidation of society and the confidence that
    the political leadership is ready to protect all Russian interests,"
    Markov said. "And Russia got respect from the international community,
    which understands that Russia is ready to take risks."