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Assyrians Commemorate Martyrs Day On August 7

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  • Assyrians Commemorate Martyrs Day On August 7


    Assyrian International News Agency AINA
    A ug 6 2009

    Chicago (AINA) -- August 7 is Assyrian Memorial day, a day when the
    Assyrian (also known as Chaldean and Syriac) community worldwide
    remembers its Martyrs. Reflecting the Assyrian Diaspora, events
    are planned for San Jose, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Chicago, Detroit,
    New York, London, Paris, Stockholm, Amsterdam, North Iraq, Syria,
    Iran and other locations.

    August 7 was chosen to commemorate Martyrs Day because in 1933,
    between August 8 and 11, the Iraqi army, led by Bakir Sidqi (a
    Kurd), entered the Assyrian town of Simmele and its surroundings,
    in north Iraq, and massacred 3,000 Assyrian men, women and children,
    after they had been promised safety if the men surrendered their
    weapons. According to Colonel Stafford of the British Army:

    A cold blooded and methodical massacre of all the men in the village
    then followed, a massacre which for the black treachery in which
    it was conceived and the callousness with which it was carried out,
    was as foul a crime as any in the blood stained annals of the Middle
    East. The Assyrians had no fight left in them, partly because of
    the state of mind to which the events of the past week had reduced
    them, largely because they were disarmed. Had they been armed it
    seems certain that Ismail Abawi Tohalla and his bravos would have
    hesitated to take them on in fair fight. Having disarmed them,
    they proceeded with the massacre according to plan. This took some
    time. Not that there was any hurry, for the troops had the whole day
    ahead of them. Their opponents were helpless and there was no chance
    of any interference from any quarter whatsoever. Machine gunners
    set up their guns outside the windows of the houses in which the
    Assyrians had taken refuge, and having trained them on the terror
    stricken wretches in the crowded rooms, fired among them until not
    a man was left standing in the shambles. In some other instance the
    blood lust of the troops took a slightly more active form, and men
    were dragged out and shot or bludgeoned to death and their bodies
    thrown on a pile of dead. (read the full account here)

    Though inspired by the Simmele massacre, August 7 has become a day
    to remember all Assyrian martyrs. Assyrians also commemorate April 24
    (called Seyfo, or sword), but that is specific to the Turkish genocide
    of Assyrians in World War One, in which 750,000 Assyrians were killed
    (75%), as well as 400,000 Greeks and 1.5 million Armenians.

    In Chicago, home to 90,000 Assyrians, a commemoration will be held
    on Friday evening. A letter from Maria Pappas, the treasurer of Cook
    County, in which Chicago is located, was sent to Assyrian residents
    of Chicago; Pappas expressed her support for Martyrs Day.

    In Detroit, home to 100,000 Assyrians (mostly of the Chaldean rite),
    a commemoration sponsored by the Assyrian Democratic Movement will
    be held on Friday evening.

    The Assyrian American Association of San Jose (AAASJ) will host a
    commemoration in San Jose on Friday evening. In a press release,
    AAASJ said:

    On Friday, August 7th, 2009, the Assyrian American Association of San
    Jose will host a memorial event in remembrance of Assyrians who have
    given their lives for the preservation of their cultural and ethnic
    identity. The event, which includes informative speeches and lectures
    by renowned Assyrian activists, theatrical & musical performances,
    a candle light vigil, poetry and more is scheduled to begin at 7:30
    pm at San Jose State University's Music Hall.

    August 7th, known in Assyrian as "Shava b'Dabakh," marks a significant
    national holiday among the Assyrian community worldwide. Originally
    commemorating the 1933 massacre of Assyrians in the Iraqi city
    of Simele, the day has evolved to honor all Assyrian martyrs
    thereafter. The recent bombings of 7 Assyrian churches in Iraq
    highlights the ongoing persecution of the indigenous Assyrian
    community, adds to the gravity of this year's memorial, and underscores
    the event's theme, "Simele, Never Again: A past and present revelation
    on the Assyrian Nation's fight against oppression and genocide."

    The following organizations are participating in this year's memorial:

    Assyrian Academic Society Assyrian Aid Society Santa Clara Chapter
    Assyrian Democratic Movement Santa Clara Chapter Assyrian Evangelical
    Church of San Jose Assyrian Foundation of America Assyrian Presbyterian
    Church of San Jose Assyrian Student Association at SJSU Assyrian
    Universal Alliance Assyrian Universal Alliance Americas Youth Chapter
    Bet Eil Assyrian Church Church of Pentecost Mar Yosip Assyrian Church
    of the East St. Mary's Assyrian Chaldean Catholic Church