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Remarks of Amb. Martirossian At Diocesan Center Reception in NYC

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  • Remarks of Amb. Martirossian At Diocesan Center Reception in NYC

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Karine Abalyan
    Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
    E-mail: [email protected]

    August 7, 2009



    What follows is a text of the remarks delivered by Ambassador Armen
    Martirossian, during a farewell reception in his honor, as he concludes his
    six-year tenure of service as the Republic of Armenia's Permanent
    Representative to the United Nations. Ambassador Martirossian made the
    remarks at the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, in New
    York City, on August 4, 2009. He will go on to serve Armenia as its
    Ambassador to Germany.

    I want to thank all the speakers for their wonderful words here tonight. I
    take those comments to be, first of all, a demonstration of your attitude
    toward Armenia, the people of Armenia, and the government of Armenia..

    As I stand here, I recall my first day at the Diocesan Center, on June 12,
    2003, when Archbishop Khajag Barsamian after greeting me in the hall called
    upon me to feel at home here at St. Vartan's. Very soon, I understood that
    that was a very sincere offer, and I want to thank him for the very warm
    relationship that we established from the very beginning. It was
    heartwarming for me, for my family, to make a new home here, in such a
    vibrant community that has succeeded to unite its members around common
    national goals and preserve our values, all the while incorporating the best
    from the experiences and traditions of American liberal democracy. I would
    like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to each and
    every one of you for the warm hospitality offered to my family and myself.

    It's assumed that a farewell address includes words of appreciation to those
    who assisted the departing person. In my case, it was not some individuals
    but the whole community that has been very helpful, gracious and considerate
    toward the Mission of Armenia to the United Nations and to me. For that
    reason I cherish with gratitude the community's kindness, love and
    affection. Believe me when I say I'll carry those feelings with me
    throughout my life.

    Beyond the personal, I know that it is natural that a judgment be made on my
    ambassadorship. Doubtless, in the end that is for the President of Armenia
    and the government to make. However, the Armenian community of New York was
    not a passive observer of my activities; instead, you were a reliable
    partner. Therefore it is my duty to sum up briefly the role that the UN
    plays for Armenia and Armenia's contribution to the activities of the
    organization during my tenure.

    Conflict between vs. within states

    It has been an honor to serve and represent my country in the United
    Nations-an organization that was set up almost 65 years ago with the main
    objective of maintaining international peace and security. It's called to
    regulate inter-state relations, including conflict situations between
    states. Although today the UN is not the defining organization it was at the
    time of its inception, it is still a fundamental part of the current
    international order. During six decades of the dramatic geo-political and
    socio-economic transformations that humankind has been witnessing, the
    interpretation and implementation of the founding principles of
    international law still causes stormy debates. And that is understandable:
    from the total number of wars which have erupted on the planet after 1945,
    only one-third were fought between states; the rest, fully two-thirds, were
    or are going on within individual states.

    The UN Charter has not been designed to address this type of problem and
    therefore the way it deals with situations of internal ethnic conflict
    sometimes does not meet our expectations. Cynical foreign affairs experts
    claim that the notion of international law was conceived for the weak.
    Although one can dispute this extreme interpretation, recent developments in
    Iraq, Kosovo, and other parts of the world have demonstrated that
    international law works inasmuch as it addresses the expectations and
    interests of the dominant members of the international community-those who
    possess enough military and political might to impose the provisions of
    international law according to their own readings. Historical, moral, and
    sometimes even legal arguments are not enough to justify a cause.

    Armenia has had first-hand experience with this dilemma in the context of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh problem. On the one hand, the UN Charter affirms the
    right of peoples to self-determination; on the other hand it provides for
    the principle of territorial integrity of states. Military confrontation
    with Azerbaijan, when our neighboring state unleashed the war against the
    people of Artsakh, had made the peaceful resolution of this dilemma
    impossible in 1991. Karabakh won on the battlefields, and we now have to
    secure our military victory on diplomatic fields as well. It turns out that
    the former is easier than the latter. War, ceasefire, fragile peace-those
    are not abstract ideas for Armenia, but real categories that the people of
    Artsakh and Armenia face in their daily lives.

    These realities predetermine our priorities at the UN, and define the way we
    do our work in the organization. We effectively have withstood Azerbaijan in
    their attempts to mislead the international community on the dispute over
    Nagorno-Karabakh and the ongoing peace talks. We did our utmost to undermine
    the political value and noise surrounding the non-binding resolution pushed
    through the General Assembly of the United Nations by the delegation of
    Azerbaijan, supported by some member states of the Organization of Islamic
    Conference. The results of the General Assembly vote demonstrate that the
    vast majority of member states do not support Azerbaijan's groundless claims
    and unrealistic expectations.

    The lesson of Armenian history

    However, by no means, can we be complacent or let down our guard. New and
    dramatic developments are taking place in world affairs. We are living in a
    period of tension between nations-of geo-political rivalry and competition
    for scarce resources, which may cause social, political and economic
    stresses and strains within nations. It seems that the ongoing
    transformations are likely to endure for the foreseeable future, and might
    have repercussions in our region. Not for the first time, we may even be
    tempted to question some of the time-honored principles and commitments
    which have been proven during the difficult times of past generations.
    However, as we have managed to come out of many ordeals and trials, I'm
    confident that once again together we'll overcome the new challenges with
    dignity, and face our destiny hardened by our trials.

    We are given much, but the expectations are also high. We are responsible
    both to the memory of our forefathers and to future generations, and we
    cannot evade either of them.

    During our dramatic but rewarding journey through history, we Armenians have
    learned one main lesson: We ourselves are the only guarantor of a decent
    future for Armenia. To this end we are building a state with a competitive
    economy, a society based on democratic stability and respect for human
    rights, which is actively and constructively engaged in world affairs. That
    is the solution, and that is the foundation for our future.

    Diaspora's vision and dedication

    Having said that Nagorno-Karabakh was a priority for our delegation does not
    mean that we were busy only with this issue. The Armenian delegation made
    its contribution to deliberations on various issues the UN is dealing with
    today. During the last six years, the Armenian delegation was elected to
    various specialized bodies of the UN, some of them for the first time since
    its membership. Recently I was elected chairman of the UN's Commission on
    the Status of Women-but regrettably I will not be able to complete my
    responsibilities on that interesting and exceptional body.

    During these years I was blessed with the cooperation of many diaspora
    organizations and individuals, who not only supported us but also initiated
    interesting and valuable projects. I recall with great satisfaction an event
    on Comparative Genocide studies, organized in the United Nations together
    with the Mission of Rwanda and sponsored by the AGBU, with the participation
    of Professor Vahakn Dadrian.

    The Mission established a fruitful collaboration with the representatives of
    American Armenian Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) accredited to the
    UN. Our regular meetings at the Mission were very useful and instructive
    both for Armenian diplomats and NGOs. All our projects were carried out
    together for the benefit of Armenia and the Armenian community in the United
    States. I want to express my appreciation for this cooperation, and I wish
    them every success in their future activities.

    Many of you have assisted me personally in every way, in large and small
    undertakings, whenever I asked-and on some occasions even without my

    I express my deepest appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Kevork and Sirvart
    Hovnanian, for their patronage of the Mission, and in particular for their
    assistance in renovating the building of the Mission, which they so
    thoughtfully and farsightedly donated to the people and the government of

    We are as grateful for the large gifts as for the seemingly small ones. I'm
    thankful to Mr. Araz, who since 1994 has subscribed to Foreign Affairs
    magazine for the Mission of Armenia. Each such thought and action is deeply
    appreciated. On behalf of Armenian diplomats serving in the U.S., I want to
    express our sincere appreciation to the Armenian Missionary Association of
    America, its members and sponsors for the invaluable support they offer to
    our staff.

    I want to express my deepest appreciation and acknowledgement to Mr. Aso
    Tavitian, whose generosity and vision has made possible a superb graduate
    level education for more than 100 Armenian civil servants, including myself,
    in top U.S. educational institutions, such as Harvard, Tufts, and Columbia
    universities. I have proudly related to many of my colleagues in the UN the
    story and the accomplishments of Mr. Tavitian. In their eyes, such
    philanthropy is a demonstration of the successful diaspora's vision, wisdom,
    and dedication to Armenia and its people.

    Strengthened Armenian identity

    My conversations with the outstanding Armenian American scholar Dr. Vartan
    Gregorian, the president of Carnegie Corporation, sustained me on various
    contemporary issues. I thank you Dr. Gregorian.

    I want to thank the FAR board members, its executive director Garnik
    Nanagulian, and his staff for fruitful cooperation. I would gladly continue
    my collaboration with this organization, which demonstrates in an exemplary
    way the successful institutionalization of the diaspora's vision,
    generosity, and dedication to Armenia.

    I want to thank the clergy and the choir of St. Vartan Cathedral, and
    Maestro Khoren Mekanejian personally, for the gorgeous badaraks which I have
    enjoyed for the last six years. I want to thank Digin Jaqueline Dechkounian
    for her cordial smile and delicious coffee, with which she entertained me
    during my visits to Archbishop Barsamian.

    A few days ago, during a farewell reception organized by the Holy Martyrs
    Armenian Church (of Bayside, N.Y.), I expressed my reflection on one issue
    which, I later learned, was quite surprising and unexpected for my fellow
    Armenians. Today I want to reaffirm it.

    It is believed that in order to preserve the national identity, it is the
    diaspora that needs Armenia. Although that judgment is correct, it is not
    comprehensive. From my personal experience, I claim that it was the diaspora
    that enriched and strengthened my Armenian identity.

    Through my interaction with the Armenian Church and most of my compatriots
    here, I have started my spiritual journey from my communist past to our
    centuries-old Christian roots, which for my generation were torn away due to
    the realities of the once-Soviet Armenia. I've come nearer to the rich
    cultural heritage that the diaspora has been accumulating and preserving
    very carefully, far away from its historical homeland and sometimes under
    very difficult circumstances. I want to thank the clergy and ministers of
    Armenian churches for the enlightening and thought-provoking conversations
    that I enjoyed with them on many occasions.

    My special appreciation goes to the editors of all the periodicals who
    always gladly agreed to cooperate with the Mission in publication of our

    Last but not least, I want to thank my predecessors who paved my way in the
    United Nations. I want to thank my fellow Armenian diplomats, who worked
    with me and assisted me during my tenure.

    It is impossible to name all those who helped me to carry out my duties.
    Again, from the bottom of my heart, I want to express to you all the
    gratitude I feel. I give my thanks to you and to the people of Armenia, for
    the times I have succeeded, and my apologies for the times I have fallen
