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BAKU: Azerbaijanis In Georgia Say Armenians Resort To Provocation

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijanis In Georgia Say Armenians Resort To Provocation


    Today.Az itics/54469.html
    Aug 7 2009

    Azerbaijanis living in Georgia says that Armenians began provocation
    on anniversary of August events.

    "Armenians living in Kvemo Kartli state that water line of the village
    Damia is blocked. Despite the Armenian village of Damia is meant
    for 170 families, roughly 70 families live there. Authorities of the
    region got familiar with water reserves in the village and found out
    that there in a storage of 200 tons now. Nobody blocked water. It is
    Armenians' another provocation," Chairman of Geyret People's Movement
    of Georgian Azerbaijanis Alibala Asgarov said.

    Recently Armenian villages of Kvemo-Kartli region of Georgia sent an
    appeal to political and social elite of Armenia. They complained
    of anti-Armenian policy in Georgia and aggressive attitude of

    Complaints said the water line in the village Damia is blocked. They
    charged Georgian and Azerbaijani officials with this problem. Armenians
    living in Georgia, asked the Armenian authorities to keep a close
    eye on the current situation in Kvemo Kartli where Armenians live.

    Hostilities were launched in the territory of unrecognized republic of
    South Ossetia on August 8, 2008. Georgian troops entered the capital
    of South Ossetia - Tskhinvali. Afterwards, Russian troops occupied
    the city and drove Georgian military men back to Georgia. Russia
    recognized independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, official parts
    of Georgia on August 26 and established diplomatic relations with
    them on September 9.

    Asgarov said Armenian villages in Kvemo Kartli are situated in isolated
    mountaineous territory. There are no Azerbaijani settlements near them.

    "Large water storage has been built in every Armenian village with
    the help of international donor organizations. Moreover, irrigation
    system of Azerbaijani villages stretches through the Armenian villages
    which creates a problem in irrigation," chairman of the movement said.

    He explained activity of Armenians with upcoming anniversary of August
    events. "Armenians want to be at the center of the anniversary of
    the August events. They think that the Azerbaijan-Georgia unity is
    strengthened and force Armenians out the territory. It is a lie. It is
    typical Armenian illness. Provocation runs in their blood. Armenian
    provocation is a protest against the Georgia-Azerbaijan solidarity
    ", he said.

    Asgarov said that despite Georgian Azerbaijanis have serious problems
    with drinking water, they did not apply to state agencies. "Roughly 55
    of 60 villages of Marneuli region where Azerbaijanis live are short of
    drinking water. We do not apply to official agencies, because global
    warming is the cause. We do not politicize this problem", Asgarov said.

    According to unofficial reports, roughly 500,000 Azerbaijanis live
    in Georgia mainly in Kvemo Kartli (Borchali). Georgians make up 70
    percent of population. Roughly 380,000 Armenians, 350,000 Azerbaijanis,
    207,000 Russian, 150,000 Ossetians, 100,000 Abkhazians, 80,000 Greeks
    (80 thousand), as well as Kurds, Assyrians, Udine, Avars and Kistins
    live in Georgia.