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Sci-fi thriller on `Jewish support' of Azerbaijan: Part II

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  • Sci-fi thriller on `Jewish support' of Azerbaijan: Part II

    Information-Analytic Agency, Armenia
    Aug 7 2009

    Sci-fi thriller on `Jewish support' of Azerbaijan: Part II

    14:21 / 08/07/2009
    The Azerbaijani website goes on hyping the story about a
    number of NGOs that addressed an anti-Armenian message to
    U.S. President Barack Obama. The website quotes Azerbaijani
    Consul-General in Los Angeles Elin Suleimanov, which gives rise to
    suspicions concerning the mastermind behind the poorly planned shady
    information enterprise.

    Specifically, the Azerbaijani diplomat welcomed the `joint official
    message addressed to U.S. President Barack Obama by Azerbaijani,
    Turkish and Jewish Diasporan organizations.' Suleimanov's speech some
    time after the message had been addressed was a well-considered step,
    which, as Azeri experts in media techniques believe, was to confirm
    the story about the message addressed to President Obama and allegedly
    supported by `Jewish Diasporan organizations.'

    Yesterday reported that none of Jewish organizations had put
    its signature to the document. The only fact supposed to create an
    illusion about the Jews' being interested in the action is a Cultural
    Center of Caucasian Jews (CCCJ) indicated in the letter. In any case,
    the list does not contain the names of any other Jewish
    organizations. A representative of Armenia's civil sector, who is in
    close touch with South Caucasian NGOs, told NEWS am that the CCCJ is
    headquartered in Baku. It has about ten members residing in the
    Azerbaijani capital. They are either Jews or persons of mixed race
    (Azeri-Jewish mixed marriages).

    `A letter to Obama is information bluff. No Jewish organizations have
    signed it. Jews have questions to put to Obama, especially the
    community's influential organizations. Azerbaijan created this
    structure to make use of the name of Israel and issue statements on
    behalf of the Jews to achieve its own aims,' the source said.

    Suleimanov, who is enthusiastically commenting on the senseless action
    ' which is nothing but a poorly designed scheme ' must be one of the
    masterminds behind it. Moreover, in a city where Azerbaijan's
    interests are restricted to anti-Armenian propaganda, the Azeri
    diplomat is obliged to make up and keep up fictions like that.