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M. Bryza answered or answered partially`

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  • M. Bryza answered or answered partially`, Armenia
    Aug 8 2009

    M. Bryza answered or answered partially`

    When the NKR will make voting it will have to have a legal
    validity. If it will happen today we surely know what the result will
    be, but if it will happen in a few years we don't know what will
    happen. When the voting will take place is also unknown', - said OSCE
    Minsk Group American co-chair Matthew Bryza answering the question
    whether the international community will recognize the NKR
    independence in the result of this referendum.

    To the question of whether on July 17 there was a document
    signed between Sargsyan and Aliev he answered that there was no
    document signed there.

    `As a diplomat I can't tell you what the presidents are discussing
    about, it is not correct. But returning the previous question I can
    say that for the Azerbaijani side to reach an agreement over the
    voting the territorial integrity should take place and the refugees
    should be returned', - mentioned M. Bryza.

    He didn't answer the two other questions of, whether
    Mr. Bryza remembered 1998, when he every time announces that Artsakh
    was left out from the talk process by the decision of Armenia, while
    that time it was the ultimatum of Azerbaijan to leave Artsakh out, and
    where the sense of not making Artsakh a negotiating side since today

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress