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'Stork Girls,' 'Nest Neighbors' Keep Eye on Armenian Birds

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  • 'Stork Girls,' 'Nest Neighbors' Keep Eye on Armenian Birds

    Aug 9 2009

    'Stork Girls,' 'Nest Neighbors' Keep Eye on Armenian Birds

    by Jennifer Hattam, Istanbul, Turkey on 08. 9.09
    Travel & Nature

    A pair of Armenian researchers locals call the "stork girls" are
    recruiting "nest neighbors" in rural villages to help them monitor the
    country's population of the large wading birds, which have
    traditionally been a symbol of luck and success in the former Soviet

    For the past four years, ArmeniaNow reports, young scientists Lusine
    Stepanyan and Maro Kochinyan have been visiting "virtually every area
    where storks nest in Armenia [to] distribute special calendars among
    the residents living near the nests." Participating villagers, known
    as "nest neighbors," use the calendars to track when the storks return
    to the area and when they start breeding; the first days that
    nestlings appear, and then start to fly; and when the storks leave
    again, among other data.

    Tracking Environmental Change
    "We decided to study a widely spread species rather than a rare bird
    or a species on the verge of extinction. It would enable us to see how
    the changes in the environment affect the number of birds and their
    nestlings," Karen Aghababyan, senior avian researcher at American
    University of Armenia's Acopian Environmental Research Center, the
    group behind the project, told ArmeniaNow.

    Though widespread throughout Armenia, storks are threatened in some
    areas by pesticides and heavy metals in the environment, which
    accumulate throughout the food chain in the fish and small animals the
    big birds eat. Early results of the AUA surveys show that storks in
    the Ararat Valley and Vayots Gorge are hatching few or no nestlings,
    potentially indicating the illegal use of chemical pesticides.

    In general, though, storks seem to be thriving in Armenia, where the
    number of nesting pairs and nestlings has gone up over the four years
    the "neighbors" have been conducting surveys. According to Aghababyan,
    the change may be the unexpected consequence of two environmental

    Global Warming Gives Stork Populations a Boost
    Warming temperatures may have increased local insect populations, in
    turn boosting the number of frogs, which storks eat. In addition,
    Aghababyan told ArmeniaNow, "in some places, the increase in the
    number of storks may also be conditioned by the existence of poultry
    and fish farms that are surrounded by large quantities of food wastes'
    -- with some birds feeding off that waste to such a degree that they
    don't even need to migrate away in the winter.

    In addition to providing useful data, the "nest neighbors" project is
    increasing local villagers' connection with nature. Gohar Hayrapetyan,
    41, from Hovtashat village in Ararat province, told the news website
    that she enjoys watch the storks that nest on a post in her garden. `I
    draw parallels with our life," she said. "I watch them building their
    nests bringing in twigs, hatching out their young, and then the young
    ones leave. Just like people." Via: "Village 'researchers' help
    monitor storks and environment in Armenia," ArmeniaNow 8/stork-girls-nest-neighbors-keep-eye-on-armenian- birds.php