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Turkish gov't blackmailed sitting member of House of Representatives

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  • Turkish gov't blackmailed sitting member of House of Representatives

    Turkish government blackmailed sitting member of House of Representatives


    The Seminal Blog
    Saturday, August 8, 2009

    Ohio Election Commission officials and lawyers representing Ohio
    Democratic House of Representatives candidate David Krikorian and
    incumbent Ohio Republican Representative Jean Schmidt heard testimony
    Saturday morning and afternoon from former FBI Turkish and Farsi
    translator Sibel Edmonds in a case brought against Krikorian by
    incumbent Republican Representative Jean Schmidt. Schmidt alleges in
    her complaint to the commission that Krikorian made "false statements"
    in his 2008 independent race against Schmidt. The commission
    subpoenaed Edmonds in the case, Schmidt v. Krikorian and the
    deposition was held at the offices of the National Whistleblowers
    Legal Defense and Education Fund in Georgetown, Washington, DC.

    According to sources attending the deposition, Edmonds testified that
    while she was working as a translator for the FBI she was aware of
    bribes being made by the Turkish government to elected and former
    members of Congress, as well as senior officials of the executive
    branch, including the Department of State.

    The Eric Holder Justice Department attempted to block Edmonds's
    testimony and said it considered the subpoenaed testimony by the Ohio
    Election Commission to be void since it was conducted in the District
    of Columbia and not Ohio. However, no Justice Department or FBI
    representatives attended the deposition by Edmonds as had been
    previously expected. Edmonds has been blocked from revealing the
    nature of the Turkish espionage and bribery ring by a State Secret gag
    order that was imposed by Attorney General John Ashcroft. There is
    uncertainty as to whether the Holder Justice Department will block
    release of Edmonds's testimony transcript and video.

    After Edmonds was fired from her FBI job after she complained to her
    superiors about Turkish intelligence infiltration of the translation
    branch of the bureau, she was exonerated in a report by the FBI's
    Inspector General. Her allegations were also supported by senior
    members of the U.S. Senate.

    Edmonds's testimony under oath revealed that the American Turkish
    Council (ATC), which has been cited by a number of informed observers
    as a sister organization of the American Israel Public Affairs
    Committee (AIPAC), paid bribes to a number of members of the House of
    Representatives in return for opposing the Armenian genocide
    resolution as well as providing other legislative assistance to
    Turkish special interests. Other Turkish organization in the United
    States named in the bribery scandal is the Assembly of Turkish
    American Assoiactions (ATAA).

    WMR has learned that attorneys for Schmidt objected to most of
    Edmonds's statements.

    Named as recipients of Turkish government bribes are, in addition to
    Schmidt, former House Speakers Dennis Hastert (R-IL), Dick Gephardt
    (D-MO), and brief House Speaker Robert Livingston (R-LA), as well as
    Representative Dan Burton (R-IN) and former Representative Stephen
    Solarz (D-NY). Also named are Brent Scowcroft, former National
    Security Adviser under George H. W. Bush and Gerald Ford and former
    George W. Bush State Department Political Undersecretary Marc

    Edmonds's testimony also dealt with the involvement of the Rand
    Corporation with the Turkish espionage and bribery operations in the
    United States.

    Edmonds's testimony also dealt with Turkish and Israeli joint
    operations to engage in smuggling nuclear technology from the United
    States. In particular, the Turkish espionage and influence-peddling
    ring was heavily involved in the Bush White House "outing" the covert
    identities of CIA counterproliferation officer Valerie Plame Wilson
    and her Brewster Jennings & Associates non-official CIA cover
    firm. WMR has learned from another informed source that the nuclear
    smuggling operations also involved Israel PhD students at American
    universities and research firms.

    The Turkish operations also involved the U.S. corporate media, which
    was pressured by the ations not to cover the Armenian genocide issue.

    Krikorian, in a statement during a break in the deposition, said that
    based on what he heard, such criminality "should not be tolerated in
    the land of the free and home of the brave," adding that what he heard
    constitutes "high crimes against the U.S. government."

    Perhaps the most explosive part of the deposition involved the Turkish
    government being engaged in a sexual blackmail operation against a
    sitting member of the House of Representative. In what the FBI termed
    a "hooking process," an ATC female operative enticed a female member
    of the House into a lesbian sexual encounter at a Washington, DC
    townhouse.. A Turkish intelligence surveillance team had placed
    surveillance bugs throughout the townhouse, including the bedroom and
    captured the lesbian tryst on tape, according to Edmonds's
    testimony. To ensure the surveillance team successfully completed its
    technical surveillance operation, another Turkish operational team was
    present outside the townhouse to make sure the surveillance team
    carried out its task.

    After the surveillance recordings were made known to the House member,
    she changed her support for the Armenian genocide resolution and
    announced her opposition to it.

    The identity of the House member in question was not revealed during
    the deposition by Edmonds. However, WMR has learned from another
    informed source that it is Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), a
    strong supporter of AIPAC and Israel and a close political ally of
    President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel.

    The first sexual encounter between Schakowsky and the Turkish lesbian
    prostitute reportedly occurred at a vulnerable time for Schakowsky,
    just after her mother's death. The first sexual encounter was followed
    by numerous others, according to U.S. law enforcement sources.

    To her credit, Schakowsky has been a vocal opponent of private
    military contractors and the lack of government oversight of their
    activities, especially in Latin America and Iraq.

    Informed Ohio police report that Schmidt's complaint against Krikorian
    has resulted in unforeseen "blow-back" with the Edmonds testimony and
    that Schmidt is under significant pressure to drop her complaint
    against Krikorian lest more damaging information is revealed about
    members of both the Republican and Democratic parties.

    Schakowsky is a Chief Democratic Deputy Whip in the House and a member
    of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. She is
    married with grown children and was mentioned as a possible
    replacement to fill Obama's Illinois Senate seat. She has also been
    mentioned as a possible Senate candidate in 2010 to replace tainted
    Senator Roland Burris.

    The revelations about Schakowsky will not come as good news to
    Democrats in Illinois, already buffeted by scandals involving indicted
    and impeached Governor Rod Blagojevich and ethics issues involving
    Burris, Obama's replacement in the Senate. However, the Turkish
    bribery scandal is bipartisan with Hastert also implicated in bribe
    taking. ry/7055