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The Congresswoman and the Turkish Lobby sexual blackmail ring

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  • The Congresswoman and the Turkish Lobby sexual blackmail ring ugust-10-2009-special-report.html

    Sunday, August 9, 2009
    August 10, 2009 -- SPECIAL REPORT.
    "The Congresswoman and the Turkish Lobby sexual blackmail ring" - Wayne Madsen

    The following is an updated special report by Wayne Madsen, published
    here with his permission, on the deposition given by Sibel Edmonds in
    Washington D.C. yesterday (August 8, 2009). His original story follows
    this update.

    [WMR is publishing its 10 August issue a day earlier because of the
    breaking nature over the weekend of the story involving the American
    Turkish Council blackmail of Rep. Jan Schakowsky, a member of the
    House Select Committee on Intelligence].

    WMR previously reported that Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), a
    close ally of President Barack Obama and his chief of staff, former
    Representative Rahm Emanuel, who, like Schakowsky, represented a
    Chicago district, was sexually blackmailed by a lesbian prostitute who
    worked for the American Turkish Council (ATC).

    The ATC and its affiliated Turkish government lobbying organizations
    were cited by former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds in her deposition in
    an Ohio Election Commission complaint filed by Representative Jean
    Schmidt (R-OH) against her 2008 opponent, David Krikorian, over
    statements by Krikorian that Schmidt received financial support from
    the Turkish lobby in the United States. Edmonds was subpoenaed for a
    deposition in the case in support of Krikorian's allegations that the
    Turkish Lobby has wielded tremendous influence over U.S. policymakers
    like Schmidt in Congress. After raising objections to Edmonds's
    testimony, pursuant to a state secret gag order imposed by
    then-Attorney General John Ashcroft, neither the Justice Department
    nor the FBI moved to block Edmonds's statements at her deposition on
    August 8 in Washington, DC.

    WMR has received additional confirmation from a high-level
    Congressional source that Schakowsky regularly engaged in a lesbian
    sexual tryst at a Washington DC townhouse with a female employee of
    the ATC. WMR previously reported that law enforcement sources told us
    that the tryst location was bugged by a Turkish surveillance team that
    recorded the encounters. The recordings were later used to blackmail
    Schakowsky into backing away from supporting Armenian genocide
    resolution initiatives in the House. The surveillance operation was so
    complex, a second surveillance team monitored the primary team to
    ensure the bugging devices were properly installed before what the FBI
    called the "hooking process" commenced.

    WMR has obtained from a law enforcement source the first name of the
    ATC employee but we are withholding it from release to protect the
    privacy of someone who may have been forced into the prostitution
    situation by Turkish intelligence officers.

    WMR has been informed that another Democratic member of the House was
    contacted in 2006 by a controversial web journalist who ostensibly
    represents the "progressive" community and who is a competitor of
    WMR. The journalist inquired as to whether the member had heard
    anything about Schakowsky having a lesbian affair with a possible
    foreign intelligence operative. The member replied no but would ask
    Schakowsky in private about it during their next meeting. The member
    met with Schakowsky in the Chicago Democrat's House office and stated:
    "Jan, you know sometimes that in our position we are often put into
    the position of doing things that we normally would not do."

    Upon hearing that, Schakowsky appeared to understand what was being
    intimated and she threw her head back and became very
    upset. Schakowsky then replied that she did not care about the
    situation because she was "getting in good with the leadership." At
    the time, Dennis Hastert, who was also alleged to have received bribes
    from the Turkish Lobby, was Speaker of the House.

    The latest information received by WMR appears to indicate that
    Hastert was well aware of the sexual blackmail by Turkish intelligence
    agents being used against Schakowsky and that he approved of it.

    The House member who was contacted by the journalist later told the
    journalist that Schakowsky had been contacted and that "she seemed to
    understand the issue and was quite upset about it," adding she "tried
    to get in with the leadership." The journalist, who is supportive of
    Israeli policies, never revealed Schakowsky's name but appeared to be
    involved in a fishing expedition to see what other members of the
    House knew about Schakowsky's situation at the time.

    The member was appalled at Schakowsky's explanation because the member
    considered her to be a "soul mate" on issues ranging from opposition
    to the Iraq war -- Schakowsky had opposed the Iraq War Resolution --
    to private military contractors and U.S. Israeli policy. Schakowsky
    was a founding member of the Out-of-Iraq Caucus.

    The member stated that after the encounter over the "lesbian" issue,
    "went quiet" on all her signature issues, including her vocal
    opposition to the role of private military contractors, adding that
    she became very hawkish in support of Israel.

    The member felt that Schakowsky was "set up" by the Turkish Lobby,
    working in concert with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee
    (AIPAC), to "control her." The member also said that Schakowsky
    noticeably "backed off" many issues, including the role of private
    military companies.

    In January 2007, after the Democrats captured the House, Speaker Nancy
    Pelosi appointed Schakowsky to be a member of the House Select
    Committee on Intelligence. Currently, Schakowsky is chair of the House
    Select Committee on Intelligence's Subcommittee on Oversight and
    Investigations -- which puts her in a conflict-of-interest in
    investigating Turkish and related Israeli intelligence penetration of
    the FBI and State Department, as stated under oath by Edmonds, and the
    paying of bribes by Turkish government interests to current and former
    members of Congress.

    WMR has also learned from congressional sources that Illinois Governor
    Rod Blagojevich was aware of Schakowsky's "problems" and that he
    resisted pressure from Obama and Emanuel to appoint Schakowsky to
    Obama's vacant Senate seat. When Blagojevich signaled he was going to
    appoint someone other than Schakowsky to the seat, the joint Israeli
    and Turkish lobbies, in addition to Emanuel, arranged for
    U.S. Attorney for Northern Illinois Patrick Fitzgerald to receive a
    green light to arrest Blagojevich even before any federal corruption
    indictments were handed down by a grand jury. Blagojevich was later
    impeached by the Illinois House and removed from office by the state
    senate. An indictment on multiple counts was later handed down by a
    federal grand jury.

    WMR has previously reported that Fitzgerald dragged his feet on the
    investigation of the leak by the Bush White House of the covert
    identities of CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson and her Brewster
    Jennings & Associates cover firm. Fitzgerald, WMR is told, was trying
    to limit damaging exposure to the nuclear smuggling operation that
    involved the Turkish and Israeli Lobbies and Turkish MIT and Israeli
    Mossad intelligence operations. Mrs. Wilson and her team were
    apparently narrowing in on the Turks and Israelis in nuclear smuggling
    around the world. The key U.S. government players in outing Brewster
    Jennings were named by Edmonds in her deposition.

    August 10, 2009 -- SPECIAL REPORT. The Congresswoman and the Turkish
    Lobby sexual blackmail ring - Wayne Madsen Report (9 August 2009) 0090809

    Original Story Published on WMR on 08/09/09:

    August 8-9, 2009 -- BREAKING NEWS. SPECIAL REPORT. Turkish government
    blackmailed sitting member of House of Representatives

    Ohio Election Commission officials and lawyers representing Ohio
    Democratic House of Representatives candidate David Krikorian and
    incumbent Ohio Republican Representative Jean Schmidt heard testimony
    Saturday morning and afternoon from former FBI Turkish and Farsi
    translator Sibel Edmonds in a case brought against Krikorian by
    incumbent Republican Representative Jean Schmidt. Schmidt alleges in
    her complaint to the commission that Krikorian made "false statements"
    in his 2008 independent race against Schmidt. The commission
    subpoenaed Edmonds in the case, Schmidt v. Krikorian and the
    deposition was held at the offices of the National Whistleblowers
    Legal Defense and Education Fund in Georgetown, Washington, DC.

    According to sources attending the deposition, Edmonds testified that
    while she was working as a translator for the FBI she was aware of
    bribes being made by the Turkish government to elected and former
    members of Congress, as well as senior officials of the executive
    branch, including the Department of State.

    The Eric Holder Justice Department attempted to block Edmonds's
    testimony and said it considered the subpoenaed testimony by the Ohio
    Election Commission to be void since it was conducted in the District
    of Columbia and not Ohio. However, no Justice Department or FBI
    representatives attended the deposition by Edmonds as had been
    previously expected. Edmonds has been blocked from revealing the
    nature of the Turkish espionage and bribery ring by a State Secret gag
    order that was imposed by Attorney General John Ashcroft. There is
    uncertainty as to whether the Holder Justice Department will block
    release of Edmonds's testimony transcript and video.

    After Edmonds was fired from her FBI job after she complained to her
    superiors about Turkish intelligence infiltration of the translation
    branch of the bureau, she was exonerated in a report by the FBI's
    Inspector General. Her allegations were also supported by senior
    members of the U.S. Senate.

    Edmonds's testimony under oath revealed that the American Turkish
    Council (ATC), which has been cited by a number of informed observers
    as a sister organization of the American Israel Public Affairs
    Committee (AIPAC), paid bribes to a number of members of the House of
    Representatives in return for opposing the Armenian genocide
    resolution as well as providing other legislative assistance to
    Turkish special interests. Other Turkish organization in the United
    States named in the bribery scandal is the Assembly of Turkish
    American Assoiactions (ATAA).

    WMR has learned that attorneys for Schmidt objected to most of
    Edmonds's statements.

    Named as recipients of Turkish government bribes are, in addition to
    Schmidt, former House Speakers Dennis Hastert (R-IL), Dick Gephardt
    (D-MO), and brief House Speaker Robert Livingston (R-LA), as well as
    Representative Dan Burton (R-IN) and former Representative Stephen
    Solarz (D-NY). Also named are Brent Scowcroft, former National
    Security Adviser under George H. W. Bush and Gerald Ford and former
    George W. Bush State Department Political Undersecretary Marc

    Edmonds's testimony also dealt with the involvement of the Rand
    Corporation with the Turkish espionage and bribery operations in the
    United States. Edmonds's testimony also dealt with Turkish and Israeli
    joint operations to engage in smuggling nuclear technology from the
    United States. In particular, the Turkish espionage and
    influence-peddling ring was heavily involved in the Bush White House
    "outing" the covert identities of CIA counterproliferation officer
    Valerie Plame Wilson and her Brewster Jennings & Associates
    non-official CIA cover firm. WMR has learned from another informed
    source that the nuclear smuggling operations also involved Israel PhD
    students at American universities and research firms.

    The Turkish operations also involved the U.S. corporate media, which
    was pressured by the Turkish organizations not to cover the Armenian
    genocide issue.

    Krikorian, in a statement during a break in the deposition, said that
    based on what he heard, such criminality "should not be tolerated in
    the land of the free and home of the brave," adding that what he heard
    constitutes "high crimes against the U.S. government."

    Perhaps the most explosive part of the deposition involved the Turkish
    government being engaged in a sexual blackmail operation against a
    sitting member of the House of Representative. In what the FBI termed
    a "hooking process," an ATC female operative enticed a female member
    of the House into a lesbian sexual encounter at a Washington, DC
    townhouse. A Turkish intelligence surveillance team had placed
    surveillance bugs throughout the townhouse, including the bedroom and
    captured the lesbian tryst on tape, according to Edmonds's
    testimony. To ensure the surveillance team successfully completed its
    technical surveillance operation, another Turkish operational team was
    present outside the townhouse to make sure the surveillance team
    carried out its task.

    After the surveillance recordings were made known to the House member,
    she changed her support for the Armenian genocide resolution and
    announced her opposition to it.

    The identity of the House member in question was not revealed during
    the deposition by Edmonds. However, WMR has learned from another
    informed source that it is Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), a
    strong supporter of AIPAC and Israel and a close political ally of
    President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel.

    The first sexual encounter between Schakowsky and the Turkish lesbian
    prostitute reportedly occurred at a vulnerable time for Schakowsky,
    just after her mother's death. The first sexual encounter was followed
    by numerous others, according to U.S. law enforcement sources.

    To her credit, Schakowsky has been a vocal opponent of private
    military contractors and the lack of government oversight of their
    activities, especially in Latin American and Iraq.

    Informed Ohio political sources report that Schmidt's complaint
    against Krikorian has resulted in unforeseen "blow-back" with the
    Edmonds testimony and that Schmidt is under significant pressure to
    drop her complaint against Krikorian lest more damaging information is
    revealed about members of both the Republican and Democratic parties.

    Schakowsky is a Chief Democratic Deputy Whip in the House and a member
    of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. She is
    married with grown children and was mentioned as a possible
    replacement to fill Obama's Illinois Senate seat. She has also been
    mentioned as a possible Senate candidate in 2010 to replace tainted
    Senator Roland Burris.

    The revelations about Schakowsky will not come as good news to
    Democrats in Illinois, already buffeted by scandals involving indicted
    and impeached Governor Rod Blagojevich and ethics issues involving
    Burris, Obama's replacement in the Senate. However, the Turkish
    bribery scandal is bipartisan with Hastert also implicated in bribe
    August 8-9, 2009 -- BREAKING NEWS. SPECIAL REPORT. Turkish government
    blackmailed sitting member of House of Representatives - Wayne Madsen
    Report (9 August 2009) 0090808_1

    Posted by Bailey Wu Xiang