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Progress In Turkish-Azeri Talks On Gas Prices And Transit

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  • Progress In Turkish-Azeri Talks On Gas Prices And Transit

    Saban Kardas

    Jamestown Foundation
    Aug 10, 2009

    Turkey's Secretary of State for Energy Taner Yildiz (L) and
    Azerbaijan's State Petrol Company SOCAR's president, Rovnag Abdullayev,
    give a press conference on Nabucco's gas supplies project in Istanbul
    on July 10, 2009.

    Following the signing of energy cooperation agreements between
    Turkey and Russia, Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz continued his
    "energy diplomacy," by visiting Azerbaijan. Prior to departing for
    the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the Azerbaijani enclave between
    Turkey and Armenia, on August 8 Yildiz stressed that his trip followed
    the agreements Turkey recently signed on both the Nabucco project
    and South Stream. He also added that as part of intensive energy
    diplomacy, he will travel to Syria this week to sign an agreement
    for the construction of a pipeline that will connect the Arab gas
    pipeline with the Turkish grid (Anadolu Ajansi, August 8).

    In Nakhchivan, Yildiz met with the President of Nakhchivan
    Vasif Talibov and the head of the Azerbaijani oil company SOCAR,
    Rovnag Abdullayev. Turkey and Nakhchivan signed a memorandum of
    understanding on laying a pipeline from the East Anatolian city of
    Igdir to Nakhchivan, which will carry half a billion cubic meters
    (bcm) of Azeri gas annually to Nakhchivan (Cihan, August 8).

    Another major part of Yildiz's agenda were talks between Turkey and
    Azerbaijan concerning the gas trade and transportation. Although the
    negotiations have been under way for some time, Ankara and Baku have
    been unable to reach an agreement on three inter-related issues:
    re-pricing the gas Turkey imports from Azerbaijan's Shah Deniz I
    reserves, setting the price and volume for Turkey's imports from the
    Shah Deniz II, and developing a regime for the transit of the gas
    through the Turkish territory (, August 8).

    These issues have implications beyond bilateral relations between
    Ankara and Baku. In the context of the discussions concerning the
    construction of alternative pipelines carrying Caspian basin gas
    to European markets, there is growing interest in tapping into
    Azerbaijan's resources, particularly the Shah Deniz II field,
    which is expected to be operational by 2016. Whereas the European
    companies are interested in purchasing Azeri gas to feed Nabucco,
    Russia has been trying to lock in the same resources through a
    long-term contract to supply its alternative South Stream project
    and to pre-empt Nabucco. Baku is looking to secure the best deal from
    this competition, and diversify its export routes as much as possible,
    which led it to export a symbolic volume of gas to Russia through a
    non-binding agreement in June, which seems to have paid some tactical
    dividends (EDM, July 17).

    Azerbaijan's decision is considered as a "flexible tactical move"
    on Baku's part (EDM, July 2). The agreement demonstrated to Ankara
    and its Nabucco partners that Azerbaijan was not short of options
    for the sale and transport of its gas. Indeed, the urgency induced by
    the agreement served as a wake-up call for Turkey and other European
    countries, which helped convince Ankara to end its stalling and open
    the way to sign the Nabucco inter-governmental agreement (EDM, July 6).

    Nonetheless, a second tactical goal of the Azeri-Russian agreement
    has yet to bear concrete results: "the $350 price offer [which Russia
    will pay for the Azeri gas] has set a benchmark that other importers
    of Azerbaijani gas may have to bid against" (EDM, July 2). Indeed,
    Baku's sudden move surprised many in Ankara at the time, leading to
    speculation that Turkey might have to pay higher prices. Nonetheless,
    when asked about the impact of the Azeri-Russian deal on the
    Turkish-Azeri talks on re-pricing, Yildiz preferred to decouple the
    two processes from each other. "How much does the [Azeri-Russian
    agreement] affect the price? This question should be directed to
    Abdullayev. We had submitted our offer before the agreement with
    Russia, and we are still at the same position. Because, [we believe]
    our price offer takes into account both sides' interests, and ensures
    that the project remains feasible" (, July 10).

    Ankara claimed that it offered a "fair" price to Baku, and it expected
    this to be accepted (EDM, June 4). Apparently Turkey proved unable to
    satisfy the expectations of the Azeri side, and Yildiz and Abdullayev
    have held several meetings to discuss this issue. Ankara's reluctance
    to revise the price for Azeri gas raises suspicions that, using its
    geographic position as leverage, Ankara is resorting to "tactics of
    extortion" to maximize its benefits at Azerbaijan's expense, which
    might eventually undermine the prospects for Nabucco (EDM, July 2).

    Nonetheless, Azerbaijan's ongoing talks with Turkey demonstrate
    its willingness to export its gas to European markets independent
    of Russian-controlled pipelines and its treatment of Nabucco as an
    overriding national interest. However, the conditions that Ankara will
    attach to the use of its territory for exports, including transit fees
    and re-export rights, are a major factor influencing Baku's decision,
    which raises a larger question about the Turkish government's position
    on pipeline diplomacy.

    After signing agreements on both Nabucco and South Stream,
    Ankara maintains that the two projects are not necessarily
    exclusive. Moreover, in response to charges that Turkey's agreement
    with Russia, which granted South Stream the right to conduct seismic
    feasibility studies in the Turkish zone of the Black Sea, was a
    serious blow to Nabucco, Turkish officials maintain that "Turkey is
    not a partner in the South Stream project and only allowed the use
    of its territorial waters in the Black Sea, while the country is a
    partner state in Nabucco." They also added that Turkey still considers
    Nabucco as a strategic priority (Hurriyet Daily News, August 7).

    If Turkey indeed treats Nabucco as a priority project, one area where
    it could tilt the balance in favor of Nabucco is to facilitate the
    westward flow of Azeri gas. In this way, it could cement its ties to
    Baku and reassure its Western partners of its commitment to Nabucco. No
    agreement was signed during Yildiz's meeting, but the statements by
    Azeri officials signaled a promising future. Abdullayev said that,
    "we came close to concluding Turkey-Azerbaijan gas agreements. We can
    soon finalize the issue of transit prices. Gas from Shah Deniz will
    also come to Turkey, and will flow to Europe through Turkey. This
    will support the two sister nations" (, August 8).

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress