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FBI Insider Links Turkish Lobby To Bribery And Blackmail

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  • FBI Insider Links Turkish Lobby To Bribery And Blackmail

    By Paul Chaderjian /10/fbi-insider-links-turkish-lobby-to-bribery-and -blackmail/
    August 10, 2009

    Sibel Edmonds talks under oath about Turks buying votes against
    Genocide Resolution

    WASHINGTON-Less than 72 hours ago, former FBI translator Sibel
    Edmonds testified under oath about shocking details connecting
    the Turkish government to an intricate network of individuals
    and organization that bribed, persuaded, and-at least in one
    case-blackmailed U.S. lawmakers and corrupted American government
    officials. Corruption. Espionage. Bribery. All to ensure that the
    U.S. does not recognize the Armenian Genocide ever again.

    For years, the Turkish government and its representatives here in
    the United States have stopped at nothing to fight the recognition
    of the Armenian Genocide. This far-reaching campaign of denial and
    cover-up stretches from well-funded efforts to block education about
    the Armenian Genocide to ensuring that American media does not address
    or acknowledge the genocide as a historic fact.

    The Turkish government and Turkish lobby have for years pressured the
    local, state, and federal governments and American and global media
    to rewrite American, Ottoman, Turkish, and world histories so that
    they exclude the Armenian Genocide.

    But only now are we beginning to understand exactly how far the
    government of Turkey, and its agents and proxies, are willing to go
    to undermine the Armenian case.

    Sibel Edmonds

    The FBI hired linguist Sibel Edmonds as a translator after
    9-11. But she was fired less than a year later after reporting
    the illegal activities of Turkish citizens being covered up by her
    bosses. Edmonds has been bravely battling the legal system for years
    for the opportunity to tell her story. On Sat., Aug. 8, Edmonds was
    able to speak freely thanks to David Krikorian, an Armenian American
    who is running for a Congressional seat in Ohio.

    "Ms. Edmonds is a very credible witness," said Krikorian, "and she
    has direct information pertaining to how when she was a member of the
    Department of Justice, of the FBI, where she uncovered relationships
    between the government of Turkey and U.S. officials, where the
    government of Turkey was pushing its agenda on U.S. officials and
    doing so, perhaps, and we'll find out today, in what people many
    people believe to be an illegal way."

    David Krikorian is the Democratic candidate in the 2010 elections for
    Ohio's 2nd Congressional district. The seat is now held by Republican
    Jean Schmidt, who was the largest recipient of money from the Turkish
    lobby in the 2008 elections. Schmidt also fought the Armenian Genocide

    When her challenger, David Krikorian, pointed out that she
    was receiving blood money from Turks for helping deny the
    Armenian Genocide, Schmidt complained to the Ohio Elections
    Commission. Representing Schmidt and the Turkish American Defense
    Fund at the deposition on Aug. 8 was none other than the attorney
    and longtime voice of the Turkish lobby, Bruce Fein.

    Bruce Fein

    Krikorian says the Turkish lobby's interest in what Sibel Edmonds would
    say is because this FBI whistle blower is linking bribes accepted by
    lawmakers to the Turkish campaign of denial.

    "I think they're concerned because this exposes their campaign of
    denial regarding the Armenian Genocide," said Krikorian, "and how
    they've been able to buy off certain members of the U.S. Congress in
    support of the Turkish government's position on this issue. So they
    have an interest."

    Bruce Fein claims Edmond's testimony on Aug. 8 has no relevance in
    congresswoman Schmidt's case against David Krikorian.

    We asked Bruce Fein about Krikorian's first amendment rights of
    freedom of speech and the right to talk openly about his opponent's
    opposition to the Armenian Genocide Resolution.

    "We totally support his right to state anything he wants about the
    Armenian Genocide," said Fein. "What you're not entitled to do under
    the first amendment as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court, who we
    think is the authoritative interpreter, is knowing state lies, and
    what we have alleged, and what we have to prove, and we understand
    and accept it, is that Mr. Krikorian knowingly and intentionally told
    lies about Jean Schmidt including she received money from the Turkish
    government, and we fully expect we will discharge that burden and
    we agree that we ought to be able to. We must be shouldered with
    that burden in order to protect free speech. We don't want close
    anybody's mouth when it comes to arguing one way or another about
    the Armenian Genocide."

    Fein and the Turkish Defense Fund are indeed trying to stop Krikorian
    from speaking the truth. Congresswoman Schmidt did receive huge sums
    of contributions from the Turkish lobby. Sibel Edmonds says that same
    lobby bribed public officials to enforce the Turkish agenda in the
    United States.

    Gag Orders

    The government has tried to gag Edmonds and has sent threatening
    letters to stop this type of talk about corruption inside the FBI,
    the State Department, the Department of Justice, and in the halls
    of Congress.

    "I am able to talk about the kind of information they used to
    retaliate against whistle blowers, to gag people, to issue states
    secrets privilege, or to use the excuse of classification," said
    Edmonds. "Nothing that has to do with national security but to
    cover up criminal activities, embarrassing information, and today
    that is happening, and this is the biggest significance. It's very
    significant. I believe, Mr. Krikorian is very brave and courageous
    person, to push this and bring it to this point. He's actually serving
    the interest of the United States citizens and not only in Cincinnati,
    Ohio, but everyone here in this country. So, we should be all thankful
    to him for providing us with this opportunity."

    During the deposition on Aug. 8, Edmonds talked in detail about
    scandalous bribes accepted by then-Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert
    and former lawmakers Dick Gephardt and Stephen Solarz. She also
    spoke about the blackmailing of another un-named member of Congress-a
    married woman with children, who was lured into a homosexual affair
    by a female prostitute sent by the Turkish lobby. This Congresswoman
    was then blackmailed to abandon her support for the Armenian Genocide

    "It's the Turkish government," said Edmonds, "but also other entities
    and layers of these operations and some of these covert operations
    and the way they are done is completely illegal. I was able to discuss
    those in detail, and that information within the next couple of hours I
    hope will be available to the public, and the public will get a chance
    to decide for themselves and see what the government does to gag and
    quash necessary information like this and stamp it as classified. I
    think this may end up inflicting the best and the worst damage to
    arbitrarily, criminally done classifications and let's hope that
    it does."

    Vanity Fair

    Sibel Edmonds says the allegations she made in an August 2005
    Vanity Fair article were confirmed by the several FBI agents and
    Department of Justice officials. The piece by Vanity Fair reporter
    David Rose said that then-Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert was
    the recipient of various bribes. Edmonds says it is amazing Hastert
    nor his attorneys reacted to the article. Hastert did not issue a
    denial to the allegations, but he resigned a year later. Now he is
    part of the Turkish government orchestrated network that Vanity Fair
    says paid him the big bribes when he was the most powerful member of
    the House of Representatives. The most recent Federal filings show
    that Hastert, one of several registered foreign agents for Turkey,
    now receives $35,000 a month to push the Turkish government's agenda
    on Capitol Hill.

    How deep do these corrupt Turkish operations go? Vanity Fair reported
    that the FBI began investigating Turkish citizens living in the
    U.S. in the late 90s, and they found evidence of attempts to bribe
    U.S. officials.

    However, as Sibel Edmonds says, the government has used the phrase
    "state secrets" and security reasons to hold this information back
    from the public and media.

    The Ohio Election Commission's Probable Cause hearing is scheduled
    for Aug. 13, and the final hearing in the case against David Krikorian
    where all the evidence will be heard is scheduled on Sept. 3.


    Q&A with Bruce Fein

    Q: Is this part of the series of cases you're opening up, whether
    it's in Massachusetts or suing the Southern Poverty Law Center,
    to try to quash speech with regard to the Armenian Genocide?

    BF: No, what we are trying to do is promote freedom of speech because
    what's been done is that other organizations have accused various
    members who dispute their version of history of criminal activity of
    compromising scholarly integrity. It is they who are trying to suppress
    freedom of speech by intimidating, harassing, and calling criminal
    those individuals who happen to dispute their version of history.

    Q: Would you then also support Holocaust denial entrance into the
    Massachusetts school system or pushing other publications like the
    Southern Poverty Center's publication to talk about denial, as well?

    BF: What the Southern Poverty Law Center alleged is that various
    academics are receiving money from the government of Turkey to
    compromise their scholarship and we will not accept accusations that
    are knowingly false of that sort, period.