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JAVAKHQ: Historical Outline (Part II)

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  • JAVAKHQ: Historical Outline (Part II)

    JAVAKHQ: HISTORICAL OUTLINE (PART II) akhq-historical-outline-part-ii/
    August 9, 2009

    Part II: The Tragic Page of Javakhq's History (1918-21)

    As early as before World War I, the administrative division of
    Trans-Caucasia became a subject of serious discussion among many
    national and political circles-a matter of great importance to
    Armenian, Georgian, and Tatar (Azerbaijani) activists who explained
    the Czarist-implemented divisions by the failure of the latter's
    consideration of national territorial factors. These studies were
    restarted after the February 1917 revolution. In the summer of 1917,
    the Georgian Mensheviks believed that the territorial division of
    Trans-Caucasia should be based on principles of ethnicity; that
    is, wherever a given ethnic group outnumbered the others, that
    area should be ceded to the administrative district assigned to
    that particular ethnic group. As such, plebiscites were considered
    necessary in matters of territorial disputes. This democratic stance
    was acceptable to other Georgian political parties as well. And
    the even-handed approach was approved by all Armenian political
    entities. In the event of implementation, this principle would make
    the attachment of the mostly Armenian-populated areas of the Tbilisi
    Province-Borchalu (including Lori), the districts of Akhalqalaq, and
    the southwestern area of Elizavetpol (Karabagh and Zangezur)-to the
    Erivan Province inevitable. Added to the former Erivan Province, these
    territories would constitute 54,000 sq. kilometers with a population
    of 1,970,000-of which the Armenians would number 1,169,000; Muslims
    546,000; Georgians 7,000, etc.

    >From the spring of 1917, in Petrograd, a special commission for
    the administrative redistribution of Trans-Caucasia started its
    deliberations, presided by jurist Zurab Avalov. That commission passed
    a resolution to make Borchalu (four fifths of the land constituting
    Lori), as well as the Akhalqalaq District (then part of the Tbilisi
    Province) part of the proposed Alexandropol Province. Parallel to
    this, other deliberations were taking place with the participation
    of Alexander Khatisian and Avetis Shahkhatunian. Later, the latter
    published a work substantiating the advantages of a demographic
    approach to the administrative apportionment of Trans-Caucasia.

    In September/October 1917, Georgian political figures, particularly
    the national democrats, stood in opposition to the separation of
    the Borchalu and Akhalqalaq regions from the Tbilisi Province. In
    essence, they identified the concept of the "Tbilisi Province" with
    that of Georgian national statehood. Thus, in the results of the 1917
    revisions, the question of administrative divisions turned into a
    basic issue of national territorial boundaries.

    In the post-October period of 1917, parallel to the Georgian political
    inclination to come out of the Russian orbit, the ethnicity approach
    was gradually forgotten. In the matter of Lori and Akhalqalaq, the
    unyielding Georgian intransigence prevailed.

    In early 1918, the Armenians of Akhalqalaq attempted to resolve this
    problem on their own. On Jan. 21, the Regional Executive Committee
    of Akhalqalaq passed a resolution to administratively unite with the
    Province of Alexandropol. This step was an original way to express
    their desire to become part of Armenia.

    Towards the end of 1917 and the beginning of 1918, encouraged
    by the retreat of Russian forces from Trans-Caucasia, the Turkish
    military command began activating plans for an invasion. With Turkish
    instigation and support, the Meskhetians (Muslims of Akhaltskha
    and Akhalqalaq) staged an attack on the city of Akhaltskha, whose
    Armenian and Georgian population showed a heroic resistance under
    the leadership of the city's young and energetic mayor, Zori Zoryan.

    At the close of 1917, the National Council of Akhalqalaq was formed,
    headed by the mayor, Mkrtich Margarian. The Council appointed a
    temporary committee in charge of the defense of the province that
    exerted some effort in containing the excesses committed by the
    activist elements of the Meskhetians. In both the Akhalqalaq and
    Akhaltskha provinces, Armenians and Georgians acted in concert,
    providing stirring examples of military cooperation. In the
    south-western sector of Akhalqalaq Province, the Georgians of the
    Gumburdo, Kartzakh, and Sulda villages joined the Armenians in the
    fight against the Turks of the Hokam, Khavet, and Erinja villages.

    However, in March/April 1918, after the attack of Vehib Pasha's forces
    and particularly following the fall of the Kars Province, the situation
    of Akhalqalaq became critical. The Akhalqalaq authorities managed to
    save 1,500 Armenians of the regions of Ardahan and Olti-mostly women
    and children-by exchanging them for the Turkish villagers of Kokia,
    Toq, and other places.

    The Armenian Council of Tbilisi tried to provide military assistance to
    Akhalqalaq. Colonel Arakelov was dispatched to the province, where the
    work of organizing a separate company of the Armenian Corps was begun.

    Unfortunately, unlike in Akhaltskha, the retreating Russian garrison
    of Akhalqalaq had taken with it most of the weaponry and ammunition,
    allowing the induction and arming of only 2,000 of the 5,000 available
    young volunteers. The Trans-Caucasian Seim made no real effort to
    protect Akhalqalaq against the Turkish invasion. The appeals to the
    Seim of famous Akhalqalaq intellectuals, such as the writer Derenik
    Demirdjian and social activist Poghos Abelian, to move the rich
    stores of grain out of the area before the arrival of the Turks fell
    on deaf ears.

    On May 7, 1918, Turkish forces, advancing from Chder, entered the
    province of Akhalqalaq. A brief resistance was staged near Kartzakh-in
    the area of Mount Giok Dagh-by the small, ill-equipped detachments
    of locally recruited fighters. Col. Araqelov, instead of proceeding
    to the front, continued to "command" the operations of the defense
    forces from a distance of 25-30 kilometers from Akhalqalaq. Thanks to
    former personnel of the Russian Army-Ludvig Demirdjian, Khoren Mnoyan,
    Zarmair Khanoyan, and Poghos Abelian-recently arrived from Tbilisi,
    as well as fighting groups under the command of Russian officer
    Reznikov, fierce defensive battles were fought, which allowed time
    to organize the evacuation of the population from the province. The
    troops of the detachment under the command of the Georgian National
    Council abandoned their frontline positions without firing a shot.

    The population of the northern villages of the province moved to
    Bakurian, while those in the south went to Tzalka, leaving most of
    their possessions behind. Only the Turkish-speaking Catholics and
    the Russian Dukhobors did not evacuate. Thus, by the end of May, the
    majority of the population of Akhalqalaq City and the inhabitants of
    61 Armenian villages had to flee.

    The invading Turkish troops and the local Meskhetians plundered the
    villages and massacred some of those who had remained behind. From
    the remainder of the captured population, they picked hundreds of
    able-bodied men and shipped them to Turkey as slave laborers, and
    exiled more than one-thousand elderly and women to the refugee camp in
    Bakurian. A terrible fate awaited the populations from the Khorenia
    and Takhcha villages, who had not been able to leave the area: Most
    of them were herded into barns and brutally murdered.

    The Turkish invaders also carried out massacres in the villages of
    Metz Arakeal, Gumburdo, and Abul, as well as in Akhalqalaq City and
    elsewhere. These atrocities would have reached disastrous proportions
    if the population of certain locations had not resorted to arms to
    defend themselves. The invaders were met with stubborn resistance
    around the village of Satkha. General Arjevanidze, the commander of
    the Georgian troops stationed in the sector of Borzhom, not only
    denied military or material assistance to the Armenian refugees,
    but he proceeded to disarm the Armenian volunteers and, following
    orders from the Georgian National Council, prevented refugees from
    Akhalqalaq from settling in Baguria or any other part of Georgia. Only
    Georgians received permission to move to the Georgian interior.

    It was during the massive deportations from Akhalqalaq that the three
    Trans-Caucasian republics came to being. With its May 28 Declaration,
    the Armenian National Council assumed supreme power as sole authority
    in the Armenian provinces. Naturally, the choice of the rather
    amorphous "Armenian provinces" terminology was not without reason. With
    such a formulation, the National Council, on the one hand, was trying
    to avert a conflict of boundaries with the Ottoman Turks and newly
    independent neighboring countries at a time of geopolitical turmoil;
    on the other hand, it was making a statement on Armenian rights to
    historic Armenian lands, albeit without geographic precision. Thus,
    Western Armenia, Karabagh, Javakhq, and other disputed territories
    remained within its scope.

    Hardly one week later, however, on June 4, the Georgian Mensheviks, who
    had prepared their declaration of independence under German auspices
    with a peace treaty between Georgia and the Ottoman Empire signed
    in Batum, reserved the right to hand over mostly Armenian-populated
    provinces like Akhaltskha and Akhalqalaq to Turkey. One can presume
    that such a step was not necessarily taken from an inability to
    resist Turkish pressure. It pursued far-reaching purposes. First,
    it created the impression that newly independent Georgia, like
    Armenia, was making serious territorial concessions to a victorious
    Turkey. Secondly, with its first international treaty, it put on
    record its legal right to decide the fate of those provinces. In case
    of an ultimate Turkish defeat, Georgia would be able to reclaim its
    "legal" right to Akhaltskha and Akhalqalaq. And finally, a prospect
    that was most desirable, Turkish occupation could radically change
    Javakhq's ethno-demographic picture by depriving it of its Armenian
    inhabitants.. Future events came to substantiate these chauvinistic
    Georgian policies.

    Focusing on the issue of boundaries between the newly constituted
    republics, the Georgian and Armenian National Councils began
    negotiations in the beginning of June. The president of the Georgian
    National Council, N. Zhordania, and Prime Minister N. Ramishvili
    proposed to A. Aharonian, H. Qajaznuni, and A. Khatisian of the
    Armenian National Council to follow the doctrine of demographics in
    the case of Borchalu. There was no talk of Akhalqalaq, since it was
    occupied by the Turks-although, as mentioned, the Georgians saw the
    solution of that issue in favor of Georgia. Soon after, I. Tzereteli
    announced to the members of the special commission appointed by
    the Armenian National Council (Kh. Kardjikian. G. Khatisian, and
    G. Ghorghanian), that, for strategic reasons, Georgia could not
    give up Akhalqalaq, Lori, and the Pambak region of the Alexandropol
    Province. The Georgian statesman tried to assure the Armenian
    commission, that this decision was also prompted by the interests
    of the Armenian populations of those specific regions, since in the
    German-sponsored Georgian Republic a safer status could be secured
    for the Armenians. Kh. Kardjikian protested against the Georgian
    decision to disregard the accepted demographic doctrine, qualifying
    this Menshevik approach as a process of dividing Armenia between
    Turkey, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. The Armeno-Georgian consultations
    on the issue of boundaries entered a cul-de-sac and restarted only
    in the autumn, when the Turks started to evacuate the occupied areas.

    Simultaneously, the condition of the Akhalqalaq refugees continued
    to deteriorate. They had, in fact, encountered a unique sort of
    confinement. To the north, the Georgian troops had closed the road
    to shelter in Bakurian and Borzhom, while the Turks had interdicted
    the return road to the province.

    In the beginning of July 1918, the Georgian government refused to grant
    the request of the Armenian National Council to allow the refugees
    access to central Georgia, or to settle down in the abandoned homes of
    Muslims who had fled from Borchalu. This inhuman stance was "explained"
    as a preventive measure against the possible spread of epidemics in
    Georgia. Yet from June to August, there was clearly no evidence of
    epidemics amongst the refugees; only in autumn did such outbreaks
    occur. Even with such an excuse, it is not possible to exonerate the
    Georgian government of its delinquency in taking care of the needs of
    its displaced citizens. It should be noted that, instead of performing
    their duty, the last detachments of General Arjevanidze abandoned the
    northern boundaries of the province of Akhalqalaq, allowing Turkish
    irregulars to harass the refugees with renewed attacks.

    With the assistance of the Armenian National Council, the Javakhq
    natives of Tbilisi founded the "Akhalqalaq Compatriotic Society"
    with an executive body of 10 persons-amongst whom were noted national
    figures Poghos Abelian (secretary), B. Ohanjanian (president), Grigor
    Baboyan (vice-president), Hovhannes Malkhasian, Jalal Ter Grigorian,
    and Karapet Shahbaronian. With an appeal addressed to the Armenians
    of Tbilisi, the Society managed to collect the sums needed to help
    the refugees. A delegation of Akhalqalaq refugees, who had asked
    the Turkish command permission to return to their native lands,
    were met with immediate refusal. The Turks, without concealing their
    plans to have the Akhalqalaq Province returned to the Ottoman Empire,
    declared that the Armenian villages were now inhabited by Muslims from
    Turkey. The Young Turks-in their zeal to ethnically cleanse Akhalqalaq
    of its Armenian population and to annex the region to Turkey-on the
    matter of allowing the natives of the province to return to their
    homes, remained adamant in their refusal to heed the intercessions
    and requests of not only Armenian and other international humanitarian
    organizations, but those of General von Kress, the representative of
    their ally Germany, as well.

    Thus, deprived of the right to seek refuge in any direction by the
    Georgian authorities and the Turkish command, the displaced Javakhq
    populations were condemned to perish.

    In September and early October, in response to repeated protests and
    requests by the Armenian government and the Akhalqalaq Compatriots'
    Society on the matter of permission to return to Akhalqalaq or to
    move to Georgia, Georgian government spokesman Kuzhukhov gave his
    answer, in writing, on Oct. 4, to the principal Armenian commission
    on refugees. Since there is a crisis of provisions in Georgia, he
    wrote, and the Turkish military command refuses to let the Akhalqalaq
    Armenians to return to their homes, the Georgian authorities are
    proposing to settle the refugees in the northern Caucasus or in the
    Armenian Republic.

    A quick meeting was initiated by Samson Harutiunian, the chairman of
    the refugees' commission and leader of the Armenian Populist Party,
    with the participation of members of the Georgian-Armenian National
    Assembly Presidium. Invited to represent the Akhalqalaq population,
    Poghos Abelian declared that he was informed by the chairman of the
    Turkish delegation, Abdul Kerim, that the Turks intended to evacuate
    Akhalqalaq and were not opposed to the return of Armenians to the
    province; moreover, Avetis Aharonian, the chairman of the Armenian
    Delegation to Constantinople, had reached an agreement with the
    Ottoman government.

    Kuzhukhov was asked to submit the document of the Turkish refusal. No
    answer was received. It soon became clear that the Georgian authorities
    did not wish to allow the Armenians' return and attempted to put
    the blame on the Turks. Thus, a contrived famine was promoted. The
    situation of the refugees turned acute; the cold season had started,
    along with rain and the decrease of fodder and cattle. The Georgian
    authorities allowed hundreds of bandits and speculators from Kutayisi,
    Coris, and Borzhom to buy at very low prices and-in many cases,
    with the help of the Georgian militia-to seize tens of thousands
    of cattle and farm animals. As a result of this purposely adopted
    policy, the Georgian government solved its problem of provisions for
    its population.

    The entire burden of the refugee problem was left on the shoulders
    of the Armenian Refugee Commission, the Akhalqalaq Homeland Council,
    the Armenian Benevolent Society of the Caucasus, the U.S. Mission
    to Georgia and, a good part, on A. Jamalian, the representative of
    Armenia. In the name of the Armenian Republic, the National Council
    appointed Arshak Torosian in Bakuria and Ararat Ter Grigorian in
    Tzalka, as permanent representatives in these locations. In their
    turn, the refugees nominated Rev. Father Mesrop Selian as their
    spokesman. Yet, the number of the refugees was so great-80,000 to
    85,000 people-that the efforts never achieved much success.

    By December 1918, typhoid and cholera epidemics began decimating
    the refugee masses. In a "Mshak" news article of the time, written
    by Poghos Abelian, one could read the following: "The annihilation
    of the people of Akhalqalaq is making such swift headway, if timely
    and effective steps are not taken to save them, this generation of
    Akhalqalaqis will be the last one on earth."

    >>From June to November 1918, over 18,000 people lost their lives
    in the woods of Bakurian. Almost the same amount of victims could
    be counted among the Armenians who had sought refuge in the Tzalka
    and Manglis regions. By the next spring, the number of victims had
    reached 40,000.

    By November 1918, overcoming the difficulties created by the Georgian
    military authorities, the remainder of the refugees managed to return
    to their ruined and ransacked homes via seldom used, secondary
    roads. To allow passage from Bakurian to Akhalqalaq, the Georgian
    military demanded affidavits from the Armenian refugees attesting to
    their willingness to accept Georgian citizenship and recognition of
    the province as an integral part of Georgia.

    Small armed groups of refugees tried to bring law and order to
    Akhalqalaq after the retreat of the Turks. The region around lakes
    Madatapa, Parvana, and Saghamo, adjacent to Alexandropol, was put
    under military supervision.

    However, on Nov. 29, the Georgian representative in Yerevan,
    S. Mdivani, declared that, according to his government, the boundary
    between Georgia and Armenia should be set on the southern limits of
    the former Tbilisi Province, making Lori and Akhalqalaq part of the
    Georgian state.

    Hardly a week after this declaration, on Dec. 5, the Georgian forces
    that had already occupied Lori since November, pushed their way into
    Akhalqalaq under the command of Gen. Maghashvili. The local Armenian
    troops were disarmed, while the small unit sent from Armenia, in order
    to avoid a Georgian-Armenian armed confrontation, evacuated the area
    of the Ephremovka-Troyitskoye villages, which it had occupied upon
    the retreat of the Turks.

    The Qajaznuni government, having been empowered by the Armenian
    Parliament to deal freely with this issue, protested more than
    once against the illegal occupation of Lori and Akhalqalaq. But the
    Georgians remained adamant. Thus, by mid-December the Georgian-Armenian
    war had started, a conflict caused mainly by Turkish designs:
    Before evacuating these disputed areas, they had told each one of the
    Georgian and Armenian governments, separately, that they were ceding
    the regions to them.

    The Armenian troops led by Dro liberated most of Lori. On Dec. 11-12,
    a detachment of the Fourth Armenian Infantry Division moved from
    Alexandropol towards Akhalqalaq and after a clash with the Georgian
    troops, secured most of the Akhalqalaq Province. The Georgian forces
    retreated towards the north.

    During this war, the Georgians staged a veritable manhunt of Armenians
    in Tbilisi. Thousands of Armenians were declared prisoners of war
    and shipped to Qutayis.

    As the war progressed, the Entente powers sought to find ways to put
    an end to it. On Dec. 25, British and French high-ranking officers
    signed an agreement with N. Zhordania; it proposed a cease-fire, the
    positioning of Georgian troops in areas north of the Jalaloghli-Dsegh
    line, and the Armenians to hold the areas south of that line. A
    Georgian regime was to be imposed on Akhalqalaq under Allied
    supervision, with Armenian and Muslim representatives participating
    in the administration.

    Designated to sign this agreement, Arshak Jamalian categorically
    refused to do so, objecting to the terms concerning Akhalqalaq. The
    British attached the following addendum to the document: "Mr. Jamalian
    does not agree with the point that stipulates Georgian occupation of
    Akhalqalaq." In essence, the Allies, discounting the opinions of the
    Armenian side, tried to implement the proposed agreement.

    A few days later, on Dec. 31, the Armeno-Georgian hostilities ceased
    with the intercession of the British. The Jan. 9-17, 1919 peace
    conference of Tbilisi decreed a status of neutrality for Lori, while
    the status of Akhalqalaq remained pending. In March, both republics
    recognized each other's independence and railways were reopened for
    regular travel. The tension between Armenia and Georgia gradually

    By March 1919, the remaining groups of Akhalqalaq refugees regained
    their homeland. The province was thoroughly sacked and the stocks
    of grain were taken to Turkey. Only the Turkish-speaking villages
    of Armenian Catholics and Russian Dukhobors were left relatively
    unscathed. Both communities assisted the returning refugees to resettle
    and to restart their lives.

    Already in June, the Armenian government had managed to share the grain
    received by rail with those facing starvation in Akhalqalaq. This
    relief operation was put on a state level. In Tbilisi, the Armenian
    Mission created a special commission under the leadership of
    D. Davitkhanian. In May alone, Armenia allotted 3 million rubles to
    the needy and 74 million rubles for the purchase of grain to stave
    off the threat of starvation.

    In spite of the measures taken, the economy of Javakhq did not
    improve. The Georgian authorities imposed heavy duties not only on
    grain being exported to Armenia, but also on grain being shipped to
    Akhalqalaq, to be shared by both Armenian and Georgian refugees. The
    number of animal stock had dwindled sharply. Because of the freezing
    weather begun at the close of 1918, the Turks had not been able to
    take all of the animals and movable goods from the province. Poghos
    Abelian approached Makaev, the newly appointed governor general of
    Akhalqalaq, requesting that the remaining goods be turned over to
    the refugees. Makaev flatly refused the request. With regret, the
    Georgian-Armenian Council that, especially since the Armeno-Georgian
    war, had become quite ineffective, failed to support Abelian's,
    and numerous other concerned activists', efforts.

    Makaev disarmed the Armenian population and, utilizing the Georgian
    militia brought from Imeretia and Tbilisi, established an oppressive
    regime, under which Georgians and Meskhet Turks retained their right
    to bear arms. Only Armenians "volunteers," forcibly conscripted into
    the Georgian army to fight against rebellious Abkhazian and Ajarian
    regions, were given arms.

    The policy of colonizing Javakhq with ethnic Georgians had started. By
    the end of 1920, a few hundred Imeretian families were relocated in
    Akhalqalaq under the supervision of the Georgian government. The
    local Georgian authorities confiscated from the Armenians large
    areas of grazing land in the north and east, and handed them to
    the newcomers. By various machinations, certain villages were left
    without tillable land. There was considerable misfeasance concerning
    the administration of lands belonging to the Akhaltskha's Holy
    Savior Church in Kartzakh, Dadesh, Sulda, and other locations. The
    Georgian government did not hesitate to implement a policy of ethnic
    assimilation with a campaign of "Georgianizing" all Catholic Armenians.

    Naturally, the chauvinistic policies implemented in Javakhq by the
    Menshevik government did not go unnoticed in Armenia. But in 1919, the
    Armenian government, for a variety of reasons, deemed it necessary to
    be satisfied by just sharing its grain with Akhalqalaq and delaying
    its boundary discussions with Georgia until a satisfactory agreement
    could be reached at the coming Paris Conference. Writing about
    this subject, Ruben Ter Minassian states: "Georgia's intentions
    concerning Armenia were unjust, considering that she had seized a
    purely Armenian-populated region like Akhalqalaq from us, in spite of
    the fact that, both geographically and demographically, that province
    belongs to Armenia. Georgia was unjust also in coveting Lori... In
    spite of these disturbing facts, the Bureau was of the opinion that it
    was necessary to be patient and to yield to the Georgians to the limits
    of feasibility." But Ruben and the other leaders of the Republic had
    to consider that the more the Armenian side showed willingness to be
    accommodating, the more the Georgian side became intractable on the
    issues of Akhalqalaq and Lori.

    On Sept. 17, 1919, a new Armeno-Georgian conference convened
    in Tbilisi. Georgia was represented by N. Ramishvili and
    S. Mdivani; the Armenian representatives were S. Mamikonian
    and S. Khachatrian. Apprehensive over the possibility of renewed
    Armeno-Georgian confrontation following the British withdrawal from
    Lori, the Georgians proposed an approach of "mutual concessions" on
    the issue of boundaries, leaving to the Armenians the areas south of
    the village of Sqori and the plain of Lori (Jalaloghli-Vorontsovka),
    while Georgia would keep all lands north of that line, as well as the
    province of Akhalqalaq. They considered this "concession" temporary,
    until the granting of Western Armenian provinces to Armenia by the
    Paris Conference.

    The Armenian delegation announced that it was authorized by its
    government to cede to Georgia the Khrami (Tzalka) area, and the
    northern and central regions of Akhalqalaq Province. The southern
    Javakhq lakes region, along with the villages of Heshtia, Satkha,
    Hokam, and Azmana, up to the River Kur, was to be attached to
    Armenia. Based on the Armenian plan, the boundary would extend to
    the north of Koghb, along Lalvar. Although either side was less than
    satisfied by the plans presented and no written agreement followed,
    because the Armenian side had shown a willingness to cede the major
    part of Akhalqalaq, Georgia agreed to grant Armenia transit rights,
    telegraphic communication, and other facilities. It is noteworthy
    that Georgia took "readiness to yield" as an actual concession and
    assumed freedom to make final dispositions in regards to Javakhq. "The
    Georgians took advantage of our weakness," wrote Ruben, "and utilized
    their geographic advantage in a brutal fashion, to trample our people's
    integrity and legitimate rights."

    The boundary discussions continued in Tbilisi. S. Mamikonian and
    S. Khachatrian remained there and, as they used to say in those days,
    continued to haggle over boundaries in "a fruitless bazaar"-a situation
    that left both Georgian and Armenian circles dissatisfied. Convinced,
    since 1919, that it was meaningless to continue asking the Georgians
    to make mutual concessions on the matter of boundaries, the Armenian
    side strived to put this issue on the Paris Conference agenda.

    As one positive outcome of the negotiations, one can perhaps mention
    the Nov. 14, 1919 Armeno-Georgian agreement, according to which all
    present and future matters of contention between the parties would
    be resolved through political means or arbitration.

    On May 7, 1920, a mutual recognition agreement was signed between
    Russia and Georgia. With this agreement, Russia recognized Georgia's
    claims on Lori, Akhalqalaq, and Zaqatala. In that connection,
    Prime Minister Hamo Ohanjanian sent telegrams of protest to the
    governments of the Soviet Russian Federation and Georgia, stating that
    by considering Lori and Akhalqalaq their own, the Georgian authorities
    were countermanding the 1919 Armeno-Georgian agreement to consider
    the ownership of these territories undecided.

    The 1920 law on Armenian citizenship, which in essence guaranteed
    citizenship rights to Armenians residing abroad, displeased the
    Georgians and prompted them to take demagogic positions during the
    Armeno-Georgian discussions taking place over the months of July and
    August. They were opposed to the granting of Armenian citizenship to
    the Armenians of Georgia; they argued that, in that case, they should
    be moved to Armenia. At these same meetings, the Georgian delegation
    demanded from the Armenians the entire Akhalqalaq Province, along
    with the lakes region, Lori, up to the Sanahin station, and a major
    portion of the provinces of Ardahan and Olti. The Armenian side
    rejected these demands.

    Faced with an impasse, the Armenian and Georgian sides asked the
    Entente powers to help resolve the dispute. It was no accident that
    a special clause was introduced into the Aug. 10, 1920 Sevres Treaty,
    stipulating that the question of boundaries between the Trans-Caucasian
    countries be resolved by a commission formed of representatives of the
    interested parties and, in the case of failure to reach an agreement,
    that it be left to the adjudication of the Allied powers.

    In the autumn of 1920, during the days of the Armeno-Turkish war,
    the Armenian government, aware of the secret ties between the Turks
    and the Georgians, found itself compelled to make concessions to
    Georgia on the matter of boundaries. On Nov. 13, the Georgians sent
    troops to the neutral zone of Lori and to Ardahan.

    Towards the end of February and the beginning of March 1921, the
    province of Akhalqalaq was subjected to a new attack by the Kemalist
    Turks. Invading Javakhq (considered Georgian territory at the time),
    the Turks acted against the secret Turkish-Georgian agreement not to
    move into Georgian territory. There are grounds to believe that, just
    before the fall of independent Georgia's government, for political
    reasons, permission was given to the Turks to enter the province of
    Akhalqalaq after disarming, once more, the Armenian population.

    The troops of Ghumantar Pasha and the Turkish mob, along with Jamal
    Agha and Molla Bairam of the Turkish-populated village of Hokam,
    moved towards the province's southern villages of Kartzakh, Sulda,
    Dadesh, and Gumbordo. Many inhabitants of Gumbordo, amongst them
    women, fell in an unequal battle, and the Turks took hundreds of men
    as prisoners, killing some of them at the Kuri gorge, and drowning the
    rest in wells. There were also massacres at other villages. This time,
    the population of the province did not migrate. The Turks encountered
    a stiff resistance at the approaches of Alastan, Molit, Tabatzghuri,
    and other villages.

    As a result of the Turkish aggressions of 1918 and 1921, the Akhalqalaq
    region lost 42-45 percent of its Armenian population through armed
    conflict, famine, and epidemics. Thus, while the city of Akhalqalaq
    had a population of 5,070 in 1917, it had only 2,737 in 1922.

    In the second half of March 1921, the troops of the 11th Red Army
    entered Akhalqalaq. While the Red Army entered Lori from Armenia, it
    entered Akhalqalaq from Georgia, via the Borzhom-Akhaltskha railroad-a
    fact that would later play an important role, in the adjudication
    process of its ownership.

    After the retreat of the Turkish forces, the petitions of the
    Javakhq population to the RevComs of Soviet Armenia and Georgia,
    the leadership of the Red Army, as well as other pertinent courts,
    to attach the province to Soviet Armenia or Russia became more
    frequent. In one of them, written on April 23, representatives of
    the Sulda, Mragoval, Dadesh, Vachian, and Karzakh villages told the
    Armenian representative in Georgia: "We request that our province,
    where of the 80,000 inhabitants more than 60,000 are
    attached to the Republic of Armenia... If our homeland does not become
    part of Armenia, which would protect us against massacres...oppression,
    furthermore, if our homeland does not become part of Soviet Russia,
    and the Turkish scimitar is not removed from above our heads, we
    can no longer stay in our fatherland which, over the last years, has
    turned into hell, and we will be forced to migrate to the hinterlands
    of Russia...."

    >From spring 1921, the problem of many disputed territories between the
    Trans-Caucasian republics, including those of the Akhalqalaq and its
    adjacent Khram (Tzalka) regions, were discussed by the newly created
    Soviet republics of Trans-Caucasia. A special commission created on
    May 1921 by the Caucasian Bureau of the Communist Party of Russia had
    its very first meeting in June 25-27 in Tbilisi under the chairmanship
    of S. Kirov.

    Georgia was represented by two, Azerbaijan by three, and Armenia by one
    (A. Bekzadian) commission member. At the very first meeting, Bekzadian,
    mentioning the unjust territorial adjudications imposed by the Czarist
    regime, and the dire straits Soviet Armenia found itself in, asked
    the commission members to concede the mainly Armenian-populated
    (72 percent) province of Akhalqalaq, Lori, and Nogorno Karabagh
    (94 percent) to Armenia. But, he remained a minority faced with the
    Georgian and Azeri representatives, who also enjoyed the support
    of Kirov, arguing that such territorial changes would encourage
    anti-revolutionary activity in Georgia and Azerbaijan. Bekzadian's
    proposal was rejected. The latter demanded that the final decision
    be left to the Central Committee's Caucasian Bureau.

    The leadership of Armenia asked specialists and people of knowledge in
    the matter to prepare documentation on the disputed territories. With
    the recommendation of Armenia's foreign minister, A. Mravian, in July
    1921, Poghos Abelian presented a detailed document on Akhalqalaq,
    containing the historical, geographic, demographic, and economic
    foundations for the valid Armenian claims on that province. "The
    Armenians of Javakhq," wrote Abelian in his report, "consider the
    Menshevik government worse than Turkey. They are so apprehensive,
    that they will not accede to any Georgian rule... This is the
    truth. The inhabitant of Akhalqalaq wants the region to be Russian,
    forever immune to Turkish aggression; short of that, he wants his
    fate tied to that of Armenia and, at this time, he wants to join
    Soviet Armenia." Abelian ruled out any form of autonomy.

    As a last resort, he was ready to consider an autonomous Javakhq-along
    with Tzalka-under Armenian supervision.

    On July 7, 1921, the plenary meeting of the Caucasian Bureau,
    with the participation of J. Stalin, examined the matter of the
    disputed Lori and Akhalqalaq provinces claimed by both Armenia and
    Georgia. With six votes for and one undecided, it was decided to
    attach the neutral zone of Lori to Armenia, and to refer the matter
    of ceding the regions of Akhalqalaq and Khram (Tzalka) to Armenia
    to the Central Committee of the Georgian Communist Party, and to
    submit the latter's decision to the scrutiny and evaluation of the
    Caucasian Bureau's plenary meeting. It is not hard to guess that,
    left to the whims of the Georgian Bolsheviks, the Armenian claims
    would be rejected. And sure enough, on July 16, the Politbureau of
    the Georgian Communist Party CC considered the claim unacceptable,
    basing its decision on concocted economic "ties" with the regions
    and other "political considerations." By a strange "coincidence,"
    with similar "arguments" in its July 5 plenary meeting, the Caucasian
    Bureau decided to detach another

    Armenian region, Nagorno-Karabagh, from Armenia and attach it
    to Azerbaijan. In July 1921, a Georgian-Azeri concord was quite
    obvious. Thus, the historically Armenian Javakhq was given to Georgia.

    During 1918-21, the matter of Javakhq's reunification with the mother
    country remained unresolved for the following fundamental reasons: The
    Republic of Armenia, considering the acquisition of Western Armenia
    paramount, did not demonstrate the necessary zeal in the matter of
    Georgian- and Azeri-occupied Armenian territories. Because of the
    1918 and 1921 Turkish incursions, nearly half (40,000 Armenians)
    of the population was killed, while the province was near total
    economic collapse-conditions that prevented the Armenian population
    from effectively pursuing the cause of reunification with Armenia.

    Informed of the decisions of the Caucasian Bureau and the Georgian
    Communist Party, the Armenians of Javakhq in July 1921 sent several
    letters of protest to Moscow, Tbilisi, and Yerevan. The Georgian
    RevCom seemed bent on exacerbating the problem. Arustamov, a well-known
    Bolshevik and Red Army member, enjoying the respect and trust of the
    Akhalqalaq population, was summarily dismissed from the chairmanship
    of the RevCom. All the petitions of the people remained unheeded,
    and Comrade Arustamov had to leave Akhalqalaq in the midst of popular
    demonstrations of sympathy and support. Soon after, a man intensely
    disliked by the people, S. Nadiradze, a leader of special punitive
    units of the former Menshevik regime, was appointed military commander
    of the province. When, under popular pressure, the RevCom dismissed
    him from his post, the Georgian Bolsheviks of Tbilisi returned him to
    Akhalqalaq, with wider prerogatives and authority. Renewed protests by
    the people were followed by the arrival of a special commission. By the
    commission's orders, several people were arrested, including Mnoyan,
    a well-known Armenian Bolshevik member of the RevCom. They were taken
    to Tbilisi and handed over to the Cheka (Extraordinary Commission). A
    month later, a new special commission arrived in Akhalqalaq and,
    on charges of "chauvinistic" activities, arrested longtime Bolshevik
    activist Karapet Ghazanjian, one of the founders of the Akhalqalaq
    RevCom. (Having been a commander of one of the companies of the 11th
    Red Army, Ghazanjian had distinguished himself in February 1921 during
    the battles waged against Georgian Menshevik forces for the liberation
    of Lori.)

    Along with the liquidation of Armenian Communist cadres, between April
    and July 1921, the confiscation of Armenian peasants' possessions
    was completed. The local Turkish population, which had taken part in
    the robbery and murder of the Armenians, amassing a fortune at the
    Armenians' expense during the two Turkish incursions, was now being
    catered to in all possible ways.

    Thus, the Armenians of Akhalqalaq, oppressed and abused under Georgian
    rule, whose casualties numbered in the tens of thousands during the
    two Turkish invasions, found themselves-in the spring and summer
    of 1921-left to the tender mercies of chauvinistic and predatory
    Georgian Bolsheviks. It is not by accident that representatives of
    certain villages (particularly Catholic ones) were in those days
    assisting their fellow villagers to migrate to Russia. Many villagers
    had already left on their own. The government of Soviet Georgia,
    apprehensive of an eventual depopulation of the region, forbade the
    exodus of the Armenians by special decree.

    It is also significant that in many letters addressed to the Soviet
    Armenian authorities-petitions that one cannot read without empathy and
    emotion-the Armenians of Akhalqalaq described the local nightmarish
    conditions and expressed the conviction that the only solution to
    the predicament was the reunification of the region with Soviet
    Armenia. " order to lift the blockade on Javakhetia," read
    one letter, " put an end to the visits of special commissars,
    to stop all kinds of juvenile eccentricities and institutionalized
    pilfering, there is only one way, a solution that is the profound
    wish of the Armenians of the province, constituting 75 percent of
    the entire population, which is to return the province to its ethnic
    Soviet Republic."

    Even after the July 7 Caucasian Bureau and July 16 Georgian CC
    decisions, certain Armenian Bolsheviks representing the national wing
    took various steps to rectify the foreign subordination problem of
    both Javakhq and Nagorno-Karabagh. ArmRevCom chairman, A. Miasnikian,
    visited the province of Akhalqalaq to defuse the rising popular
    unrest, stem the exodus of the population, and seek ways to solve
    the problem. With his initiation, in 1922, a group of field workers
    prepared a proposal to set up an autonomous Armenian area within the
    Georgian state that would include the province of Akhalqalaq and the
    Armenian-inhabited areas of Borchalu.

    But the Georgian ruling circles and certain intellectuals, particularly
    the historian I. Javakhashvili, rejected the concept, regarding it as a
    step to dismember Georgia. In 1923, the proposal was officially killed.

    Outnumbered and outmaneuvered by the Georgian and Azeri Bolsheviks,
    who also enjoyed the backing of the Center, the weakened Armenian
    leadership finally gave in. By means of oppressive measures, the Soviet
    regime succeeded in silencing the Armenians of Javakhq by demolishing
    their dream to see their homeland returned to its legitimate owners,
    as an integral part of Armenia.

    *** A new administrative region was formed from large areas of the
    Akhalqalaq province using the same name. Of the northern villages,
    Tabatzghuri, Molit, and Chkharola were attached to the Borzhomi
    region, while Damalan was integrated into the more recently formed
    region of Aspindza. In 1930, the southeastern sector of Akhalqalaq
    was detached and reconstituted as the region of Bogdanovka (later
    renamed Ninotzminda).

    During the years of the Soviet regime, as a result of the prevailing
    difficult socio-political conditions, the population's exodus from
    Javakhq became an endemic demographic phenomenon. In that context,
    it was not by chance that during World War II, more than other
    Armenian-populated regions, Akhalqalaq had an extensive loss of
    inhabitants. Of the 12,684 wartime recruits, Akhalqalaq suffered
    7,788 (61.4 percent) casualties, partly missing in action. The
    Meskhet Turks were also victims of "ethnic cleansing" after Stalin,
    in the summer of 1944, accused them of treason; they were gathered
    from Akhaltskha, Adigeni, Aspindza, and other areas of Akhalqalaq
    and deported to Central Asia. Local Armenians were not allowed to
    inhabit the vacated villages; instead, large numbers of Georgians
    were moved in from Imeretia by the government and given title to
    the properties left behind by the Meskhetians. As a result of these
    government-sponsored demographic redistributions, a Georgian-inhabited
    entity called Aspindza emerged between the Armenian inhabited regions
    of Akhaltskha and Akhalqalaq. At the same time, between 1946 and
    1949, Armenians from various regions of the Georgian SSR-including
    Javakhq-were deported to the Alta region and to Siberia.

    >From 1950-70, the migration of the Armenians to the Armenian SSR,
    north Caucasus, and other republics of the USSR, caused by economic and
    political factors, accelerated noticeably. That is why regions with
    high reproductive rates like Akhalqalaq and Bogdanovka (constituting
    the historic Upper Javakhq Province) in 1989 showed the same number
    of inhabitants (105,000) as in 1917.

    In the aftermath of the 1989 earthquake in Ajaria, the Georgian
    government wasted no time in relocating the homeless and others
    affected by the disaster to the Akhalqalaq villages of Kotelia, Hokam,
    Gogashen Chunchkha, and others, building for them two-story homes in
    the villages of the Russian Dukhobors. Throughout the seven decades
    of Soviet rule, Akhalqalaq and Bogdanovka had never seen residential
    construction on such a large scale. However, even this periodic
    attempt to change the demographic picture proved ineffective. The
    harsh climate of the region forced most of them to return home.

    Today, historic Javakhq, with its two regions, its Armenian populated
    100 villages and a population of more than 100,000 (95 percent
    Armenian), constitutes the most homogenous Armenian territory outside
    the borders of the Armenian Republic that continues to exist as a
    living entity of Armenian language, culture, and customs.