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Revengefulness Towards Political Prisoners

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  • Revengefulness Towards Political Prisoners

    15:43:07 - 11/08/2009

    The amnesty was declared in a way to let as many people as possible in
    prisons. This is the opinion of the representative of the committee
    for political prisoners and politically persecuted people, lawyer
    Vardan Harutunyan. He insisted today that the government had the
    problem to keep certain political prisoners in prisons. One of
    them, according to Harutunyan is the NA parliamentary member, Sasun
    Mikaelyan. He stated that all the political prisoners charged in the
    same case have been set free except Sasun Mikaelyan. Revengefulness
    was added to personal revenge. Proceeding from this, they formulated
    the text of the amnesty in a way that we still have 21 political
    prisoners. Harutunyan mentioned other two political prisoners, whom
    the government treats with special revengefulness. They are the young
    activist of the HAK Roman Mnatsakanyan and Sargis Hatspanyan.

    Harutunyan stated that Roman Mnatsakanyan is not one of the organizers
    of the movement but only a participant of rallies. He stated that the
    officials of the penitentiary institution, treated Mnatsakanyan very
    bad and the head of the institution did not even hide his negative
    attitude towards the youth.

    The third political prisoner is Sargis Hatspanyan. Harutunyan
    stated that everyone knows and admits the fact that Hatspanyan is
    a participant of the Artsakh liberating battle. But the ministry
    of Justice demands from Hatspanyan a certificate proving that he
    participated in the Artsakh war. The lawyer stated that thousands of
    people participated in the war, but such a certificate may present
    only those, who continued their service in the army.