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Hellenic News: Turkey, The Kurds And Cyprus

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  • Hellenic News: Turkey, The Kurds And Cyprus

    By Gene Rossides

    Hellenic ?newsid=10560&lang=US
    August 11, 2009

    An article in the August 2, 2009 Cyprus Mail newspaper described
    what it called a "drama under way" regarding Turkey and its Kurdish
    problem. It reported that the lawyers for Abdullah Ocalan, the
    "imprisoned leader of the PKK insurgents" were going to release on
    August 15, 2009, Ocalan�s "road-map" to solve the Kurdish problem.

    The PKK is the acronym for the Kurdish Worker�s Party outlawed in
    Turkey. After pressure from Turkey, the State Department added the
    PKK to its terrorist list. Objective newspapers refer to the PKK as
    insurgents or guerrillas. The fact that the PKK has sometimes used
    violence against civilians, which should be condemned, does not make
    it a terrorist organization like al Qaeda.

    PKK actions are not aimed at the U.S. The State Department should
    remove it from their terrorist list. They should also reread the
    history of the U.S. revolution and Britain�s� referring to the
    rebel Americans as terrorists.

    The discussion in the Turkish media about Ocalan�s forthcoming
    plan has been substantial and very intense. Turkish Prime Minister
    Recep Tayyip Erdogan has responded that he will announce his own
    Kurdish initiative. It would be real progress for all concerned if
    the Turkish government and the Kurdish minority, close to 15 million,
    could arrive at a satisfactory agreement.

    The Turkish military and paramilitary have killed over 30,000 Kurdish
    civilians since 1984. They burned over 3,000 villages and created
    over three million refugees. See the article by Eric Rouleau in
    the prestigious journal Foreign Affairs titled "Turkey�s Dream of
    Democracy," (Nov./Dec. 2000, pages 100-114) for a devastating account
    of what Turkey has done to its Kurdish minority. Eric Rouleau was
    the Ambassador of France to Turkey from 1988 to 1992.

    I doubt that Erdogan will come up with any proposals which would
    provide the 20% Kurdish minority with full political, human and
    cultural rights as other Turkish citizens have, and political autonomy
    for the Kurds in their geographic region in eastern and southeastern
    Turkey Erdogan is obviously not going to give the 20% Kurdish minority
    the same rights it seeks for the 18% Turkish Cypriot minority, namely,
    a veto over all key executive and legislative decisions; control
    of 30% of the land; rotating presidency and 30% of government jobs,
    among other items. Nor will Erdogan give the Kurds a separate state
    such as Turkey has done illegally in Cyprus which no one recognizes
    except Turkey.

    The Washington Times reported on August 7, 2009 that the Obama
    administration has dropped the phrase "war on terrorism," is not
    fighting "jihadists" and is not locked in a "global war." John Brennan,
    head of the White House homeland security office made these comments
    on August 6, in a speech at the Center for Strategic and International
    Studies, a Washington think tank and said the Obama administration
    is solely in a "war with al Qaeda" and their violent allies. The
    semantic change is welcome and should be followed by removing the
    PKK from State�s terrorist list.

    The Associated Press reported from Ankara on Friday, July 17, 2009,
    that Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan "compared ethnic violence in
    China's Xinjiang province to genocide, escalating criticism of
    Beijing following this week's killing of at least 156 people --
    including Turkic-speaking, Muslim Uighurs."

    "These incidents in China are as if they are genocide," said
    Erdogan. "We ask the Chinese government not to remain a spectator to
    these incidents. There is clearly a savagery here."

    So far Erdogan has gotten away with his aggressive remarks--(1) his
    attack in January 2009 at the Davos, Switzerland World Economic
    Forum against Israeli President Shimon Peres, telling Peres
    "You kill people;" (2) his attack against the proposed new NATO
    secretary-general from Denmark, Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen,
    because he defended the freedom of speech for the Danish cartoonist
    who lampooned the Muslim prophet Mohammed. Instead of being challenged
    Erdogan was rewarded with one or two staff positions at NATO. Obama
    and the other NATO heads should have challenged Erdogan and considered
    suspending Turkey from NATO for its violation of the NATO Treaty by
    its aggression against Cyprus, its continuing occupation of Cyprus
    and its continuing violation of the Geneva Convention of 1949 by
    bringing 180,000 illegal settlers/colonists from Turkey to Cyprus.

    The U.S. needs to stop appeasing Turkey. The failure to recognize the
    Armenian Genocide, the Greek Pontian and Assyrian Genocides, all part
    of Ataturk�s anti-Christian policy, is a national disgrace. The
    failure of the Executive Branch to press Turkey to remove now its
    43,000 illegal occupation troops and 180,000 illegal settlers/colonists
    from Cyprus is harmful to U.S. interests.

    The U.S. government in its own self-interest should be pressing
    for full political, human and cultural rights for the 20% Kurdish
    minority. The late Senator from Rhode Island, Claiborne Pell, and
    many others, properly described Turkey�s actions against the Kurds
    as genocide.

    Community action needed Call and write to your two Senators and
    your Representatives and urge them (1) to support recognition of
    the Armenian, Greek Pontian and Assyrian Genocides; (2) to call
    for the immediate withdrawal of the illegal Turkish troops and
    setters/colonists from Cyprus; and (3) to support full political,
    human and cultural rights for Turkey�s 20% Kurdish minority.

    The Honorable firstname lastname United States Senate Washington,
    DC 20510 202-224-3121 (Main Switchboard) The Honorable firstname
    lastname United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515
    202-224-3121 (Main Switchboard) Call and write to President Obama and
    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and ask them (1) to recognize
    the genocides; (2) to press Turkey to remove now the illegal Turkish
    troops and setters/colonists from Cyprus; and (3) to press Turkey to
    give full political, human and cultural rights to its Kurdish minority.

    President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20500 Tel. 202-456-1111 (Comments) 202-456-1414 (Main
    Switchboard) Fax: 202-456-2461 E-mail: [email protected] The
    Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State 2201 C Street, N.W.

    Washington, DC 20520 Phone: 202-647-9572 Gene Rossides is founder
    of the American Hellenic Institute and former Assistant Secretary of
    the Treasury