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Did You Go Crazy?

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  • Did You Go Crazy?

    Naira Hayrumyan rahos||politics&pid=14904
    12:08:45 - 12/08/2009

    The Initiative Group of the Republic of Artsakh collects signatures
    in favor of the program to make the released areas a territory of
    vital national interests and in favor of the establishment of a fund
    to inhabit them.

    The collection of signatures has caused some concern in
    Karabakh. Imagine a person, who for many years has lived in an
    information vacuum, and now young people turn to them calling to sign
    up to the requirement of the liberated territories? The response is
    unambiguous: "are you crazy? No one will ever allow this. Even the
    Turks say that lands are conquered with blood". However, nevertheless,
    they sign the appeal, because it is not about the surrender or the
    protection of territories but their economic development.

    The only thing, which they dispute, is that the development of
    the liberated territories is seen in isolation from the rest of
    Karabakh. "Did you go crazy? We have one land and we should develop
    it all".

    Anxiety in Karabakh is evident only in the eyes of people. The
    country is being built, is developing, this year there has been un
    unprecedented number of tourists in Karabakh, with the majority from
    Armenia. Everyone wants to see the land for which the Presidents of the
    United States, Russia and France made an unprecedented statement. A
    country, the lands of which are controlled in words by anyone -
    America, Russia, Turkey, and even Armenia, but in reality people
    isolated from all over the world, who do not imagine all the noise
    their land arouses in the world.

    Different people join the collection of signatures: militaries,
    civil servants, students. Perhaps under pressure of the "bottom"
    the Karabakhi authorities, will finally seriously think to repair the
    Stepanakert-Agdam-Martuni road, rather than to build a road bypassing
    the domestic Agdam.