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The Locals Only Tour Of Gyumri

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  • The Locals Only Tour Of Gyumri

    Alex Der Alexanian

    Asbarez 12/the-locals-only-tour-of-gyumri/
    Aug 12, 2009

    This past week we have been walking around the parts of Gyumri that
    we have not had the chance to explore yet.

    Although Gyumri is a relatively small city, there is a lot to
    see. Furthermore, if you do not have a Gyumri native to point out
    interesting sights, a lot of the city will pass by without you
    noticing. Luckily, we have had some great tour guides to show us
    around and make sure we don't miss anything important.

    First up, was the now infamous Digin Lilig (read Serop's last blog
    entry). After making us yet another delicious meal, Digin Lilig
    offered to take us to see Gyumri's "Mayr Hayasdan" statue. As she
    walked arm in arm with her hopeful future son-in-law Serop (that's
    the running joke in the house), Digin Lilig showed us around some of
    the older neighborhoods in the city. Next stop was the tomb of the
    Unknown Soldier followed by the Sev Pert (Black Fort). The Sev Pert is
    a tremendously important historical landmark in Gyumri because it was
    once used to defend the entire city from the attacking Turks during the
    Armenian Genocide. Finally, we arrived at our destination, the majestic
    statue of Mayr Hayastan. The statue sits on top of a massive hill.

    You have to climb stairs that seem to have no end to reach the top
    and see the stature. However, a little lactic acid in your quadriceps
    is a small price to pay for the magnificent view you have from the
    top. You can see the entire town of Gyumri from the site of the
    statue. The feeling you get as you look at this triumphant symbol
    of Armenia watching over the proud town of Gyumri is difficult to
    describe within the limited space and time frame I have with this blog
    entry. My only alternative is to encourage you to come and experience
    it for yourself. Trust me, you will not regret it.

    Round two of exploring Gyumri was lead by some of the older students
    we have at our day camp. Tatev, Arax, Anahit, Bella, and Meroujan were
    nice enough to take us around the city after we finished up our camp
    session yesterday. The tour started at Yot Verk Church. The church
    suffered major damage during the earthquake; however, it has now been
    fully renovated and is in great shape. The church has pieces of two
    fallen towers on display in its front court yard. The towers fell
    during the earthquake and serve as reminders of the terrible tragedy
    that struck Gyumri in 1988. Our tour guides then led us to see some
    of Gyumri's cultural centers such as the opera house and the Kohar
    Music School (home of the world famous Kohar Yerkchakhoump). As we
    walked past statues of famous Armenian authors and artists such as
    Hovhaness Toumanian, the students enlightened us about Gyumri's long
    history as the cultural epicenter of Armenia. We were all delighted to
    learn about Gyumri's important role in the development and the future
    of Armenian art and culture. The tour concluded with a stop at the
    statue of Charles Aznavour. All in all, it was a great afternoon. We
    got to see a lot of stuff that we would have never seen if we were
    out exploring by ourselves. However, with the good came the bad. The
    student showed us around some parts of the city that have yet to
    be renovated from the earthquake. These areas are in extremely bad
    shape. There are buildings that are half-torn down with people still
    living in them. It looks like these structures are held together with
    the thinnest of threads and could crumble and crush its inhabitants at
    any second. It is appalling to find people living in these conditions
    more than 20 years after the earthquake. To cap it all off, the cab
    driver that drove us home described in detail the horrors of the
    earthquake. He told us stories of having to dig for days to find his
    relatives and then having to carry them on his back to bury them. All
    these sights showed me the tremendous amount of help th!

    is city r ts glory days. I hope these words and pictures will motivate
    you as much as experiencing these things first hand have motivated me
    to get involved and lend a helping hand to help out our motherland,
    our Mayr Hayasdan.

    To end things on a positive note, I want to share with you all
    what happened to Serop and I when we stopped by the Gyumri fire
    station. Serop wanted to check out the fire station and see if he could
    buy a Gyumri Fire Department shirt for a buddy of his in the states. We
    walked in and greeted the firefighters around the station. Serop
    then proceeded to ask them if they had any t-shirts available that he
    could take back home with him. A very nice firefighter named Vasken
    smiled at Serop and then proceeded to literally give him the shirt
    off his own back. This was no t-shirt. This was an official Armenian
    Fire Service uniform that firefighters here in Armenia wear when they
    are on duty. Serop attempted to refuse and tell Vasken that this was
    completely unnecessary, but it was to no avail. Vasken was having
    none of it. He told Serop that this was a present from his heart
    and he really wanted Serop to have it. Serop was left with no other
    choice but to accept the gift. In addition, Serop was extremely moved
    by Vasken's actions and I don't think Serop's buddy is going to be
    able to get this shirt off Serop anytime soon. To return the favor,
    Serop and I stopped by the station today and gave the firefighters
    a few of our AYF beanies.