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Military Suffering Casualties In War Games

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  • Military Suffering Casualties In War Games

    By Paul Goble

    The Moscow Times
    Thursday, August 13, 2009

    The number of non-combat losses of the armed forces, a figure six to
    nine times greater than that claimed by Moscow, reflects the problems
    many commanders have in interacting with their counterparts from
    other countries during international military maneuvers.

    Last year, Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said his forces had
    suffered 471 non-combat deaths, Ruslan Gorevoi reports in the current
    issue of "Versiya," but Veronika Marchenko, the head of the Mother's
    Right Foundation, said the actual figure is much higher, closer to
    2,500 to 3,000.

    The difference between official and unofficial figures, Gorevoi says,
    is not simply about intentional underreporting but rather because
    the Defense Ministry does not count those who die from injuries after
    they have been demobilized or those who die "in the course of joint
    military exercises with the armies of other countries."

    Both those figures are classified, just as they were in Soviet
    times. Gorevoi's article focuses on the second of these categories,
    and he reports that military experts say Russian forces are losing
    "approximately 150 to 200" men every year.

    That figure, he continues, is approximately the same as the one Soviet
    forces suffered 20 years ago, a lack of progress Gorevoi suggests is
    the result of Russian armed forces now taking part in up to eight
    international exercises each year, whereas in Soviet times, such
    exercises occurred "much more rarely - one or two times annually."

    According to Gorevoi, the deaths Russian forces are suffering during
    joint exercises with the armies of other countries are the result
    of a variety of factors. Some are simply the product of sloppy work,
    the failure of Russian technicians to ensure that equipment is packed
    carefully so that it will work as intended.

    Others are the product of secretiveness, either by the Russian
    forces or by those with whom they are cooperating. On the one hand,
    Gorevoi says, sometimes Russian commanders do not install the latest
    technology, such as flotation devices for tanks, and soldiers die
    when they are ordered to drive them across rivers.

    And on the other, both Russian and foreign armies often are working
    with maps that are either outdated or distorted to prevent foreigners
    from knowing where things are located. During joint maneuvers last
    year with Mongolia, Gorevoi says, map errors caused approximately
    100 soldiers from both armies to be fired upon in error.

    The journalist notes that similar "cartographic" errors were
    responsible for deaths and injuries during Russian exercises with the
    Kazakh and Armenian militaries. Most recently, during this summer's
    Peace Mission 2009 maneuvers with China, inaccurate maps led to
    approximately 15 Russian deaths and 60 Chinese ones.

    But technical issues such as equipment and maps are not the only
    problems in these exercises that lead to uncounted non-combat deaths,
    Gorevoi continues. Others involve failures to communicate accurately
    what each side is supposed to do or even to understand what the games
    are intended to look like.

    One such disaster took place recently when Kyrgyz commanders suddenly
    decided to change the nature of the game and revert to what they had
    done in an earlier exercise with Russian forces. Because they did not
    make clear their intention, 120 Russian soldiers came under fire and
    approximately 15 were killed.

    Retired Col. Gen. Leonid Ivashov, the president of the Moscow Academy
    of Geopolitical Problems and a frequent critic of the Russian defense
    minister, offered the following explanation for why Russian officers
    now find it so difficult to participate in joint exercises without
    suffering significant losses.

    In Soviet times, he pointed out, such problems mostly did not arise:
    There were a number of countries in the Warsaw Pact, but they had
    "common standards of armament and common approaches to command and
    to strategic and tactical planning."

    Something like that, Ivashov said, "is being reestablished in the
    framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, but the time
    needed for the restoration will take more than year." And until then,
    Russian commanders will have to cope with many more differences than
    they were used to - and Russian soldiers are likely to be the victims.