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We Need To Take The Television

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  • We Need To Take The Television

    Naira Hayrumyan rahos||country&pid=14928
    13:41:07 - 14/08/2009

    The preparative works for the 1917 revolution in St. Petersburg were
    described in the following way in the old schoolbooks: the Bolsheviks
    first took under control the bridges, the post and the communications,
    and only after, they attacked the Smolny Institute. Bridges for
    St. Petersburg are important: if they are moved apart, troops cannot
    move in the city. But the post and telephone are more important,
    because politics and revolution are carried out through information.

    In modern conditions, the force, which is going to make policy, must
    first "take" the TV. According to the Armenian TV channels, there is
    no political opposition in the country. A person not having access
    to other media means, who every evening watches TV, is convinced that
    everything in our country is very well, and even if there are problems,
    we successfully overcome them. Our president speaks on the phone
    with Joe Biden and Dmitry Medvedev, Gagik Tsarukyan communicates with
    Lukashenko as equals, banks give loans to everyone who wants, and only,
    what the hell, the hail does not rest, and wolves keep attacking sheep.

    The fact that there is a large group of people in the country, with
    their own vision of world, who are not afraid of thinking and even
    dreaming, the TV viewers do not know. Neither about the fact that
    one may be freer and not to be afraid of traffic police officials,
    judges, the mayor's office, bosses, dogs in gateways. These people
    have access only to the pages of some print newspapers, and a pair
    of electronic sites. Altogether, the number of readers of newspapers
    and websites does not constitute the 1 per cent of the number of TV
    viewers in the country. And, mostly those, who write for the sites,
    read the Internet sites. As a friend of mine said, we write, we read.

    The situation was somewhat rescued by the radio "Liberty". The evening
    news of the "Liberty", station may be heard in public transport almost
    every evening. People listen to "other" news, and then discuss them
    in full buses. Then they listen to the same news on TV and think that
    it is about another country.

    The political and civil forces, which intend to change the
    situation in the country, should first think about opening an
    alternative television. It is not by chance that the power is doing
    everything for no one be able to go on the air on an independent
    television. Television is the power. Activities of opposition and
    civil society are possible only in case of the presence of a private
    TV channel and this should be the first goal.

    It seems that in case of a focused and hard struggle with the
    assistance of international organizations one may achieve the
    elimination of the deprivation of citizens' rights to television. Only
    this decision of the parliament is enough to announce the government
    undemocratic. When the opposition (meaning not only the Armenian
    National Congress) will have its own channel, it will be possible to
    make policy.

    Now an Armenian man has to listen to carefully selected news from the
    global flow of information messages, watch TV and faceless shows and
    record the numbers of "passionate girls".