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Beirut: Tashnag Delegation In Maarab Seeking Political Openness

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  • Beirut: Tashnag Delegation In Maarab Seeking Political Openness


    14 Aug 09, 19:39

    Tashnaq Party leader Hovik Mukhtarian met Friday Lebanese Forces
    leader Samir Geagea as part of the group's political openness toward
    the various Lebanese sides.

    Mukhtarian, accompanied by a delegation which included MP Hagop
    Pakradounian, stressed following the meeting at Geagea's residence in
    Maarab the party's "continuous contact" not only with the LF, but also
    with the majority March 14 coalition and the Hizbullah-led Opposition.

    "We, again today, agreed on the fundamental national principles found
    in both the Lebanese Forces and Tashnag," Mukhtarian said.

    Turning to the Cabinet issue, Mukhtarian hoped a new national unity
    government would soon be formed.

    He assured that Tashnag's seat in the new Cabinet is "reserved."

    >From Maarab the Armenian delegation headed for a meeting with Lebanese
    Democratic Party leader MP Talal Arslan.

    Pakradounian acknowledged following the talks that there was "more
    than one obstacle" facing government formation.

    He said Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun's demand for the
    appointment of his son-in-law Jebran Bassil was "only a small portion
    of the problem."

    "Regretfully, the problem is not just Lebanese. An Arab-Arab balance
    is needed," he added.

    Meanwhile, the Political Council of Armenian MPs held its periodical
    meeting at Tashnag's headquarters to discuss the latest developments,
    particularly the issue of a Cabinet lineup.

    A statement issued following the meeting stressed the "importance of
    accelerating formation of a national unity government that will hasten
    a solution for the urgent economical, social and welfare problems"
    and provide the Lebanese citizens with "the right for a descent life
    in their own country."

    The statement also stressed the need for "widening relations with all
    concerned political parties and implementing a policy of openness based
    on the principles of moderation, dialogue and free decision-making."