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If There Are Clever People In The Government

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  • If There Are Clever People In The Government

    12:11:27 - 15/08/2009

    Interview By Arman Galoyan

    There is an opinion that the Congress with its regional visits tries
    to create the impression that it is getting prepared for extraordinary
    elections. Is it true? What is the aim of the visits?

    - There is some activation. Levon Ter-Petrosyan visits the houses of
    the political prisoners, the participants of the political strolls
    near the Saryan statue visit the houses of the March 1 victims. The
    youths started their regular actions. All this has only one aim to
    keep the soul of the people and get prepared for the September 18
    rally. And all this is a part of the political struggle, the aim of
    which is the shift of government.

    -How long can you keep the soul? There are people, who state that
    the public is annoyed and tired.

    - In summer, there is some kind of holiday mood. But all the
    headquarters of the Congress work actively. Today we had a session in
    the central office of the Congress, where we discussed the question
    on having responsible people in all the electoral stations of the
    republic. We get prepared to be able to respond quickly to any
    sudden step.

    - Congress stresses the idea of extraordinary election. In your
    opinion, what will make the government hold extraordinary elections?

    - Many things may force it. Let me start from the most impossible one:
    the sense of shame within the government. If there appear clever
    people in the government, they will understand all the failures
    in the home and foreign policies, in the Karabakhi conflict and in
    the economy. The failures in these spheres are evident. If there are
    clever people in the government, they have to advise Serge Sargsyan to
    resign, because the continuation of his policy will bring the country
    to a collapse. Those problems, for the solution of which the people
    struggle, not only are not being solved, but also are deepening. The
    society proved that it is decisive struggling in the streets for two
    years and it will keep struggling until these problems are solved. The
    need for a legitimate government is very much felt. It is a fact that
    there are only uneducated people in the National Assembly, that it
    is not a political body but a place where criminals are gathered. It
    is a fact that the government is not responsible in front of the
    society. The whole system works against the public.

    - In your opinion, how long may this system last?

    - This system cannot last long, because it leads the country into a
    deadlock. It can live only on account of wasting the home resources,
    which are limited. The day of the shift of the government approaches
    always more. The only way to survive is the democratic system in

    - Can you assure that Serge Sargsyan will not be able to hold his
    office until the official end of his tenure?

    - It is ruled out. The demand on the Karabakhi question adds to the
    wasting of resources. In particular, I mean the statement of the three
    presidents of the co-chair countries of the Minsk group. This document
    will work and until June Serge Sargsyan has to make a decision either
    to sign the document, or to resign. There is no other way out.

    - Will he not have the support of the international society in case
    of signing the document?

    - There will be change of government in any case. In case you mentioned
    he will have the protests of the Armenian and Karabakhi societies. I
    stress that our country has deficit of democracy. And all the problems
    of our country come from this problem. So there is only one way out -
    legitimate government to be able to resist challenges.