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Turkish PM promises reform to religious minorities

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  • Turkish PM promises reform to religious minorities

    Washington Post

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    Turkish PM promises reform to religious minorities

    By Ayla Jean Yackley

    Saturday, August 15, 2009; 3:13 PM

    ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan promised democratic
    reforms on Saturday in a rare meeting with Turkey's religious minority
    leaders highlighting the issue of minority rights, a key stumbling
    block in its EU membership bid.
    Greek Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and leaders of the
    small Armenian, Jewish, Syriac Orthodox and Syriac Catholic
    communities had lunch with Erdogan and senior ministers on Buyukada
    island near Istanbul, a patriarchate official told Reuters on
    condition his name not be used.
    The lunch meeting coincided with government reform moves to address
    decades-old tensions with the country's 12 million Kurds. Erdogan, a
    devout Muslim whose government is viewed with suspicion by some for
    its Islamist roots, alluded in his speech to a broader reform process.
    "It is now for us essential to embrace all 71.5 million of this
    nation's people in respect and love," he said, repeating his
    opposition to ethnic nationalism and saying his government kept an
    equal distance to all faiths.

    "Are there shortcomings in implementation? There are. We will overcome
    these together in this struggle. I believe this democratic initiative
    will change many things in this country," he said in comments reported
    by broadcaster CNN Turk and confirmed by patriarchate official.
    Erdogan and Bartholomew, the Istanbul-based spiritual leader of the
    world's 250 million Orthodox, later toured the Aya Yorgi Church, where
    they had a private conversation in which the patriarch voiced his
    community's concerns, the official said. The two men last met in 2006.
    Erdogan and Bartholomew also visited a former orphanage on Buyukada
    that the Turkish state seized from a Greek Orthodox foundation a
    decade ago. The European Court of Human Rights ruled last year Turkey
    had wrongly confiscated the property, but the government has yet to
    implement that ruling.
    Bartholomew also raised the issue of the closed Orthodox seminary on
    the nearby island of Heybeli, or Halki in Greek, but Erdogan made no
    statement on the issue, the official said.
    "We believe the prime minister is looking for a way to open the
    school. There is movement on this," the official said. "It was a very
    positive, very friendly meeting."
    Turkey signaled last month the seminary may open after pressure from
    the EU and U.S. President Barack Obama, who has called for its
    restoration during a visit to Turkey in April.
    The EU has made re-opening the Halki seminary a litmus test of the
    government's commitment to religious freedom for non-Muslims in
    largely Muslim but officially secular Turkey.
    Turkey closed the Halki seminary in 1971 during a period of tension
    with Greece over Cyprus and a crackdown on religious education that
    also included Islamist schools.
    About 2,500 ethnic Greeks remain in Turkey, as well as approximately
    60,000 Armenians, 20,000 Jews and 10,000 Syriacs.
    The meeting with the minority leaders was organized by Turkey's chief
    EU negotiator Egemen Bagis, who was in attendance with the other
    (Writing by Daren Butler; editing by Ralph Boulton)