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Yervand Manaryan: Nothing is worse for society than indifference

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  • Yervand Manaryan: Nothing is worse for society than indifference

    Yervand Manaryan: Nothing is worse for society than indifference
    11:49 / 08/15/2009

    On August 10, the Honoured Art Worker, well-known actor Yervand
    Manaryan marked his 85th birthday anniversary. Neither the Armenian
    authorities nor mass media honored him with attention. Even the First
    TV Channel of Armenia disregarded the occasion. Talking to NEWS. am,
    Mr. Manaryan did not want to address the matter. Our talk was just
    about modern-day theater, the actors' life and career.
    Question: Mr. Manaryan, I did not receive your consent to an interview
    at once. You said you were not in the right mood. What was the cause?
    Answer: Everything... The present is of interest to you, the whole
    life is ahead of you. For people of our age it is the end.
    Question: So it is your age that is the cause for your low spirits?
    Answer: Yes, it is the age - I have not any special expectations.
    Question: What expectations do you mean? Are they expectations from
    the State?
    Answer: State issues are most complicated. Do we have a state at all?
    It is a question arising before an aged man, and there is no evading
    it. For so many years you, Armenian, labor, going through troubles,
    and at the same time put a question to yourself: do I have a state?
    There is power, but no state. They should be discriminated. We wanted
    to create a state - a free and independent one. May be, it went
    wrong. I would not like to call it an error. Rather, it went wrong.
    Question: But when you stood side by side with Levon Ter-Petrosyan,
    you believed that power would be able to rectify the mistakes and
    create the State you have just mentioned?
    Answer: I do not have a special wish to speak of an individual, though
    we cannot do without that: it is individuals that make
    history. However, the truth is one. We think we can we can avoid it,
    but we cannot. Society and the State have two poles: the authorities
    and the opposition. The State does not exist without authorities. On
    the other hand, the State becomes uncivilized without the Opposition.
    Question: Did you join any other force before joining the
    Ter-Petrosyan-led Opposition? Did you appear in the political arena?
    Answer: At the age of 20 I was engaged in politics. I worked as a
    political observer for the organ of the press of the People's Party of
    Iran. Twenty is twenty. At that time there was no politics for me,
    there was Homeland. The concept of Homeland is somewhat different for
    Iranian-Armenians than for Armenians residing in Armenia. A local
    Armenian can see both strong and weak points of his Homeland, wants to
    improve something... In a foreign land, the Homeland is far away from
    you. You seek it...
    Question: You mean the Diaspora is unable to contribute to the
    Homeland's prosperity? Should activities aimed at bringing benefit to
    the Homeland be launched in the Homeland itself?
    Answer: People should come and take care of their Homeland. Donating
    part of your earnings, even a greater part, is nothing. People should
    come and take care of this land. It is a most laborious process. It
    requires great devotion - the devotion displayed by me and many of
    them who were like me.
    Question: The well-known people who returned to the Homeland with you?
    Answer: There were eleven of us. Now I am alone. Hovhannes Badalyan
    was among us. If you are acquainted with modern literature, Abig
    Avagyan was among us - he was the oldest. Albert Hayrapetyan became a
    Doctor of Physiology, Hamlet Yeganyan a Doctor of History, Hrair
    Movsesyan defended a PhD thesis on philology and Manuk Barseghyan a
    PhD thesis on medicine. In short, they are all well-known people.
    Question: How did the repatriates launch activities in the Homeland?
    Answer: Some people ask: what and how it was, if we did not want to go
    back? I told them nothing like that had happened. I had family
    problems. It is easier for a young man to overcome difficulties. In
    short, I have been in this walk of life for 63 years.
    Question: Did you launch your career at the Puppet Theater?
    Answer: No, it was dramatic art. My parents were actors. They left
    Armenia and met there, in Iran, got married and started a family. We
    are two brothers. I studied dramatic art, and Arman took interest in
    film art. It was great we were besides each other at work. He was a
    film director, and I a scriptwriter... I love this work very much.
    Question: Mr. Manaryan, many people know you from the film `A bride
    from the North'. How did it happen that you acted in the film?
    Answer: My friends, Zhora Harutyunyan, Nerses, called me. We were good
    friends. They offered. I had had nothing noteworthy before. I played a
    role in Arman's `Karine'. I am good at languages. Although I have
    nothing in common with Western Armenian, I am a good speaker. With
    Nerses and Arman I played a role in `Tzhvzhik'. A second time, with
    Nerses I played in the film `Cooks' contest' - a character of Western
    Armenian. In a word, I worked much in Armenian cinema and theater and
    I had no problems. I thank God for having an opportunity to work in
    Armenia theatre.
    Question: It was when you starting working at the Puppet Theater?
    Answer: At the Sundukyan Theater I assisted Vartan Ajemyan, when I was
    offered work at the newly opened Tumanyan Puppet Theater. I started
    working chief stage director. After retiring, I thought of opening my
    own theater - I did not even let a day pass. Fortunately, at that time
    the Soviet Union granted freedom to theater though they continued
    watching over. At that time we created `Aghulis'.
    Question: What is the state of `Aghulis' now? What are its problems?
    Answer: I find it difficult it say. The problem is the repetoire. We
    are going to stage a play for young people...
    Question: Are these the only problems? And what is the theater's
    financial position?
    Answer: Financial problems as well. How can a 50-member company
    maintain itself? It is great that enthusiasts can be found among young
    people. Girls, mostly graduates. We thus maintain ourselves. We have
    to specify the theater's image, which is most difficult. I think we
    need plays for young people. We are staging a new play now - Hayk and
    Question: Do you feel more responsible to young or adult spectators?
    Answer: It cannot be compared. At a puppet theater, a child hands his
    or her pure soul over to you. Also, children are surprisingly
    trustful. Some children argue with puppets, they cannot stand their
    `bad deeds.' You should be most cautious. You cannot feel free. It is
    a matter of human relations. You sow first seeds in the soul of a
    future citizen. It is not so with adults. In this case, you set
    creative tasks. The theater has numerous `heights', which does not
    seem to be taken into account now. Theater's mission has changed. The
    purpose for which it was created thousands of years ago no longer
    exists. It hardly works in this field. It is issues of aesthetics that
    are mainly of interest in Armenia, whereas theater's true purpose is a
    discussion with audience. People go to the theater to find ideas, and
    the ideas must be in conformity with the questions they bring to the
    house. At present, aeshetics is irrelevant because television and
    cinema sometimes demonstrate this aesthetics so there is not sense if
    going to the theater to see the same. Theather is supposed to answer
    society's questions.
    Question: What about modern-day theater?
    Answer: Theater is fully dependent on the spectator's spiritual `ego.'
    What do you give to him? What he takes... Something like the most
    savage barter. How does the spectator asses your acting? The
    modern-day spectator comes to the theater with serious questions,
    which are far from being everyday ones. For instance, the most serious
    question is that of nationhood. If entertaining is the main aim, it is
    not theater. Another matter is that entertainments provide answers to
    serious questions. Biographies must be in effect in theater. There
    must be a conflict of biographies, which provides food for
    reflection. No society can have theater, without this excitement
    passing by its theater. We cannot hear about someone staging a play on
    the March 1 events and be told: no, we are not going to stage it. It
    is theater too.
    Question: Are you writing as play about March 1? Do you plan to do it?
    Answer: I did it at my time. I am bold in this matter, and my
    conscience is clean. I wrote a play about the first stages of
    Ter-Petrosyan's rule. It was published in the miscellanea. I staged it
    at the Sundukyan theater. The play told about the hard times our
    society was going through, about an ancient people that could not find
    a shepherd to put it on the right track. Lorents Arushanyan played the
    leading part. Renovation work was under way at the theater, it was
    bitter cold. For technical reasons, it was not a long-term play.
    Question: Besides the recent years' political activity, did you appear
    in the political arena?
    Answer: Being an Armenian citizen, I am always interested in political
    life. I am not a political figure, I am a citizen. At the 2004 rallies
    I was the only representative of Armenian intelligentsia that was
    speaking with the people through a loudspeaker. I cannot understand
    why I was alone Why are so many intellectuals on this side, and none
    of them on that? I cannot understand. It is a serious question, and I
    find it difficult to answer it. Because, like it or not, I will have
    to say bitter words, but I do not want to.
    Question: Mr. Manaryan, you preferred a way leading to Opposition. But
    they preferred a way leading to power. Why are you surprised?
    Answer: Yes, it is a clear thing. Society must be like this - the
    authorities and the Opposition. And art critics must mostly be in the
    Opposition. It is a standard for any society - for the authorities'
    errors to be indicated. A word of a man of art is sincere.
    Question: Would not it be better if intellectuals united and, without
    joining the Opposition, pointed to the authorities' errors? The
    Opposition has demands, seeking power, but not the ways of resolving
    the social problems.
    Answer: Of course, the Opposition came out to overthrow the
    authorities and occupy their place. Depriving the Opposition of its
    mission means, excuse me, castrating it. If anyone thinks the
    incumbent authorities must yield their place to new forces, let them
    go and stand besides them. Is it possible for a person of my age - I
    marked my 85th birthday anniversary three days ago - to seek
    power. Intellectuals, workers of art are not only for entertaining.
    Question: Was Ter-Petrosyan the reason for your participation in the
    Answer: Ter-Petrosyan was a able to breathe new life into the
    political Opposition. He is a person knowing what to do. He does not
    tell everything to us - it is his nature. We do not know anything
    about his thoughts. He wants to put them into practice. I am a person
    that gained experience in the Dashnak School. All our teachers in the
    Teheran school were Dashnaks. They were different from these. What
    games are these playing? I am disappointed with their steps. I can say
    what I am sure of: the Soviet people has not yet relegated to
    oblivion. And, being in agony, they are manifesting themselves in a
    subtler way. I do not complain about the Soviet power. It existed for
    a certain historical period and must go away. Functions are gone, but
    the way of thinking is still alive - with immoral people. No decent
    person is a bearer of Soviet ideology. I can see with my own eyes
    their efforts to return Soviet power.
    Question: Who wants to return it?
    Answer: Those having levers in their hands because Soviet power
    allowed them to have levers under the guise of great names. The only
    difference is that a powerful hand did not allow them to exceed the
    limit at that time. At present it is not so, they are moving forward
    in an organized way.
    Question: As an Armenian intellectual and citizen, what do you think
    of the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement and of the issue of return of
    Answer: I do not know what to say. It is diplomacy. But I am
    Armenian. How can we return Aghdam?! I see a problem is a morally
    degrading society. Such a society will never reach anything even if
    they are presented with an Armenia from sea to sea. It is a pity!
    There are more than enough intellectuals supporting the
    authorities. Whose weighty utterance can we hear? What is it if not
    indifference? There is nothing worse for society than indifference. I
    do not know about the end, but we have sustained great moral losses,
    which are most difficult to make up. Our intellectuals have much to
    do, but they are sitting with their arms folded.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress