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Turks reckon Armenia as an enemy: International Strategy Research

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  • Turks reckon Armenia as an enemy: International Strategy Research

    Turks reckon Armenia as an enemy: International Strategy Research
    18:07 / 08/15/2009

    According to International Strategy Research Organization public
    opinion poll results, 47% Turks find their external policy failed, 49%
    consider it successful, 56.3% see their future in EU, 23.6% - in
    Turkish world, Islamic-10%, Eurasian Community-7.2% and 2.7% link
    their future with U.S.
    Turks believe that U.S. (32%), Israel (23.6%), Russia (11.6%) and
    France (9.5%) threaten world stability.
    More than half (56.3%) respondents consider religious and cultural
    differences might hinder Turkey to join EU, while 15.4 % indicate
    democracy problems as an obstacle, economic differences (10.9%) and
    population problems (7.2%). Only 4.5% of all find Armenian issue
    U.S. (25.4%) will render assistance to Turkey in the case of war,
    military conflict or natural disaster, 10% set hopes upon Azerbaijan,
    8.6% - are for Japan, 7.4% - Turkish states, 7.2%- Islamic countries,
    3.6%-Greece and 1.09% - goes to Russia.
    Among Turkey's friendly states Azerbaijan rated first with 23%, then
    Bosnia and Herzegovina- 10.8%, U.S.- 8.5%, Germany-0.6%.
    Turkish enemies' list heads U.S.-25.4%, Israel-15.6%, France-12%,
    Armenia-10.3%, Greece-7%, Russia-6.4% and Germany-1.8%.
    According to polls of 2005, 6% reckons Armenia as an enemy and 2.8% -
    The poll was conducted in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Bursa.