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Kyrgyzstan - New "Coord Council on Struggle v Religious Extremism"

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  • Kyrgyzstan - New "Coord Council on Struggle v Religious Extremism"

    FORUM 18 NEWS SERVICE, Oslo, Norway

    The right to believe, to worship and witness
    The right to change one's belief or religion
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    ========================================== =======

    Wednesday 19 August 2009

    Kyrgyzstan has established a state Coordinating Council on the Struggle
    against Religious Extremism, Forum 18 News Service notes. The execution of
    Council decisions will be obligatory for the different parts of the
    government, but officials are unclear when asked by Forum 18 what they mean
    by religious extremism and what the Council will do. It will be led by the
    State Agency for Religious Affairs, the Interior Ministry and the NSS
    secret police, and will have members from other parts of the government,
    the Muslim Board, and the Russian Orthodox Church. Civil society and
    religious organisations have reacted with concern, Raya Kadyrova of the
    Foundation for Tolerance International pointing out that "unfortunately our
    laws give a very wide definition of religious radicalism and extremism."
    She suggested that the Collective Security Treaty Organisation might be a
    reason for the Council. The Jehovah's Witnesses said they needed to wait
    and see what it would do. They noted that some officials have previously
    described them as "a destructive movement," but "hoped" the Council would
    not listen to such opinions. One Protestant asked why there was a need for
    the Council, given the other responsible state organisations.


    By Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service <>

    Kyrgyzstan has recently transformed its state Interagency Council on
    Religious Affairs into a state Coordinating Council on the Struggle against
    Religious Extremism, Forum 18 News Service has learned. However, although
    the Council will apparently be powerful, uncertainty surrounds what it will

    The Decree establishing the Council - signed by Prime Minister Igor
    Chudinov on 5 August - states that it was established "for the purpose of
    ensuring concerted action and coordination of activity of State agencies
    and local governments of Kyrgyzstan in prevention of the spread of and
    resistance to religious extremism, fundamentalism and conflicts on
    religious grounds". The Decree goes on to state that: "Constructive and
    effective mutual relations between State agencies and religious
    organisations aimed at efficient solutions of issues related to prevention
    of the spread of religious extremism, fundamentalism, and conflicts on
    religious grounds, will allow suppressing the ideas of various extremist
    and destructive groups."

    Kanybek Osmanaliev, Head of the State Agency for Religious Affairs, told
    Forum 18 on 18 August that the Secretariat of the Council will be led by
    himself, the Deputy Interior Minister, and the Deputy Head of the National
    Security Service (NSS) secret police. The members of the Council will be
    representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defence, Health,
    Culture, and Finance, heads of Regional Administrations, as well as
    representatives from the state-favoured Muslim Board and the Russian
    Orthodox Church.

    It appears that much power will be given to the Council, as the Decree
    states that Council decisions must be executed by "Ministries, State
    Committees, administrative units, and other executive authorities, as well
    as local state administrations and local self-government".

    What issues will the Council address?

    "The reason for the decision was to turn the Interagency Council, which
    was more of an amorphous structure to a more effective one to fight
    religious extremism," Osmanaliev of the State Agency for Religious Affairs
    told Forum 18. "We will meet no less than twice a year and report to the
    Vice-Prime Minister," he said. The State Agency will be responsible for
    preparing the agenda for each meeting. However, Osmanaliev said that he
    "cannot say what exact issues we will discuss, as we are only in the phase
    of formulating our policy." He also did not say what principles would serve
    as the basis of the Council's policy.

    Father Igor Dronov of the Russian Orthodox Church in Bishkek told Forum 18
    on 19 August that he is aware of the new Council, but has not yet accepted
    the invitation to it. "I cannot say at the moment what issues the Council
    will be occupied with," he stated. Reminded of his earlier complaints about
    the activity of an earlier conversation with Forum 18 when he complained
    about the activity of some Protestant Churches, Father Dronov said "that's
    not religious extremism but aggressive proselytism." The new Religion Law
    bans - without defining - "aggressive action aimed at proselytism" (see
    F18News 13 January 2009
    < e_id=1240>). Asked if he would
    bring these type of issues at the Council, Fr Dronov repeated his previous
    answer that he did not know what the Council would be doing.

    The Muslim Board and Osmanaliev of the State Agency have, along with Fr
    Dromov, welcomed the restrictive new Religion Law. In a written explanation
    of the "need" for a new Law - placed on the parliamentary website -
    Osmanaliev expressed concern about what he described as the "abnormality"
    of a rising number of people changing faith, especially young ethnic Kyrgyz
    joining Christian churches. He also complained of "illegal" activity by
    "various destructive, totalitarian groups and reactionary sects", among
    whom he included the Hare Krishna and Mormon communities, and
    "uncontrolled" building and opening of mosques, churches and other places
    of worship (see F18News 2 October 2008
    < e_id=1197>).

    Who decided what the Council's membership is?

    Asked why representatives of other religious organisations were not
    invited as members to the Council, Osmanaliev of the State Agency said the
    question should be put to the government.

    Suyun Musaliyev, who works for the department overseeing religious issues
    in the Cabinet of Ministers, said that the members from the religious
    organisations were proposed by the State Agency for Religious Affairs. "If
    they [the State Agency] would like to propose a representative of
    Protestants, for instance, they could," he told Forum 18 on 18 August. "We
    will make a decision on their proposal."

    What is religious extremism?

    Officials were unspecific when asked what they meant by religious
    extremism, and how the struggle against it would be carried out. "It is the
    Coordinating Council's duty to expose destructive and extremist religious
    movements in the territory of Kyrgyzstan," Musaliyev of the Cabinet of
    Ministers responded. Osmanaliev of the State Agency said that "only courts"
    in Kyrgyzstan can decide which religious movements are extremist. "So far,
    such decisions have been made on organisations like Hizb-ut-Tahrir" (see
    < e_id=170> for an outline of this
    group's views), he stated. "None of the existing and registered
    organisations are considered as extremists here," Osmanaliev assured Forum
    18. He did not discuss the situation of unregistered organisations, or
    those whose registration the new Law threatens.

    Asked what would happen if names of existing organisations were claimed in
    Council meetings to have negative effects, Osmanaliev would only said that
    the Council "would need to make a collective decision" on cases of

    Reactions from civil society and religious communities

    Raya Kadyrova, President of the Foundation for Tolerance International in
    Bishkek, pointed to one possible problem in the Council's work. She told
    Forum 18 on 19 August that "unfortunately our laws give a very wide
    definition of religious radicalism and extremism. For instance, any
    criticism by independent Muslim organisations of the work of the Muslim
    Board can easily be interpreted as radicalism and extremism." She also said
    that she "hoped the Council will also listen to the opinion of Kyrgyzstan's
    so-called minority faiths before making any decisions affecting their

    Various religious organisations expressed their concerns to Forum 18 about
    the Council. A Protestant Pastor, who wanted to remain unnamed, said he
    does not understand why there needs to be such a Council. "We already have
    law-enforcement agencies in the country to detect who breaks the laws," he
    told Forum 18 on 18 August from Bishkek. The Protestant added that the
    State Agency is also supposed to work with religious organisations. "I am
    afraid they are trying to tighten the noose around our necks," he
    complained. He said he believed that the Council was created to "make life
    hard" for the Protestant churches in the country.

    Vladimir Gavrilovski of Jehovah's Witnesses said they needed to wait and
    see what the Council would do. "It has been re-organised very recently, so
    we have to wait to see," he told Forum 18 on 18 August. "Some officials
    have spoken about us as being a destructive movement in the past," he
    noted. "When we explained our position on different issues, they told us
    that they were given wrong information on us." He said he "hoped" that the
    Council would not listen to such opinions.

    Synarkul Muraliyeva (Chandra Mukkhi) of the Hare Krishna community said
    she did not know what the position of the Council on their community would
    be. "The NSS secret police has told us that we are a totalitarian sect, and
    are in a list with the banned terrorist organisations."

    Why is the Council being established?

    Kadyrova of the Foundation for Tolerance International told Forum 18 that
    the establishment of the Council was "official recognition that the
    country's security is under threat from religious extremism." She thought
    that a reason for it's establishment may be that the authorities "need to
    determine" what the security threats are. She added that the Council may
    also have been established "to integrate into national policy a policy
    adopted at a recent meeting of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation
    (CSTO)." She noted that "the policy of the CSTO is that special attention
    needs to be given to religious radicalism and new religious movements, as a
    threat to security in the region."

    The CSTO, consisting of of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
    Russia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, added some Muslim movements to its list
    of terrorist and extremist organisations in May 2009. These included
    Tabligh Jamaat and Salafism (see F18News 15 May 2009
    < e_id=1297>), as well as
    "Nurdzhular" - as it calls followers of the Turkish theologian Said Nursi.
    Muslims who follow Nursi's approach to Islam have been attracting
    increasing state hostility in the former Soviet Union. Increasing numbers
    of Muslims following his approach have been jailed in Uzbekistan (see eg.
    31 July 2009 < 1333>).
    Translations of many of his writings are banned in Russia, and those
    thought to possess them have been raided (see F18News 16 July 2009
    < e_id=1328>).

    The Kyrgyz legal background

    Since a repressive new Religion Law came into force in January, religious
    communities of all faiths have experienced increased official hostility.
    One example of this has been that unregistered communities of Protestant
    Christians, Hare Krishna devotees and Ahmadiya Muslims in many parts of
    Kyrgyzstan have been ordered by the authorities to stop meeting for worship
    (see F18News 13 August 2009
    < e_id=1336>).

    Officials have claimed to Forum 18 that they have formed a Commission to
    resolve three controversial provisions of the Religion Law: restrictions on
    sharing faith and distributing religious literature, and the high threshold
    of members required before religious communities can register. Separately,
    a legal challenge to the Law was mounted by Protestants (see F18News 27 May
    2009 < 1301>). The
    Constitutional Court on 24 July dismissed the complaint, in a ruling signed
    by Judge Chinara Musabekova. She stated that the "concrete constitutional
    rights of the applicants have not been violated." (END)

    For background information see Forum 18's Kyrgyzstan religious freedom
    survey at < 222>.

    More reports on freedom of thought, conscience and belief in Kyrgyzstan
    can be found at
    < mp;religion=all&country=30>.

    A survey of the religious freedom decline in the eastern part of the
    Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) area is at
    < id=806>, and of religious
    intolerance in Central Asia is at
    < id=815>.

    A printer-friendly map of Kyrgyzstan is available at
    < s/atlas/index.html?Parent=asia&Rootmap=kyrgyz& gt;.

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