12:31 19/08/2009
In the ninth round of Jermuk 2009 FIDE Grand Prix Vassily Ivanchuk
ended his set in draw with Pavel Eljanov, though if he had managed
to win he would become the sole leader of the tournament. Sergey
Karjakin has also ended in draw with Ernesto Inarkiev.
After the ninth round Vassily Ivanchuk, Rustam Kasimjanov and Peter
Leko have 6 points and lead the tournament.
Levon Aronian, Yevgeni Alekseev, Pavel Eljanov and Serey Karjakin
have 5 points and share 4-7 horizontals. Boros Gelfand and Etienne
Bacrot follow them with 4.5 points. Dmitry Yakovenko has 4 points,
Vladimir Hakopian and Gata Kamsky - 3.5; Ivan Cheparinov - 3 points
and Ernesto Inarkiev - 2 points.
12:31 19/08/2009
In the ninth round of Jermuk 2009 FIDE Grand Prix Vassily Ivanchuk
ended his set in draw with Pavel Eljanov, though if he had managed
to win he would become the sole leader of the tournament. Sergey
Karjakin has also ended in draw with Ernesto Inarkiev.
After the ninth round Vassily Ivanchuk, Rustam Kasimjanov and Peter
Leko have 6 points and lead the tournament.
Levon Aronian, Yevgeni Alekseev, Pavel Eljanov and Serey Karjakin
have 5 points and share 4-7 horizontals. Boros Gelfand and Etienne
Bacrot follow them with 4.5 points. Dmitry Yakovenko has 4 points,
Vladimir Hakopian and Gata Kamsky - 3.5; Ivan Cheparinov - 3 points
and Ernesto Inarkiev - 2 points.