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Ani Grigorian Of Racine Interns At Washington Immigration Studies Ce

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  • Ani Grigorian Of Racine Interns At Washington Immigration Studies Ce

    ANI GRIGORIAN OF RACINE INTERNS AT WASHINGTON IMMIGRATION STUDIES CENTER 20-ani-grigorian-of-racine-interns-at-washington-i mmigration-studies-center
    Thursday August 20, 2009

    Washington - Carthage College senior Ani Grigorian, who is double
    majoring in communication and public relations, recently completed an
    eight-week Armenian Assembly internship at the Washington-based Center
    for Immigration Studies. While in the city, she met Rep. Paul Ryan
    (R.-Wisc.) and made many new friends, including one of her roommates,
    a student from Lebanon.

    A dean's list student, Ms. Grigorian works in the college admissions
    office while staying active in extracurricular activities. She
    serves as vice president for public relations for her business
    fraternity, Pi Sigma Epsilon, and as vice president of her sorority,
    Pi Theta. Formerly with the Carthage Red Hots dance team, she now
    dances with the Illuzions.

    Ms. Grigorian is also active in her church, having served as a national
    delegate for the Armenian Church Youth Organization of America. Before
    her internship she traveled twice to Armenia as a volunteer.