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"Armenia: Noah's Land"

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  • "Armenia: Noah's Land"

    21.08.2009, 18:08

    "Armenia: Noah's Land" is a documentary film devoted to the historical
    and cultural monuments of Armenia and Artsakh. According to the
    vice president of the Bazz Business Company Judith Lascombe, it
    was introduced to a Spanish channel "Television Española" (TVE),
    which is broadcast in more than 200 countries, and has an audience
    of 450 million.

    "Only in Europe 450 million families watch this channel", - said
    Judith Lascombe and added that due to our distributing company the
    film was sold to Scandinavian countries: Finland, Norway, Denmark and
    Sweden. We have a contract with one of the Italian TV companies. The
    film will be on Italian "RAI" channel. Also talks are being conducted
    with the channel "Discovery".

    The speaker, emphasizing the particularities of the Armenian culture,
    also mentioned that most of Europeans are unaware that Armenia was
    the first to adopt Christianity as a state religion.

    "This is a very specific and important fact for Armenia", - she

    The Deputy Minister of Economy Ara Petrosyan also considered important
    that the film was on in Italy, in Scandinavian countries and in Spain,
    as these countries are interested in Armenia and these countries are
    "potential market" of tourism for Armenia.

    The Deputy Minister reminded that once there were advertisements about
    Armenia on CNN and Euronews. After the monitoring it turned out that
    these ads mostly increased the number of tourists.

    "A positive criterion was formed, and our country became more
    popular",-said A. Petrosyan.

    The authors of the film hope that the film will ensure the raise in
    the number of visits to Armenia.

    The film "Armenia: Noah's Land" will also be introduced in Cannes
    twice a year in March and October at the film festival.