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Matthew Bryza's Plans For Artsakh: Formula For Disaster For Armenian

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  • Matthew Bryza's Plans For Artsakh: Formula For Disaster For Armenian

    17:41 / 08/21/2009

    Matthew Bryza, the U.S. mediator for Artsakh (Karabagh), discussed
    in great detail for the first time the critical issues dealing with
    the behind the scene negotiations on resolving that conflict.

    Mr. Bryza is the U.S. Co-Chair of the Minsk Group and Deputy Assistant
    Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. He delivered a
    speech on the Artsakh conflict at the International Center for Human
    Rights in Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, on August 7. Mr. Bryza's lengthy
    presentation, followed by an extensive question and answer period
    (19 pages), was transcribed by Armenian news agency.

    While Mr. Bryza has regularly met with members of the media during his
    frequent visits to Armenia and Azerbaijan, often recanting in Yerevan
    what he reportedly said in Baku, he has never before disclosed the
    details of the settlement being negotiated between the presidents of
    the two conflicting countries and the three Co-Chairs of the Minsk
    Group, composed of France, Russia, and the United States.

    The Armenian public certainly appreciates Mr. Bryza's willingness
    to discuss the terms of a future agreement on the Artsakh
    conflict. Nevertheless, one wonders why was Mr. Bryza in such a
    talkative mood? Was he preparing the Armenian public for the painful
    compromises that are to be made or was he trying to impress his
    Washington superiors with his negotiating skills, as he is being
    considered for an ambassadorial post in Baku?

    Mr. Bryza began his remarks by stating that the negotiations for the
    settlement of the Artsakh conflict are based on the three fundamental
    principles of the Helsinki Final Act: Self-determination, territorial
    integrity, and non-use of force.

    Claiming that the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan "right now
    are on the verge of a breakthrough," an assertion he has made many
    times before, Mr. Bryza proceeded to disclose a highly controversial
    roadmap of the agreement currently under consideration. Mr. Bryza
    stated that Artsakh would preserve its current status for an "interim
    period." Armenians would then turn over to Azerbaijan most of the
    "seven territories" surrounding Artsakh. After the Azeri refugees
    who left Artsakh during the war return to their homes, a referendum
    would be held to determine the final status of Artsakh.

    During the question and answer period, Mr. Bryza stated that the
    Minsk Group Co-Chairs were disappointed that during their July 17
    meeting in Moscow, Presidents Sargsyan and Aliyev did not come to an
    agreement "on several of the final elements of the basic principles,"
    despite the fact that, during their January meeting in Zurich, they
    had "agreed on the basic concepts." He said he expected an agreement
    in September "on the last few elements of the basic principles that
    remain not yet agreed."

    When asked if Azerbaijan was making any compromises, Mr. Bryza pointed
    out Baku's increasingly accommodating position on the Lachin Corridor
    which links Artsakh to Armenia, its concern for the security of
    Artsakh Armenians and their need to run their own affairs. Mr. Bryza
    further claimed that "Azerbaijan had to give up quite a bit from a
    position where it was in the beginning when it said it will never
    talk about self-determination. And, of course, to bring Azerbaijan
    to that point, Armenia had to give something up as well.... So,
    both sides are making compromises."

    Mr. Bryza defended the non-recognition of Artsakh by the United States,
    by pointing out that the government of Armenia has not recognized it
    either. He said that the reason Armenia does not recognize Artsakh's
    independence is that "it knows that if it does that, the chances to
    negotiate a peaceful settlement finish."

    In response to a complaint from the audience that Artsakh was left out
    of the negotiations, Mr. Bryza blamed its absence on the Kocharian
    government. "Until 1998, Karabakh Armenians were formally part of
    the negotiations, when it was the former government of Armenia who
    decided to change that situation. It was not the Co-Chairs who made the
    decision - that was the government of Armenia," he said. Mr. Bryza did
    not mention the fact that Azerbaijan had rejected Artsakh's inclusion
    in the talks.

    Responding to another question, Mr. Bryza made the surprising
    disclosure that the international peacekeeping troops to be stationed
    in or around Artsakh would not be armed, simply because they would
    not be able to compel the two sides not to fight, if they are intent
    on going to war against each other. He stated that "the Co-Chairs
    have to be smart and skillful enough to put at place a settlement in
    which the international peacekeepers will be primarily observers."

    Mr. Bryza candidly told his Armenian audience not to trust the
    international peacekeepers to secure the peace in Artsakh. He also
    stated that a "legally binding" referendum to determine the status of
    Artsakh would be held in several years, after the original Azerbaijani
    inhabitants, who before the war constituted 20% of the territory's
    population, would return to Artsakh.

    Mr. Bryza concluded by urging Armenians to accept "a compromise
    settlement now," warning that "a decade ago, Armenia was in a much
    stronger negotiation position!"

    The terms of the possible settlement, as outlined by Mr. Bryza, is a
    disaster waiting to happen to Armenians. They are supposed to first
    turn over to Azerbaijan practically all of the territories surrounding
    Artsakh. Then the former Azeri inhabitants of Artsakh are to return,
    after which a referendum would be held on the status of Artsakh,
    under the watchful eyes of UNARMED international peacekeepers. If
    Azerbaijan, at a future date, uses its massive petrodollars to
    acquire sophisticated weaponry and invade Artsakh, particularly after
    Armenians have given up the buffer zones they are currently holding,
    the population of Artsakh risks being completely destroyed.

    >From the Armenian point of view, the only acceptable solution to
    the Artsakh conflict would be to either maintain the status quo or to
    agree to a package deal that would require Azerbaijan's recognition
    of Artsakh's independence and the establishment of a demilitarized
    zone on the Azeri side of the border, before giving up a single inch
    of land or allowing the return of a single Azeri refugee!