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Armenia's Yezidis bemoan lowly status

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  • Armenia's Yezidis bemoan lowly status

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting IWPR, UK
    Aug 21 2009


    Long-marginalised community claims it faces systematic discrimination.

    By Aghavni Harutyunian in Zovuni and Arpi Makhsudian in Yerevan

    Most of the population of the Amo district in the Armenian village of
    Zovuni are ethnic Yezidis, making it a rare place even in the
    multi-ethnic Caucasus, but visitors can be forgiven for not
    noticing. Their attention will be occupied by the loud buzz coming
    from the high voltage power cables overhead.

    For the visitor, the noise may cause a headache, but the residents
    have lived with it since the 1970s, when the decision to install the
    wires was first made.

    `When my father and uncle complained about it, they were told they
    would be given a house in a different place. Then the people went to
    the mountains for the summer, and when they got back, the lines had
    already been built,' said Qyalash Avdalian, an ethnic Yezidi whose
    family is considered the largest in the district.

    Many local residents claim their health has been affected by the wires
    and that the government's failure ` over four decades ` to reroute the
    lines or rehouse the Yezidis is a result of endemic discrimination.

    The Yezidis are Armenia's largest minority, with more than 40,000
    people out of the country's total population of 3.2 million. That
    makes Armenia's the second largest Yezidi community in the world, a
    long way behind that in Iraq, which may be as large as half a million.

    They speak their own language, Yezidi, which is related to Kurdish,
    and have their own religion called Yazdanism, which is often presented
    as `devil-worship', but which in reality combines elements of all the
    Middle East's faiths.

    The government has tried to satisfy the Yezidis' demands, but is
    starting from almost nothing, since they have long been
    marginalised. Vardan Astsatrian, the head of the government's
    department for national minorities and religions, said the first job
    was to try to produce school books.

    `In the last year books have been published for the younger children,
    and now we are working on a set of textbooks for the higher years,' he

    But if he thought that was enough to please the Yezidis, he was
    mistaken. The new textbooks are written in the Kurmanji dialect of
    Kurdish but printed in the Cyrillic script.

    `We do not know this language Kurmanji and we don't want to know
    it. It is as if Armenians had to learn in Azeri or Georgian,' said
    Hasan Tamoian, the head of Yezidi programmes at Armenian public radio.

    Armenia has no Yezidi schools, and never has had. Yezidi children
    study in normal Armenian schools with special language lessons, but
    even that is under threat since teachers of Yezidi are paid so poorly
    that the programme may not last much longer.

    Mamoian Asmar, for example, teaches in the village of Nor Geghi,
    which, like Zovuni, is in the Kotayk region, but wants to find a new
    job because there are few textbooks for her pupils and little money
    for her.

    She only has textbooks for the first three classes, and has no idea
    what books the older children will use if she agrees to teach again.

    `We are not going to teach the children the alphabet over
    again. Leaving that aside, the headmistress gave me extra teaching
    hours last year, but this year a teacher has demanded her hours
    back. What can I do then? I can't solve this problem on my own. I am
    not going to go to work for just four hours,' she said.

    If young Yezidis leave teaching, the current deficit of specialists
    will become even more severe in the future, something the government
    has recognised as a major problem.

    `In Soviet times there were serious specialists ` doctors, academics `
    who trained others. But now the specialists have died, or are too
    old,' said Astsatrian.

    He said the government was trying to prepare a programme in which
    Yezidis could be allowed into university with lower marks than ethnic
    Armenians to help produce more teachers, but other officials say
    Yezidis often do not want to go to university, complicating the quest
    for a new class of specialists.

    Tamoian said Yezidis should be grateful that they live in Armenia,
    where their situation is better than elsewhere. `In northern Iraq, in
    the Yezidis' homeland, there are no Yezidi newspapers, there is no
    radio, no cultural organisations, and in Armenia conditions are better
    than ever,' he said.

    He blamed the Yezidi view that they are discriminated against on the
    difficult economic conditions in the country, the proportionately
    poorer condition of Yezidi communities and a tendency not to emphasise
    education in Yezidi families.

    But this does not wash with Aziz Tamoian, chairman of the Union of
    Yezidis, who was head of the village administration in Amo district in
    the 1960s and 1970s. He said the failure to remove the power lines as
    well as a consistent refusal to allow Yezidis to buy land, were proof
    of systematic discrimination against the community.

    He said that the opposition of the villagers was ignored when the
    power lines were built, and that now some 40 houses are directly below
    the constant buzz of the cables.

    But he did not get much sympathy from Electric Networks of Armenia,
    which owns the lines.

    `When these high-voltage electricity lines were put up, there were no
    houses in the security zone. The village was located away from the
    line. There were just a few plots of land where sheep were kept,' said
    Shavarsh Avetisian of the security department, adding that the houses
    were built under the lines in the 1980s, and that the Yezidi residents
    cannot blame the electricity company.

    `The national minority card is always being played here. The Amo
    district only appeared here after the electric lines were built.'

    Aghavni Harutyunian is a reporter with Azg daily. Arpi Makhsudian is a
    reporter with Capital daily. Both are members of IWPR's Cross-Caucasus
    Journalism Network.