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Museum To Present Retrospective Exploring The Achievement Of Arshile

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  • Museum To Present Retrospective Exploring The Achievement Of Arshile


    Art Daily nt_new=32755
    Aug 24 2009

    PHILADELPHIA, PA.- The Philadelphia Museum of Art will present a major
    traveling retrospective celebrating the extraordinary life and work of
    Arshile Gorky (American, born Armenia, c.1904-1948), a seminal figure
    in the movement towards gestural abstraction that would transform
    American art in the years after World War II. The first comprehensive
    survey of the work of this artist in nearly three decades, Arshile
    Gorky: A Retrospective will premier at the Museum and present 180
    paintings, sculptures and works on paper reflecting the full scope
    of Gorky's prolific career. Drawn from public and private collections
    throughout the United States and Europe, this retrospective will reveal
    the evolution of Gorky's unique visual vocabulary and mature style. It
    is organized by the Philadelphia Museum of Art and will be accompanied
    by a major publication, published in association with Yale University
    Press. The exhibition will travel to Tate Modern, London (February
    10 - May 3, 2010) and The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
    (June 6 - September 20, 2010) following its debut in Philadelphia.

    "Gorky built upon the achievements of the early modern artists he
    greatly admired and broke new ground during a remarkable moment to
    become an inspiration to a new generation of American painters,"
    said Timothy Rub, the George D. Widener Director-elect and CEO of
    the Museum. "The exhibition and catalogue will offer a deeply moving
    reassessment of the artist's entire career, including his struggles
    and his triumphs--personal as well as artistic--and the powerful
    legacy of his work."

    Arshile Gorky: A Retrospective is the first major exhibition of its
    type since 1981 and the first to benefit from the publication of three
    biographies of the artist: Nouritza Matossian's Black Angel: The Life
    of Arshile Gorky (1998), Matthew Spender's From a High Place: A Life
    of Arshile Gorky (1999), and Hayden Herrera's Arshile Gorky: His Life
    and Work (2003), all of which shed new light on the artist's Armenian
    background and his central role in the American avant-garde. This
    will be the first major museum exhibition to highlight the artist's
    Armenian heritage and examine the impact of Gorky's experience of
    the Armenian Genocide on his life and work. The retrospective and its
    accompanying catalogue have also benefited from in-depth interviews
    with the artist's widow, Agnes "Mougouch" Gorky Fielding, who has
    generously supported the project from the start, through key loans
    and first-hand accounts of Gorky's artistic practice as well as his
    cultural milieu. Among the works to be included are such renowned
    paintings as the two versions of "The Artist and his Mother," 1926-36
    (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York) and about 1929-42 (National
    Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.); "The Liver is the Cock's Comb,"
    1944 (Albright-Knox Art Gallery), the artist's largest easel painting;
    "Water of the Flowery Mill," 1944 (Metropolitan Museum of Art), which
    demonstrates his deep absorption in nature-based abstraction; "The
    Plow and the Song series," 1944-47, which reflects Gorky's continuing
    engagement with memories of his rural Armenian childhood; "Agony,"
    1947 (Museum of Modern Art, New York), Gorky's haunting late painting,
    a product of his increasingly tormented imagination in the late 1940s;
    and "The Black Monk" ("Last Painting") (Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza,
    Madrid), which was left unfinished on Gorky's easel at the time of his
    death in 1948. Some of the works included in the exhibition have not
    been on public view before, among them the wood sculptures, "Haikakan
    Gutan I, II, and III" (Armenian Plow I, II and III), of 1944, 1945,
    and 1947 (collection of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
    (Eastern), on deposit at the Calouste Gulbenkiam Foundation, Lisbon),
    as well as the Museum's recently acquired "Woman with a Palette"

    Michael Taylor, the Museum's Muriel and Philip Berman Curator of Modern
    Art and curator of the retrospective, stated: "Gorky was a pivotal
    figure in modern American Art who has since come to be known as the
    quintessential artist's artist. It is our sincere belief that this
    landmark retrospective will secure Gorky's place alongside Jackson
    Pollock and Willem de Kooning as one of the most daring, innovative,
    and influential American artists of the 20th century."

    Arshile Gorky: A Retrospective will be presented in a generally
    chronological sequence. Thematic groupings will represent each phase
    of Gorky's career, which underwent an astonishing metamorphosis as he
    assimilated the lessons of earlier masters and movements and utilized
    them in the service of his own artistic development. Beginning in
    the mid-1920s with Gorky's earliest experiments with Impressionism
    and the structural rigor of the paintings of Paul Cézanne, and
    continuing through his prolonged engagement with Cubism in the 1930s,
    the exhibition ends with the Surrealist-inspired burst of creativity
    that dominated the final decade of Gorky's life and left us with so
    many breathtakingly beautiful paintings and drawings. In the 1940s,
    Gorky's contact with Surrealism informed his breakthrough landscapes
    in Virginia and the visionary works made in his spacious, light-filled
    studio on Union Square, which he called his "Creation Chamber." Several
    galleries in the exhibition will serve as "creation chambers" in their
    own right, highlighting the artist's working process by presenting
    Gorky's most significant paintings alongside the numerous painstaking
    studies that informed their making.

    Arshile Gorky Born Vosdanig Adoian around 1904 near Lake Van in an
    Armenian province of Ottoman Turkey, Gorky witnessed as a young boy
    the ethnic cleansing of his people, the minority Armenians. Turkish
    troops in 1915 drove Gorky's family and thousands of others out of
    Van on a death march to the frontier of Caucasian Armenia. Suffering
    from starvation in 1919, during a time of severe deprivation for the
    Armenian refugees, Gorky's mother died in his arms. With his sister,
    Vartoosh, he eventually arrived in the United States where, claiming
    to be a cousin of the Russian writer Maxim Gorky, he changed his name
    to Arshile Gorky.

    Gorky stayed briefly with relatives in Watertown and Boston,
    Massachusetts, before settling permanently in New York in 1924,
    where he studied at the Grand Central School of Art, later becoming
    an art instructor there. Gorky met and became fast friends with many
    of the city's emerging avant-garde artists, including Stuart Davis,
    Willem de Kooning, John Graham, Isamu Noguchi, and David Smith. Among
    his students was Mark Rothko.

    The noted art critic Harold Rosenberg observed that Gorky, "a lifelong
    student, was an intellectual to the roots, he lived in an aura of
    words and concepts, almost as much at home in the library as in the
    museum or gallery." He was largely self-taught, visiting museums and
    galleries and reading voraciously. Gorky became familiar with modern
    European art and embarked on a systematic study of its masters and
    their methods, from Paul Cézanne and Henri Matisse, whose landscapes
    and still-lifes he emulated masterfully, to Pablo Picasso's Cubist
    and neoclassical works, and the biomorphic abstractions of Joan
    Miró. Works by Giorgio de Chirico and Fernand Léger informed,
    respectively, Gorky's vast Nighttime, Enigma, and Nostalgia series of
    the early 1930s and the sequence of murals on the theme of aviation
    that Gorky created in 1936 for the Administration Building of Newark
    Airport, under the aegis of the Public Works of Art Project (later
    the Works Progress Administration), through which Gorky and many
    other American modernists found employment during the Great Depression.

    One of the key themes of Arshile Gorky: A Retrospective will be the
    artist's profound engagement with the Surrealist movement throughout
    the 1940s. Gorky's relationships with members of the Surrealist group
    in exile in the United States, including its leader, André Breton,
    as well as painters Yves Tanguy, Wifredo Lam, and Max Ernst, and
    his close friendship with the Chilean-born artist Roberto Matta all
    contributed to the development of his singular visual vocabulary,
    a highly original form of Surrealist automatism characterized by
    biomorphic forms rendered with thinned-out washes of paint. After
    his marriage in 1941 to Agnes Magruder, whose parents had a farm in
    Virginia, Gorky's experience of the American landscape would enrich his
    artistic vision, and, beginning in 1943, emerges as a central theme
    in the lush, evocative paintings for which Gorky is best known. The
    rich farmland and bucolic atmosphere of rural Virginia (and later
    Sherman, Connecticut) reminded Gorky of his father's farm near Lake
    Van, and inspired him to create freely improvised abstract works that
    combined memories of his Armenian childhood with direct observations
    from nature. The resulting paintings, such as "Scent of Apricots on
    the Fields" (1944) and "The Plow and the Song" series (1944-1947),
    are remarkable for their evocative strength, lyrical beauty, and
    fecundity of organic forms.

    Gorky's last years were tragic. In January 1946, a fire in his
    Connecticut studio destroyed 27 recent paintings. Shortly thereafter,
    he underwent a painful operation for rectal cancer, and while
    recovering created some of the most powerful, though agonized,
    works of his final years, including the haunting "Charred Beloved"
    series (1946), which alludes to his lost paintings. In June 1948,
    Gorky was involved in a serious car accident that left him with a
    broken neck and temporarily paralyzed his painting arm. His young
    wife left him shortly afterward to pursue a brief affair with Matta,
    Gorky's friend and mentor. Gorky took his own life on July 21, 1948,
    leaving behind an impressive body of work that secured his reputation
    as the last of the great Surrealist painters and an important precursor
    to Abstract Expressionism.

    Gorky and Philadelphia The Philadelphia Museum of Art's extraordinary
    collection of modern art provides a unique context for understanding
    Gorky's work, since it includes many paintings from the A.E. Gallatin
    Collection, such as Fernand Léger's "The City" (1919), Pablo Picasso's
    "Self-Portrait" (1906), Giorgio de Chirico's "The Fatal Temple"
    (1914), André Masson's "Cockfight" (1930), and Joan Miró's "Dog
    Barking at the Moon" (1926), all of which inspired the artist during
    his formative years. Gorky often visited the Gallery of Living Art at
    New York University where the Gallatin Collection was on view in the
    1920s and 1930s, and he made several paintings that were directly
    inspired by works by modern artists that he encountered there. De
    Chirico's painting "The Fatal Temple" (1914) provided the point of
    departure for the "Nighttime," "Enigma," and "Nostalgia" series, which
    consists of more than 80 drawings and paintings made between 1930 and
    1934. Gorky also had his first one-man show at the Mellon Galleries
    in Philadelphia in February 1934, and one of his first patrons was the
    noted Philadelphia collector Bernard Davis. Bernard and Irmgard Davis
    were keen collectors of modern art and assembled a large collection
    under the name of La France Art Institute, including numerous works by
    Gorky, many of which were later donated to prominent American museums,
    including the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and the Museum of Modern
    Art, New York. Gorky and his first wife Marny George even spent
    their honeymoon with the Davis family in Frankford, a neighborhood
    in northeast Philadelphia, during which time Gorky visited the
    Philadelphia Museum of Art (then known as the Pennsylvania Museum of
    Art) as well as the Barnes Foundation in nearby Merion. The Museum
    also owns three major works by Gorky that will be included in the
    exhibition: "Abstraction with a Palette" (1930), "Dark Green Painting"
    (1948), and the recently acquired "Woman with a Palette" (1927).

    Arshile Gorky: A Retrospective is organized by the Philadelphia Museum
    of Art in association with Tate Modern, London, and The Museum of
    Contemporary Art, Los Angeles.