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The First Stage Of Baseline Survey Of Opinion Leaders To Be Over In

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  • The First Stage Of Baseline Survey Of Opinion Leaders To Be Over In


    Aug 25, 2009

    YEREVAN, August 25. Within the framework of the European Neighborhood
    Policy (ENP) initiative, a consortium led by MWH Global with TNS
    Opinion and Mostra Communication implements a project "Opinion Polling
    and Research" (OPPOL) in 15 ENP countries including Armenia from March
    2009 to March 2011. The America Bank told ARKA that the first stage
    of the project is a Baseline Survey of Opinion Leaders from May to
    August 2009.

    Owning to the operational expertise in similar projects, Ameria
    was entrusted by the Consortium to implement the baseline studies
    in Armenia.

    The general objective of the OPPOL project is to generate better
    information about the sources of information of different target groups
    in the ENPI (European Neighborhood Policy Instruments) countries, as
    well as about their awareness, understanding and perception of the EU
    and the role it plays in their respective countries; to test messages
    aiming at getting the overall EU policies and actions across or shift
    opinion; to provide a reliable research basis for the EU-related
    communication and information activities in beneficiary countries.

    Currently Ameria implements the Baseline Studies. Seven categories of
    Opinion leaders (top experts and leaders in certain areas whose opinion
    is of public importance) have been identified. Within these categories
    100 respondents are chose n, including well known politicians, high
    level state officials, top managers from the private sector, media
    professionals, religious leaders, NGO representatives and scientists.

    The activities of this stage include sampling, participation in
    development of survey instruments, testing of questionnaires, training
    of interviewers, field work, quality control and reporting. All the
    interviews were conducted using face-to-face method. Chosen methodology
    of research, thorough preparatory activities, professionalism of
    interviewers and management staff, as well as extensive experience in
    conduction of such assignments ensure the most effective implementation
    process and achievement of the highest quality results within the
    limited time frame.

    The scope of the OPPOL project activities cover opinion polls and
    opinion research, expert group research (through focus groups)
    and summative evaluations of the ENP awareness activities will be
    implemented through the EU initiatives. Based on the evaluations
    the Project will provide strategic, analytical support to the
    communication activities of the European Commission, its Delegations
    in ENPI countries including Armenia, ENPI regional projects and
    other communication partners. This should serve to better inform
    target audiences in beneficiary countries by improving the EU-related
    communication and information activities on the basis of reliable

    Ameria is a leading full-service advisory firm in Armenia with
    significant activi ty in the areas of corporate restructuring,
    mergers, acquisitions, legal advice, direct and portfolio investments,
    government and corporate securities markets, business and strategic
    planning, financial advisory and tax planning, foreign-trade
    facilitations, project and company assurance, etc. As part of Ameria
    Group, Ameria renders independent, confidential, and objective counsel
    through a uniquely harmonious and efficient system of five advisory
    units: Management Advisory Services, Financial Advisory Services,
    Assurance and Taxation, Legal Practice and Investment Banking.