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Armenia Full Of "Initiative", Azerbaijan "Irrational"

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  • Armenia Full Of "Initiative", Azerbaijan "Irrational"


    Aug 27 2009

    "The presence of any peace-keeping force in this territory will provoke
    military operations, because not only our sides but also Iran, the
    third, the fourth and the fifth countries which have interests here
    will disagree",-said the president of the Armenian Democratic Party,
    Aram G. Sargsyan at the press conferefnce.

    As to him, no situation dictating new intensifications is to be

    In the open letter addressed to Serzh Sargsyan, a series of facts
    are introduced, which are sufficient for the Armenian side to present
    new conceptual approach, not letting the break off the talks.

    "New approaches can be old, but can be represented in a new way", -
    mentioned A. Sargsyan, and said that according to the inquiries made
    by them, 61% of the questioned is against the "Madrid Principles".

    In the letter the main principles, which according to them should
    substitute the "Madrid ones", are proposed for discussion.

    According to these principles "the sides agree on starting at least
    three parallel processes: signing a peace treaty between the sides
    on conflict, which is valid till the end of the talks and serves the
    basis of giving up the advocating against each other, realization
    of activities designed by a special program to ensure the trust and
    mutual understanding, and an economic process; in the first stage
    the realization of the mediated cooperation programs to ensure
    preconditions for NKR to take part in the projects on territorial
    issues and to contact with Azerbaijan directly".

    A. Sargsyan is sure that the Armenian side is to take the initiative
    and Azerbaijan can refuse the offers and be "irrational".