ENP Newswire
August 28, 2009 Friday
Armenia: Lifeline Roads Improvement Project
WASHINGTON -The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors today
approved the following project:
Armenia: Lifeline Roads Improvement Project
IBRD Loan: US$ 36.6 million
Terms: Maturity = 25 years; Grace Period = 10 years
Project ID: P116760
Project Description: This loan to the Republic of Armenia for the
Lifeline Roads Improvement Project (LRIP) will finance the scaling up
of the project's activities through rehabilitating an additional 140
kilometers of the lifeline road network and connect rural communities
to main roads and highways. This additional loan will also help
mitigate the impact of the financial crisis by creating temporary jobs
in road construction, such as the design of project roads, supervision
of works, capacity development in pavement design and road safety.
Media Contact
Michael Jones
(202) 473-2588
[email protected]
For more project information, please visit:
http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects /main?pagePK=64283627&piPK=73230&theSitePK =40941&menuPK=228424&Projectid=P11676
[Ed itorial queries for this story should be sent to
[email protected] ]
August 28, 2009 Friday
Armenia: Lifeline Roads Improvement Project
WASHINGTON -The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors today
approved the following project:
Armenia: Lifeline Roads Improvement Project
IBRD Loan: US$ 36.6 million
Terms: Maturity = 25 years; Grace Period = 10 years
Project ID: P116760
Project Description: This loan to the Republic of Armenia for the
Lifeline Roads Improvement Project (LRIP) will finance the scaling up
of the project's activities through rehabilitating an additional 140
kilometers of the lifeline road network and connect rural communities
to main roads and highways. This additional loan will also help
mitigate the impact of the financial crisis by creating temporary jobs
in road construction, such as the design of project roads, supervision
of works, capacity development in pavement design and road safety.
Media Contact
Michael Jones
(202) 473-2588
[email protected]
For more project information, please visit:
http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects /main?pagePK=64283627&piPK=73230&theSitePK =40941&menuPK=228424&Projectid=P11676
[Ed itorial queries for this story should be sent to
[email protected] ]