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EuroVision Song Contest: Azerbaijan Backs Down

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  • EuroVision Song Contest: Azerbaijan Backs Down

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting IWPR, UK
    Aug 28 2009


    Embarrassed government says Armenia song votes probe was a mistake.

    By Elshan Mammadaliyev in Baku

    The Azerbaijan security services' interrogation of people who voted
    for Armenia in the Eurovision Song Contest was `a mistake by one
    official', the government says, while commentators said the probe
    humiliated the whole country.

    In a move that got the country some unwelcome publicity, all 43
    Azerbaijanis who sent a text message voting for the Armenian entry in
    the continent-wide music contest in May were summoned to the Ministry
    of National Security, MNS.

    `When I was called to the MNS, I thought they were arresting me for
    the strong criticism of President Ilham Aliyev I'd written on
    Facebook. I had even forgotten that I'd voted for Armenia. When in the
    MNS they started to interrogate me about this, I almost burst out
    laughing,' said Rovshan Nasirli, who was called to the ministry on
    August 12.

    Relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan are very tense. The two
    countries have never signed a peace treaty to end their 1991 war over
    Nagorny-Karabakh, although a ceasefire was signed 15 years
    ago. Armenian troops still occupy swathes of western Azerbaijan.

    Nasirli described a scene reminiscent of the inquisition of a serious
    criminal and said the interrogators tried to intimidate him.

    `After they kept me for two hours in an empty room, two men came to
    me, saying they worked for the main department of the MNS. One had a
    list in his hand of all the people who voted for the Armenian entry,
    and their addresses. They said that people like me should be sent to
    prison. They said, `Today you vote for an Armenian, tomorrow you will
    go to blow up the metro for them.''

    The MNS refused to comment on the reasons for the campaign, but Novruz
    Mamedov, head of the international department at the presidential
    administration, said the affair had been whipped up out of all

    `Nothing special happened. There was no pressure applied to them. You
    just have to bear in mind that Azerbaijan is still a very young
    state. We have only been independent for 18 years, and not all our
    officials have the required experience,' he said in a statement issued
    to the APA news agency, in which he blamed the Armenians for stoking
    hatred against his country.

    `For hundreds of years many peoples have lived in peace in Azerbaijan,
    including 20,000 Armenians. Why does no one talk about this? And a
    mistake by one official is presented like a deliberate act by the
    national government. This is just part of a negative campaign which
    has been conducted against Azerbaijan for many years, and which is
    encouraged by Armenia.'

    But his attempts to calm the furore failed, with gossip about the
    arrests appearing on Azeri blogs and web sites.

    `I am sure this mistake was made by just one low-ranking official. And
    harm was done to the whole country,' said Togrul Juvarli, a political

    `The political weight of this incident has been great. When it is
    important to show the world that we are a civilised country, we behave
    like this.'

    Nasirli said he was shocked by how little public protest there had
    been over the affair, and how the government was prepared to dismiss
    as a `mistake' the summoning of dozens of young people.

    `Every citizen should ask the question why illegal interrogation and
    investigation are allowed in Azerbaijan. This could happen to everyone
    because the officials do not respect the law,' he said.

    `The MNS should occupy itself with more serious issues. I liked the
    song, so I sent a text message. This is not betraying my homeland. If
    only we could solve Karabakh with text messages.'

    But he should not count on everyone defending him. Karabakh is a very
    emotive issue in Azerbaijan, which is home to hundreds of thousands of
    civilians displaced by the conflict, and Akif Nagi, chairman of the
    organisation for the liberation of Karabakh, said Azeris should not
    even send text messages in favour of their enemy.

    `This is immoral. There is no place for tolerance in this
    question. The position of the MNS is correct. However, the MNS
    officials made a mistake in how they investigated the situation. They
    acted very crudely, asking those who voted for the Armenians to come
    in and putting pressure on them. Such people should have been
    investigated and kept under surveillance so they didn't even suspect
    it,' he said.

    Elshan Mammadaliyev is a freelance journalist in Baku.