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AGBU Jubilee Program Devoted to 65th Anniv of Ilanjian's activity

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  • AGBU Jubilee Program Devoted to 65th Anniv of Ilanjian's activity

    AGBU Press Office
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    Wednesday, December 2, 2009

    Jubilee Program Devoted to the 65th Anniversary of the Cultural,
    Theatrical and Community Activity of Samuel Ilanjian

    The jubilee program devoted to the 65th anniversary of the cultural,
    theatrical and community activity of 80-year-old Samuel Ilanjian took
    place on Saturday evening, June 27, 2009 in the cultural complex of the
    AGBU Alex Manoogian Center in Pasadena. This program was organized by
    the AGBU Ardavazt Theater Company to honor one of its oldest members. It
    was sponsored by the AGBU Southern California District Committee (SCDC),
    with His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian presiding.

    In attendance were Fr. Baret Yeretsian, the honoree, his wife and family
    members, representatives of AGBU Central Board of Directors and local
    executive committees, the theater company's executive committee, the
    company's director, former and current actors and actresses,
    representatives of the Los Angeles Armenian press, the honoree's friends
    and colleagues, as well as representatives of affiliated organizations
    and approximately 400 guests.

    Opening remarks were delivered by Ara Babayan, chairman of the Ardavazt
    Theater Company, who highlighted the honoree's exceptional
    administrative abilities. He characterized Ilanjian's organizational
    work and activity over the past 65 years as "total devotion, spirit of
    sacrifice and indefatigable diligence."
    The emcee was the director-actor Krikor Satamian who, by means of a
    slide presentation, transported the audience back to Beirut, Lebanon,
    where Ilanjian became active in the community, as actor, office worker
    and then administrator. Satamian admitted that the theater company owes
    the largest part of its success to Ilanjian.

    Ilanjian was the driving force and synthesizer behind the merger of the
    AGBU Antranik and Hamazkayin Knar song and dance ensembles, forming the
    Lebanese Armenian Song and Dance Ensemble, as a prelude to the Armenian
    community's participation in the Baalbek international cultural
    festival. Those combined groups subsequently gave many performances in
    Lisbon and various other cities of Portugal.

    Following his relocation to Southern California, it was again Ilanjian,
    as chairman of the executive committee of Ardavazt Theater Company, who
    synthesized the merger of this drama group with Lark Musical Society of
    Glendale, which resulted in the successful productions of Dikran
    Tchouhajian's operettas - "Zvart," "Leblebiji Hor Hor Agha" and

    Wanda Yousoufian, the eldest child of the Ilanjians, spoke on behalf of
    the family, dwelling on her father's many good qualities. She also
    mentioned that the AGBU was part of his larger family, considering the
    amount of time spent and work carried on in that connection.

    Janet Kouyoumjian-Ilanjian, Samuel's wife, sang Komitas's "Le, le" and
    Edgar Hovhannisian's "Arpa-Sevan," with piano accompaniment by Victoria

    The main speaker was Dr. Kevork Keshishian. In his comprehensive
    address, he presented a biographical sketch of Samuel Ilanjian - from
    his birth in Kharpert, to the family's emigration to Lebanon, Samuel's
    early involvement in community life, his joining the Kaspar Ipekian
    drama group, and his travels in the Diaspora with the Vahram Papazian
    drama group, etc. In particular, he expressed much appreciation for the
    undertakings and huge cultural accomplishments of Samuel Ilanjian,
    specifically under the umbrella of AGBU-AYA, which he joined in 1956.
    Indeed, he was the administrative director of the AYA Vahram Papazian
    drama group, as well as the AYA song and dance ensemble, for much of the
    1960's and 1970's. Dr. Keshishian particularly stressed the Baalbek
    Festival in Lebanon and the three magnificent operettas of Dikran
    Tchouhajian presented in Los Angeles in recent years through the
    exemplary collaboration of Krikor Satamian and Vatsche Barsoumian. The
    main speaker cited the creation of the AGBU Esthetic Educational Studies
    Center in Hollywood, where hundreds of youths developed their artistic
    skills, as well as the chamber music group, as just a few of the
    cultural efforts Mr. Ilanjian was involved with here. Finally, he
    mentioned the service rendered by the honoree as the chairman of the
    executive committee of Ardavazd Theater Company from 1997 to 2007.

    Recently, Samuel Ilanjian was proclaimed an Honor Member of AGBU by the
    organization's Central Board of Directors.

    Greetings were presented by childhood friend, classmate at the
    Evangelical College of Beirut and fellow AGBU worker Yenovk Balikian,
    Lark Musical Society director Vatsche Barsoumian, former SCDC Chairman
    Vahe Imasdounian (remarks delivered by Vartouhi Kazanjian), current SCDC
    Chairman Berj Shahbazian and AGBU Central Board of Directors member
    Sinan Sinanian. Talin Simonian and Sevag Ilanjian, daughter and son of
    Samuel, read the letters of congratulations received from various
    individuals, including US Congressman Adam Schiff, State Senator Carol
    Liu and Assemblyman Paul Krekorian.

    A plaque was presented to Mr. Ilanjian by Ardavazt Theater Company. He
    also became the first recipient of the newly established AGBU
    "Presidential" Medal of Honor, which was given by AGBU Central Board of
    Directors member Sinan Sinanian, who read the accompanying letter from
    President Berge Setrakian. SCDC Chairman Berj Shahbazian, in turn,
    presented the honoree with the Committee's certificate of honor and

    On this occasion, His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians,
    bestowed upon Mr. and Mrs. Ilanjian the St. Sahag-St. Mesrob Medal,
    which was presented to him by Archbishop Derderian. Very Rev. Baret
    Yeretsian read the accompanying encyclical.

    Organizing committee chairman Ara Babayan announced the establishment of
    the "Samuel Ilanjian" prize, to be awarded to students who enter the
    field of drama upon completion of their secondary education.

    In addition to Janet Kouyoumjian-Ilanjian, a rich artistic program was
    presented by tenor Suren Mkrtichian, soprano Knarig Nergararian, bass
    Ruben Telunts, Souren Nergararian and Souren Megerian, with piano
    accompaniment by Victoria Simonian.

    The last speaker was the honoree himself. He expressed thanks to His
    Holiness Karekin II, Archbishop Derderian, AGBU Central Board and SCDC,
    Ardavazt Theater Company, Dr. Kevork Keshishian, and all those who
    participated in the jubilee celebration. Among other things, he said,
    "My main vision and dream has been to bring about collaboration and
    unity with other cultural organizations," following the AGBU motto "In
    unity there is strength." He promised to continue his service with the
    same ardor for the glory of Armenian culture.

    A lavish reception followed in the adjacent Boyajian Hall.

    Established in 1906, AGBU ( is the world's largest
    non-profit Armenian organization. Headquartered in New York City, AGBU
    preserves and promotes the Armenian identity and heritage through
    educational, cultural and humanitarian program, annually touching the
    lives of some 400,000 Armenians around the world.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress