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Taking Europe Into The 21st Century

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  • Taking Europe Into The 21st Century




    Europe is not the same place it was 50 years ago, and nor is the rest
    of the world.

    In a constantly changing, ever more interconnected world, Europe is
    grappling with new issues: globalisation, demographic shifts, climate
    change, the need for sustainable energy sources and new security
    threats. These are the challenges facing Europe in the 21st century.

    Borders count for very little in the light of these challenges. The
    EU countries cannot meet them alone. But acting as one, Europe can
    deliver results and respond to the concerns of the public. For this,
    Europe needs to modernise. The EU has recently expanded from 15 to
    27 members; it needs effective, coherent tools so it can function
    properly and respond to the rapid changes in the world. That means
    rethinking some of the ground rules for working together.

    The treaty signed in Lisbon on 13 December 2007 sets out to do just
    that. When European leaders reached agreement on the new rules,
    they were thinking of the political, economic and social changes
    going on, and the need to live up to the hopes and expectations of
    the European public. The Treaty of Lisbon defines what the EU can
    and cannot do, and what means it can use. It alters the structure of
    the EU's institutions and how they work. As a result, the EU is more
    democratic and its core values are better served.

    This treaty is the result of negotiations between EU member countries
    in an intergovernmental conference, in which the Commission and
    Parliament were also involved. The treaty was ratified by each of the
    EU's 27 members. It was up to each country to choose the procedure
    for ratification, in line with its own national constitution.

    The Treaty entered into force on 1 December 2009, in accordance with
    its Article 6, reports.