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Disgrace To Turkish Hypocrites!

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  • Disgrace To Turkish Hypocrites!

    By Armen Gevorgyan
    Dec 2 2009

    One could hardly remain untouched by the "kind and honest" faces
    of the two Turkish humanists - President Abdullah Gul and Premier
    Recept Erdogan -- who initiated democratic movement and rapprochement
    with Armenians, Kurds and Greeks. How great is their indignation at
    the Swiss citizens, who, in a recent referendum, voted against the
    construction of minarets in their country. "Disgrace!" Gul exclaims,
    echoed by Erdogan's "Fascism!" Indeed, the bloodthirsty Swiss fascists
    are violating poor Muslims' rights - Muslims want nothing but construct
    a couple of minarets. A real reason for indignation, is it not?

    On the other hand, it is "by a sheer accident" that Messrs Gul and
    Erdogan, who have been at the helm of the Turkish state for a decade,
    have overlooked the fact that the crosses are removed from ancient
    Armenian churches in their home country, Turkey -- the churches
    of a people that has been living in that land for centuries without
    "flooding" it like Muslims have flooded into Switzerland over the last
    decade. At present, we are offered to view the Turkish authorities'
    consent to reinstall the cross on the Akhtamar Church on Lake Van as
    the best of the deeds. They are even thinking about allowing religious
    services there. Gul and Erdogan must be unaware of the fact it was not
    as a result of referendum that the cross was removed from the Akhtamar
    Church. Rather, it was after the annihilation and deportation of all
    the church people. It was only ten years later that they "guessed
    right": the cross could be reinstalled. Armenians do not live in
    the region any longer, but it would not be a bad thing to develop
    the local tourist industry. President Gul and Premier Erdogan have
    not probably seen the ruins of Ani, hundreds of destroyed churches
    and monasteries. They failed to notice that their predecessors,
    champions of democracy, drowned the faith in God or, as Muslims call
    him, Allah in blood. They committed a crime against humanity even
    their grandchildren cannot exonerate themselves from.

    And the persons in question pose as judges of European democracy,
    while it is under Europe's actual pressure that they have to face the
    products of their civilization, wriggling and resorting to various
    diplomatic tricks to conceal their history of barbarity, reinstalling
    crosses and rewriting their laws. "Disgrace!" we will exclaim, and
    we are one hundred percent right.