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BAKU: Turkey-Armenia Protocols Not To Be Ratified Any Time Soon: Con

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  • BAKU: Turkey-Armenia Protocols Not To Be Ratified Any Time Soon: Con

    R. Mehdiyev

    Today 57878.html
    Dec 2 2009

    Day.Az interview with Azerbaijan-based Peace and Conflict Resolution
    Center Director Elkhan Mehdiyev.

    Day.Az: Do you believe the Turkey-Armenia protocols will finally be
    ratified? Which of the sides is likely to ratify them first?

    Elkhan Mehdiyev: I think the Turkey-Armenia protocols will not to
    be ratified any time soon because we know the mood in the Turkish
    society and parliament and even in government. Prime Minister Erdogan
    has repeatedly stated that ratification of protocols is impossible
    without liberation of occupied Azerbaijani territories.

    So I do not think even his upcoming meeting with U.S. President Barack
    Obama will help move this issue because this issue has already become
    agenda of Turkey's domestic policy. So, now it is not an Azerbaijani
    issue any longer, but a purely Turkish. Of course, if Armenia and
    Azerbaijan sign an agreement on troop withdrawal and liberation of
    Azerbaijan's territories, the ratification will certainly be possible.

    As for Armenia, it can either expect Turkey to ratify the protocols
    or it may itself ratify the protocols first to play with the world
    public opinion to show that it has already signed the document and
    it respects its commitments made in Zurich. They can use it as a
    propaganda. Both options is possible.

    Q: Do you think Russia is interested in opening of Armenia-Turkey
    border? Does Russia fear that Turkey may step up its influence in
    the Caucasus?

    A: I think Russia is interested in resumption of diplomatic ties
    between the two countries. Because it was stated on top level that
    Russia is interested in this process. Once such statements have been
    made, we can not say that Russia is against this process. In addition,
    Russian foreign minister attended the Zurich meeting.

    In meantime, Russia has its interests in this matter. It is connected
    with the Georgian events above all. Open borders would allow Russia to
    have good trade relations with Turkey and enjoying even more influence
    on Armenia. Russia understands that the Turkish-Armenian border will
    be opened sooner or later. If this process takes place with Russia's
    support, it will win and increase its influence. One should bear in
    mind that Russia has many economic projects in Armenia and it wants
    to implement them through Turkey.

    Q: Is there still a need to change format of the OSCE Minks Group?

    Maybe it is high time for the European Union to deal with the issue?

    A: Of course, the Azerbaijani side does not trust the Minsk Group, but
    it really has no other choice. Azerbaijan cannot deny the OSCE Minsk
    service. On the other hand, the EU will not be able to independently
    engage in the settlement process because of Russia. Azerbaijan wants
    Turkey to be one of the co-chairs. But the three powers had already
    monopolized the Nagorno-Karabakh process and do not allow anyone to
    learn even more details of ongoing negotiations, even countries that
    are ordinary members of the Minsk Group.

    So, if Azerbaijan refuses Minsk Group mediation services, then who
    will take over mediation? European Union is very diversified group
    of states some of who have polar views on just outcome of the conflict.

    Therefore, it would be better if the format of the mediators was
    composed of not regional countries. But it's to late to do it now.