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Are Territories In The Phase Of Discussion?

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  • Are Territories In The Phase Of Discussion?


    The former foreign minister of Nagorno-Karabakh Arman Melikyan with
    Gagik Melikyan from the Republican Party on December 2 dwelling on
    the Karabakh issue said that that process is not favorable for Armenia
    and accepting its logic will make Armenia being declared an aggressor.

    Arman Melikyan noted under the current conditions of the process,
    Azerbaijan gets the possibility to make claims to Armenia.

    The republican Gagik Melikyan of course disagreed with him saying
    that the statement made in Athens by the OSCE Minsk group co-chairs,
    the Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents proved that there is progress
    in the negotiation process and Azerbaijan recognizes the fact of
    Karabakh self-determination. As to being decaled an aggressor, Gagik
    Melikyan says only Azerbaijan may be considered such one because no
    country think Armenia is.

    In answer to reporters' question whether Gagik Melikyan could
    clarify the opinions of the government on the principles of Madrid
    in particular on the point of returning or not the territories, Gagik
    Melikyan repeated Serge Sargsyan's words noting that there can be no
    agreement on yielding or not the territories because those issues are
    in the phase of discussion. Gagik Melikyan noted that the principles of
    Madrid are the non-use of force, territorial integrity and settlement
    of the conflict based on the right to self-determination.

    Melikyan also said that the principles of Madrid are possible to be
    presented for confirmation by the end of the year.

    The honorable Republican member seems to confuse the Helsinki agreement
    famous provisions with the principles of Madrid. The Madrid document
    which was revealed a couple of months ago contains six provisions
    first of which regards the return of territories. But Melikyan keeps
    affirming there is such a provision in the principles of Madrid. He
    is clear to keep saying this, because in the opposition case he
    would have to say the real Armenian opinion in connection with that
    provision. But how can Melikyan know about it?

    Arman Melikyan noted the problem is the logic of the negotiation
    which is forced and leaves no way out for Armenia but only yielding
    under the name of mutual concessions. According to Arman Melikyan,
    this logic must be changed which is a problem not only for the current
    government but also for the previous two ones.