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The ADL World Council Was Founded

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  • The ADL World Council Was Founded



    General Announcement


    ADL became a traditional party centered in Armenia

    As informed by mass media reports, on 2-8 October 2009 the
    ADL-Armenagan unifying assembly was convened in Yerevan with the
    participation of 56 delegates representing 16 chapters of the reformed
    Armenagan-ADL and of Diasporan ADL chapters. Thus, present were party
    delegates from Armenia: various districts of Yerevan, as well as
    from the provinces Arakadzodn, Armavir, Shirak, Lori, Vayots Dzor,
    Zangezur and Davoush, and from the Diaspora: US Eastern and Western
    coasts, Canada, London, Paris, Geneva, Beirut, Baghdad, as well as,
    for the first time, two representatives from Teheran as observers.

    Several party members had sent letters from different districts
    regretting that they could not attend the assembly for reasons beyond
    their control.

    Prior to the opening of the assembly, a delegation representing various
    districts, including three noted past chairmen of the party's Central
    Committee, were received by the president of the Republic of Armenia
    Serj Sarkisyan, president of the National Assembly (Parliament)
    Hovig Aprahamyan, Prime Minister Dikran Sarkisyan and Catholicos of
    All Armenians HH Karekin II, and discussed the party's activities in
    the motherland and abroad, issues related to Armenia-Turkey relations,
    and efforts for economic development of Armenia.

    The formal inauguration of the party was held on the morning of
    November 3rd in the Arno Babajanian Hall of Philharmony of Armenia
    with the participation of close to 300 members of ADL and Armenagan
    as well as representatives of political parties of Armenia and many
    journalists. On the same afternoon the assembly continued in the main
    hall of the Tekeyan Center, restricted only to party members. The
    session was chaired by Armen Manuelian and dealt with a previously
    prepared agenda. The delegates from the Diaspora were impressed by the
    youthful practicality and maturity of the Armenagan-ADL leadership
    and expressed confidence that the party presents a promising future
    in Armenia, and pledged to help the strengthening of Armenagan-ADL
    by all means.

    Dr. Arshavir Gundjian presented in a concise manner the current sad
    situation created by a group of irresponsible people in the party
    driven by vanity, vengeance and adventurism. Without mentioning
    names not to glorify the said clique, Dr. Gundjian and other
    participants talked about the wasted efforts spent in the US and
    Canada particularly in February 2009 to bring about a consensus or
    cooperation with the said group for the sake of and to the benefit
    of the party. Unfortunately, all attempts of consultation, counsel,
    advice, admonition were to no avail. The group that considered
    itself above the law, along with their profane representative in
    Armenia, merited to be declared persona non grata. Faced with this
    situation, said Dr. Gundjian, we have come not simply to attend the
    assembly of Armenagan-ADL, but also to seek a consensual outcome of
    reorganization of the party, to give her a new vigor and impetus,
    especially in these days when the Armenian people and the homeland
    are facing crucial issues.

    In a separate address, Hagop Avedikian reported on the party's
    activities in Armenia and projected the challenges it faces in the
    necessity to prepare for participating in the 2012 parliamentary
    elections on a background of total inactivity of the ADL during the
    last three state elections.

    After four consecutive sessions, consultations and discussions spread
    over two days, by a majority decision the assembly adopted a resolution
    to establish the ADL World Council, which would comprise all levels
    of districts, chapters, and individual party members in Armenia and
    in the Diaspora. The Council will have an Executive Committee, which
    will be charged with the preparation of a set of bylaws, purposes
    and span of activities. It was also decided that the headquarters
    of the party will be in Yerevan, considering the proximity of state
    structures for immediate relations and the availability of specialists
    in corresponding activities, as well as financial matters. After all,
    ADL had originally aspired to be established in the homeland and to
    become a party centered in Armenia.

    It was decided:

    1 - The current assembly to be considered the founding assembly of
    the ADL World Council,

    2 - To form the Executive Committee, which is the ruling body of
    the ADL World Council, comprised of six members from the Diaspora
    and five members from Armenia, who are: Armen Manuelian (Yerevan),
    Papken Megerian (Philadelphia), Varoujan Sirapian (Paris), Nar
    Khatchaturian (Beirut), Hagop Avedikian (Yerevan), Edmond Azadian
    (Detroit), Hagop Vartivarian (New York), Vartan Nazirian (Los Angeles),
    Souren Sarkissyan (Yerevan), Kayane Mouradyan (Yerevan), Siregan
    Kevorkyan(Yerevan). The officers (Divan) of the Executive Committee
    were also elected as follows: Chairman Hagop Avedikian; Vice Chairman
    Edmond Azadian; Secretary Kayane Mouradyan; Treasurer Papken Megerian;
    Press Director Hagop Vartivarian. By acclamation Dr. Nubar Berberian
    (Boston) was elected emeritus president,

    3 - To charge the Executive Committee to prepare within the next six
    months the Bylaws of ADL World Council and an annual budget,

    4 - To set up the headquarters of ADL World Council in Yerevan, and
    to consider existing offices in Boston and Montreal as branch-offices,

    5 - To appeal to all ADL districts, chapters, individual party members
    and affiliates to join the World Council,

    6 - To set up a website that will be maintained by the party's
    headquarters in Yerevan,

    7 - A year later, in October 2010, to call for an assembly to discuss
    and to approve the new Bylaws, to discuss the activities of the
    current year and to plan activities that will involve the youth.

    We hereby call upon all members of the Armenian Democratic Liberal
    Party and affiliates to enroll in the ranks of the ADL World Council
    so that the party, the affiliated and concordant circles will become
    a reformed power in Armenia and in the Diaspora, to equilibrate the
    Armenian life in the world, and to modernize and to perfect the ways
    and means of facing the modern-day challenges of our people.

    All party members can apply through the following e-mail to become
    part of ADL World Council: [email protected], [email protected]

    To all party and national organizations: the official addresses of
    the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party are:

    Yerevan: Koryuni 19 A, Yerevan 37025 - Republic of Armenia

    United States: 755 Mt. Auburn Street, Watertown, MA, 024725 - USA

    Canada: 825 Rue Manoogian, St-Laurent, QC. H4N 1Z5, Canada