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Azerbaijan looks past Turkey

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  • Azerbaijan looks past Turkey .html

    Dec 4, 2009

    Azerbaijan looks past Turkey
    By Robert M Cutler

    MONTREAL - Azerbaijan's efforts to diversify gas export routes and
    reduce its reliance on Turkey as a transit country for moving the fuel
    on to Europe are increasing as its negotiations with Ankara over
    supplies continue to face difficulties.

    As talks with drag on with Turkey, Azerbaijan has recently added Iran
    and Bulgaria to its customer base. Also, whether coincidentally or
    not, the international consortium exploiting the Shah-Deniz deposit,
    Azerbaijan's largest gas resource, has decided to shut one of its five
    wells "for technical reasons", a move that will lower Azerbaijan's gas
    production during this year to between 7.2 and 7.5 billion cubic
    meters (bcm) from 9 bcm.

    BP and Norway's Statoil each hold 25.5% of the Shah Deniz consortium;
    they are responsible, respectively, for the commercial and technical
    operations. Other members are France's Total, Azerbaijan's SOCAR,
    Russia's Gazprom, and Iran's Naftiran, each with 10%, and Turkey's
    TPAO with 9%. The deposit as a whole is estimated to contain 1.2
    trillion cubic meters of natural gas plus 1.75 billion barrels (bbl)
    of condensate.

    Press reports suggest that Turkey proposes a transit fee of US$2.36
    per 100 kilometers of transit for Azerbaijani gas, which has the
    effect of determining a price of $200/tcm for Baku's gas at its border
    with Turkey, which would then sell the gas on to Europe at its western
    border for $250/tcm. So it emerges that Turkey still wishes
    effectively to impose a netback of 25% on the new agreement.

    The renegotiation of the terms of this 25-year contract are legally
    separate from the ongoing negotiations between the same two parties
    for subsequent volumes from Shah Deniz, as well as from negotiations
    yet to begin over volumes destined for the Nabucco pipeline that will
    carry gas from Azerbaijan through Turkey to Europe. So the present
    impasse may also be a bargaining tool through which Turkey seeks to
    maintain its proposed 15% netback on later Nabucco gas, an arrangement
    that the European Union found unacceptable earlier this year, before
    the Nabucco intergovernmental agreement was signed (see Nabucco ink
    starts to flow, Asia Times Online, July 16, 2009.)

    Under the terms of the contract presently in force, Azerbaijan sells
    gas to Turkey at the latter's eastern border for about half the world
    market price, and Turkey exports it at its western border at
    international prices. The result is that Turkey can keep half of the
    gas while effectively paying nothing for it. In contrast, the State
    Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) agreed earlier this
    year to sell 500 million cubic meters (mcm) of gas to Russia's Gazprom
    during 2010 at competitive international prices.

    Now Azerbaijan has also signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU)
    with Bulgaria for the export of 1 bcm each year starting in two years,
    with the gas crossing the Black Sea in tankers as compressed natural
    gas (CNG), a technology that has not been tried previously for such
    large-scale transportation. CNG tankers are more expensive than
    tankers for liquefied natural gas (LNG) but do not require the
    expensive gasification and de-gasification infrastructure that LNG

    Studies of the possible application of CNG technology to trans-Caspian
    transport of Turkmenistan's gas to Azerbaijan, for example, evaluate
    it as being 1.6 times as expensive as an undersea pipeline but only
    two-thirds as expensive as LNG. It may be noted that a minimum volume
    of 30 bcm per year seems necessary to make the trans-Caspian CNG
    project feasible.

    Three weeks ago, another MoU was signed whereby the Azerbaijani
    "national champion" SOCAR would begin to sell 500 mcm/y of natural gas
    to the National Iranian Gas Co at prices close to the world market.
    This volume would increase subsequently as repairs to an
    Azerbaijan-Iran gas pipeline are executed, including upgrade of a
    compressor unit near the border with Iranian town of Astara. The deal
    includes provisions for modernizing a 200-kilometer pipeline running
    along the Caspian coast between the two countries that dates from the
    Soviet era.

    The Iranian ambassador in Baku oddly mentioned a figure 10 times the
    announced number when he stated to a press conference that Iran would
    import 5 bcm/y. This probably refers to Tehran's aspirations for a
    future expansion of the volume. According to Azerbaijan's president
    Ilham Aliev, speaking to an international conference five months ago,
    Iran has even proposed to buy all gas produced from Shah-Deniz.

    The deal with Iran builds upon bilateral cooperation begun in 2006,
    when a swap deal was began whereby Azerbaijan sends gas through the
    Baku-Astara pipeline to Iran, which then sends it on to Nakhchivan,
    which as an exclave is geographically separated from the main body of
    Azerbaijan's exclave and borders Iran, Armenia and, for 16km, Turkey.

    Nakhchivan is an autonomous republic within Azerbaijan and elects its
    own parliament to govern internal affairs. Its principal families have
    played an important part in Azerbaijani affairs since the discovery of
    oil off the Caspian coast in the 19th century. Former Azerbaijan
    president Heydar Aliev is only one of a number of Soviet and
    post-Soviet leaders of Azerbaijan born in the region. Gas deliveries
    via Iran in 2006 started at the low level of 70 mcm in 2006 and are
    projected to increase to 350 mcm in the current year.

    Shah Deniz Phase 1 has been scheduled to peak next year at a
    production level of 8.6 bcm plus 45,000 bbl of condensate. Phase 2's
    peak capacity is planned at 22 bcm/y, but the completion date for
    Phase 2 has already been postponed from 2013-14 to 2016 due to the
    failure of Turkey and Azerbaijan to reach agreement over the transit
    issues. There are further offshore gas deposits, for example the
    Guneshli and Apsheron fields among others, that have yet to be fully
    developed and which Azerbaijan's president has credibly announced to
    contain the impressive total of 5 trillion cubic meters.

    Azerbaijan cannot immediately cease selling its gas production to
    Turkey, as its near-term prospective sales to Russia, Iran, and
    Bulgaria cannot take up the slack; nevertheless, Azerbaijan is
    exploring these as alternatives in the medium term.

    A long-term result of an absolute failure to agree with Turkey would
    be to put a question mark over the whole Nabucco project designed to
    take Turkmenistan's gas through Azerbaijan (and Georgia) into Turkey
    and eventually European markets.

    Dr Robert M Cutler (, educated at the
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology and The University of Michigan,
    has researched and taught at universities in the United States,
    Canada, France, Switzerland, and Russia. Now senior research fellow in
    the Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, Carleton
    University, Canada, he also consults privately in a variety of fields.