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ANKARA: Full-Text Of Turkish President Abdullah Gul'S Lecture On 'Tu

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  • ANKARA: Full-Text Of Turkish President Abdullah Gul'S Lecture On 'Tu


    Journal of Turkish Weekly
    Dec 3 2009

    Turkish President Abdullah Gul delivered a speech on "Turkish Foreign
    Policy in the New Era" at International Strategic Research Organization
    (USAK). The full-text of the speech is available:

    Dear President, Honored USAK members, Honored Guests,

    First of all, I would to greet you with respect and well wishes. Also,
    I am very pleased to be here for the opening of USAK's new building.

    Since 2004, USAK has operated successfully as an independent think-tank
    in the fields of politics, economy, law, social sciences, security,
    and informs the public with true and sufficient news. I believe that
    USAK fulfills an important responsibility; hence, I would like to
    express my appreciation and wishes for success to USAK President
    Dr. Sedat Laciner and to his colleagues.

    I am absolutely confident that USAK will continue these important
    activities with more enthusiasm in its new building.

    Dear Guests, As you know, I am an academician as well. But I worked
    for more than four years as the Foreign Affairs Minister. I worked
    in the European Council Parliamentary Assembly for more than ten
    years. Since 2007, in the framework of my Presidential duties, I have
    been in the middle of a very intensive foreign affairs agenda.

    That's why I am saying that as a member of the opposition party, as
    a member of the ruling party, as a member of parliament, as a Prime
    Minister, as a Minister and at present as a President, I have taken
    responsibility in different positions with the Foreign Affairs issues.

    I was working as an economist in the Islamic Development Bank in the
    1980s. There was no such thing called e-mail at that time. We were
    using other communication means for communicating with our opponents
    and other countries. When I was elected as a Member of Parliament
    and became a European Commission Parliamentary Assembly member, the
    European Council did not yet have a web-site. But now, we can find,
    see and read all the reports and all other important materials and also
    we can send our feedback about these reports and important materials.

    Twenty years have passed. Together, we are realizing how everything
    has changed in that time. Today, there is tremendous information and
    news traffic. I just wanted to remind you of these progressions. TV
    channels, newspapers' online web-sites, news sites are sharing all the
    news and what's going even in the remote parts of the world. Almost
    like watching a football match, we are watching the important news
    of the world.

    Now, the ongoing process of transformation and change, no doubt,
    requires a serious adaptation. Everyone should adapt him/herself to
    these transformations and changes. Because today, information is
    not only under the monopoly of official authorities. In contrast,
    civil channels are gaining importance day by day. We can use Google in
    order to see inside buildings, see the gardens of places that we could
    never get closer to. In this context, of course, public diplomacy is
    attracting more and more attention in terms of foreign policy.

    Furthermore, only doing the right thing is not enough; the reasons
    for following policies should be properly explained. This is not only
    about foreign policies, but is also valid for the governance of the
    country. Because people are watching their representatives on TV,
    following them in live broadcasts; 'What's he saying? What did he
    promise me? What's he doing there? What did he promise about how
    he would behave and in what way he is putting his hands up when he
    is voting for something?' Hence, there is a fantastic atmosphere of
    transparency. This is valid both for foreign and domestic politics.

    Therefore, in my opinion, think-tanks and research organizations like
    USAK are playing very important roles by expressing society's ideas,
    views and suggestions to influence the decision making processes and
    are also playing an important role to explain, to describe official
    policies to the domestic and foreign public. These are the things
    that I mean when I mention keeping pace with the requirements of
    the century.

    Here, I strongly believe that we should pay attention to two subjects.

    One of them, raising Turkey's standards in technology and industry to
    the level of advanced industrialized nations is surely a prerequisite
    for world competition.

    There are big and important improvements in adopting technology
    for both the public and private sector in Turkey. Turkey possesses
    the technology of the most developed countries, especially in
    informatics technology. But assuming the possession of technological
    improvements alone is sufficient is wrong. Adapting ourselves will
    provide intellectual transformation. Of course it's not easy. We are
    taking technology and adopting it, but intellectual transformation
    takes time and requires the process of convincing people.

    When we look at the subject in terms of foreign politics, I would
    especially like to underscore the importance of think-tanks and
    research organizations. I believe that in order to be able to
    understand the deep, complex, and multidimensional global, political
    and economic relations, we need to have active associations and
    mechanisms. Think-tank and research organizations together with
    official associations are very important for explaining and defining
    the government's policies to the international community and the

    In the modern world, it is more important for countries to explain
    themselves by using civil channels than by official channels.

    Moreover, it is more effective to explain your issues with civil
    channels; it leads to quicker results and it is more long lasting
    because people who are taking official responsibility, such as the
    President, Prime Minister, Minister, Ambassador or any other official,
    will explain the stance of his country from the official point of view
    no matter if he believes in it or not. Thus, it is not that effective.

    But when civil society, scientists, men of thought, journalists explain
    these issues faithfully, then it is more convincing. Likewise, again
    MP's meeting together with their interlocutors and discussing in a
    free atmosphere gives better results. In this context, I give much
    importance to think-tanks and research organizations.

    Also, I would like to express that in developed countries, in big
    countries, in progressive countries, one of the factors that makes
    these countries powerful is the existence of study centers, think-tanks
    and research organizations. Turkey is a little bit late at that
    point as the USAK President mentioned previously. But today, what is
    attracting is to see that these kinds of good 'think-tank's are being
    established. I am really very pleased to see these improvements and
    today I came here to support these activities. Because in developed,
    large and powerful countries, think-tanks such as CFR and Chatham House
    are very important and quite serious subjects have been discussed
    behind their closed doors. As a person who knows very well what
    they say, how they talk in these institutes and organizations, and
    how their ideas are applied to politics, I care that these kinds of
    activities are realized in our country. There are valuable diplomats,
    journalists, scientists among you. I see and know them from these
    kinds of meetings and consequently I would like to encourage people who
    know the importance, significance and necessity of these activities.

    Dear Guests, Last week, we celebrated the 86th anniversary of the
    foundation of the Turkish Republic. In fact, to a large extent there
    is an agreement on the basic principles of our constitution, and our
    having a state governed by rule of law together with democratic, and
    secular principles. If we look back to the early days, it is easy to
    see the progress made by our country. I believe that at the end of this
    century, a very powerful Turkey will be at stake. I believe that we are
    developing on the way to this progress. Under these circumstances, what
    I believe is that there should be a free atmosphere for discussions
    on internal and external issues. If countries cannot resolve their
    problems by discussing them in an open, transparent environment then
    those problems will be transferred as burdens to next generations'
    shoulders. In this respect, I am pleased to see a lively debate
    atmosphere in Turkey today. I think all the results of these debates
    will lead to progress in Turkey. Because the foundation of Turkey is
    so strong. Because the basic ideas of Turkey are so strong.

    When it comes to foreign policy issues, I would like to tell you this:
    Our country, with our joint efforts, is increasingly becoming a global
    center of interest. According to our spending parity, if we look at the
    GNP of a trillion dollars, it will be easy to realize that Turkey is
    a center of interest. Nevertheless, our economic power together with
    political influence and growing population enables Turkey to allocate
    more resources for international relations, to play a determining
    and transmitting role and makes the efforts to establish welfare and
    stability easier. Thanks to this, extending from Asia to Africa, Turkey
    is an appreciated country in terms of the humanitarian and technical
    aid it provides. I just want you to note that once Turkey was the
    recipient country. I would like to remind you that today Turkey is
    in the club of aiders and has made donations totaling one billion
    dollars just in terms of humanitarian aid. Whereupon, our temporary
    membership to the UN Security Council was realized with phenomenal
    support, and we do our best to do our proportion of work there.

    The weight of our state in the international arena, its stance on
    issues, the foreign policy direction are permanent factors. We should
    not forget that this is a relay race and a win-win game. This will
    be at the top of the internal policy agenda. For sure, the whole
    world appreciates that Turkey, with a Muslim majority population,
    managed to establish rules and associations based on democracy and
    a free market economy, to take crucial steps towards transparency
    and cultural rights. However, they will be most appreciated by our
    own people. All these are not the efforts to win the admiration of
    the world or to attract attention, but the good things done to pay
    back to our own people and I would like this to be perceived in
    this way. Since the foundation of the republic, Turkey has been a
    role model for all the world with its democratic and secular system,
    and contemporary cultural identity. I believe that we should act with
    the awareness of this responsibility.

    Pursuant to Ataturk's noble principle of "peace at home, peace in
    the world", we keep on following multidimensional, comprehensive,
    responsible and ethical policies. Turkish foreign policy is not
    focused on pure interests. Turkey has the right and the authority
    to indicate its right and wrongs honestly. The prestigious past and
    specific regional relations of Turkey gives it the responsibility to
    criticise even its allies and defend the rightful things in any case.

    In case of necessity, Turkey is able to warn its allies by taking
    the "true friend tells the painful truth unsparingly" policy into
    consideration. Yet, while doing this it gives great importance not to
    damage the basis of friendly relations. In this respect, our foreign
    policy is ethical and moral. Turkey acts in the framework of law and
    legitimacy. I believe that it is so important. Because of your ethical
    behaviour, even they oppose your ideas, they respect you and you will
    not find yourself in difficulties. Just so, you have the capability
    to continue your ethical behaviour. Democracy, human rights, pacta
    sunt servanta are our priorities. Both our distant and recent history
    is full of examples of these kinds of activities.

    In case of necessity, the Turkish Grand National Assembly as the symbol
    of national freedom and will has bravely made decisions which cannot be
    made by most of the assemblies all over the world. Even in its days of
    weakness Turkey managed to make brave foreign policy moves despite the
    big countries' oppositions. Turkey continues this ethical and moral
    behaviour today, as well. Our main goal is to promote stability,
    security and welfare to preserve our national interests. In order
    to reach this goal, peaceful resolution of conflicts with active and
    proactive diplomatic initiatives is necessary.

    Turkey is at a very effective geopolitical location. There are lots
    of conflicts surrounding us. With no doubt, these can be resolved with
    mutual efforts. It is not realistic or fair to wait for bilateral good
    faith gestures. Thus, there should not be a perception to wait for
    a complete resolution at any price. But also these problems cannot
    be solved by idleness, either. Thus, it is important to establish
    a flexibility and a sensitive balance between national interests
    applying for the foreign policies of all countries including Turkey.

    Basically, it is important to foster an atmosphere for regional
    and international dialogue which constitutes a common denominator
    protecting both sides' interests to solve the problems with a win-win
    game understanding rather than having a zero sum game perception.

    Turkey, with its long-established experienced diplomacy understanding,
    has the capability, capacity and power to use this win-win oriented
    method of resolution.

    I would like to reiterate that some have perceptions of Turkey as in a
    muddle, asking questions such as "Where is Turkey going? Does it keep
    to the East or to the West?". I frankly state that these are not the
    facts. What Turkey does is extremely obvious and clear. It of course
    keeps both to the east, to the west, to the north, to the south,
    and to everywhere. The significant point is the values of Turkey
    develops through each direction: democratic values, rule of law,
    respect to human rights, transparency, liability to render account,
    subjects on women-men equality, functioning of free market economy.

    In all of these topics, looking at Turkey's path can help to better
    determine its direction. I believe that some of the other things have
    been written in good faith. The good faith is in terms of warning
    those who could not understand the value of Turkey and in terms of
    attracting attention to some of our friends. In my belief, some other
    written things include jealousy and some of them are results of lack
    of knowledge about this position and attitude of Turkey. Sometimes
    I read some ideas in articles that are off-the-wall. None of them
    are valid. Turkey knows what it is doing. As I mentioned before, the
    significant thing is according to which trends and to which direction
    Turkey is developing these internal values. If a short study is
    conducted about this topic, we can observe that Turkey is developing
    in a direction of improving all the values that I stated. Surely,
    there are some deficiencies. Surely, there are so many things to do.

    The pace, speed and height of this trend can be discussed, this is
    a separate issue. However, discussing the direction is mainly due to
    lack of knowledge.

    Secondly, I would like to emphasize that what Turkey wants to do in
    its region is to promote peace. Because there cannot be any economic
    development, cooperation or welfare in any region with no stability,
    security. The people of that country cannot be satisfied. Therefore,
    the first aim of Turkey in its relations with neighbors and the region
    is conflict resolution and promoting stability. On this basis, it
    wants to promote peace in a wide area and provide economic cooperation
    as much as possible. This is the way to welfare. In any region of
    the world, in which regional stability could not be established,
    one cannot see any kind of economic development since most of the
    resources are shifted to security matters. In this region, when
    Turkey's historical background, location, and level of development are
    taken into consideration, we think that Turkey is responsible because
    of this and therefore Turkey will keep following its policies on this.

    As I previously mentioned, undoubtedly, this policy is not a zero sum
    game but a win-win game. Thus, not with a narrow understanding but
    with a broad one, it is possible to see that everyone's interest lies
    here. I believe that there should be the same big rapid development
    in our region like the development that occurred immediately after the
    resolution of border conflicts, some other major issues, and security
    issues with OSCE decisions in Europe and Helsinki. Thus, Turkey should
    take the initiative when we consider the region more broadly other
    than with its border neighbors. Turkey does this in the Caucasus.

    Turkey also aims at the nuclear disarmament of Middle East and nuclear
    disarmament of our region. If this is properly addressed, I strongly
    believe it is possible to be done.

    As it can be remembered from 1990s First Gulf War, this issue was taken
    to the UN Security Council and there had been two attempts for it:
    Nuclear disarmament of the Middle East and of all the countries in
    Middle East matter. In my opinion, these issues should be addressed
    with determination. I believe that the unbending attitudes of the 5
    permanent members of the UN Security Council, mainly the USA, will
    make all these developments possible.

    Dear Guests, It is not necessary to mention what kind of a government
    project is the process leading to Turkey's EU membership. Sometimes
    we hear some unpleasant expressions about this issue, directly or
    indirectly. In fact, we do not take these into consideration. These
    expressions aim to derail Turkey. Turkey will not be derailed;
    I definitely want to say that, because juristic grounding is
    so strong. Turkey begins negotiations. When Turkey fulfills the
    criteria, surely, full membership will become true. Privileged or
    limited memberships are not valid in the concept of the EU. Moreover,
    this kind of a membership does not exist. This morning, I met with
    former Foreign Minister of Germany, Mr. Genscher. While discussing
    this issue, he said that Turkey is already a privileged member at a
    high degree. What can be possible beyond this? Turkey is a partner
    in foreign politics. It participates in EU's foreign politics at 95
    percent. This is the same in security issues. Our militaries are
    together in troubled areas of the world. In the framework of the
    Customs Union, for almost 15 years, we have reset the customs with
    most powerful industries in Europe. We are at a level to be able to
    compete. There is nothing beyond this.

    Stating beyond this is rhetoric and lack of faith for a future
    powerful Europe.

    You should go back to a Europe with 6 founding members if you adopt
    such behavior and such comments. However, Europe has already discussed
    these issues and got over them. Certainly, we cannot ignore the current
    difficulties happening in Europe. It is possible to observe such
    cyclical problems in Europe, like in every country. These problems
    should never cause strategies to change. At this point, Turkey is
    absolutely determined. Turkey will meet its responsibilities during
    negotiations. And the European Union will observe nothing else.

    Some people say to me "Europe is tired, so we have to stop for
    a while". We do not expect Europe to do something! We just want
    Europe to watch us. It is for us to do something. Turkey is the one
    to implement reforms, not Europe. They will just say whether "okay,
    you achieved our standards" or "not". Therefore, the feeling of pacta
    sunt servanda should be underlined. Because if countries or leaders
    think or give the feeling that their signature is a joke or they
    are not binding, then there will emerge large gaps in trust and a
    very dangerous situation. I believe that these kinds of things are
    temporary. Thus, Turkey will continue along its path decisively.

    As I mentioned in previous days, after Turkey's completion of
    negotiations, some countries have already decided to go for a
    referendum We will respect their decisions. We cannot know what will
    be the decision of Turkish public at that time, as in the case of
    other countries. However, these issues are not to be discussed today.

    Dear participants, I lastly want to discuss this: Certainly, the US
    is at a very important point in Turkey's foreign politics, and most
    of time, the agendas of Turkey and the US are overlapping in world
    related cases.

    Sometimes, as Foreign Minister or President of Turkey, I have asked
    US presidents to write down the issues that they are interested
    in. And I continued by saying that I would write down issues too and
    then we would put them together and see how many countries are there
    for which we have similar agendas. Actually, they are aware of this
    fact. There are couple of issues in which we are not interested. Now,
    due to our responsibilities in the UN Security Council, we have become
    interested in them too: those related with Korea and some others.

    Needless to say, Turkey is not a super power; its responsibility
    cannot be at the same scale as the US's. However, Turkey also has
    very important responsibilities due to its geographical location and
    its historical relationships. It continues to conduct these issues
    with the USA on the basis of reciprocal respect, understanding and
    cooperation and it is content with this. In particular, President
    Obama's first overseas visit to Turkey, which took place at the
    beginning of his official duty, became notably very beneficial. We
    have always had the chance to consult on all issues broadly and to
    transfer all our knowledge and experiences at the beginning of the
    matter. I argue that this period needs to be evaluated very well,
    because the President of the US announced something after he took
    office: "I will not act unilaterally, but we will act multilaterally,
    we will negotiate with our partners, listen to them and eventually, we
    will explain our decisions and we will be in a great solidarity." This
    mentality led to a feeling of being at ease to the world. I hope that
    this mentality can be interpreted very well and allow for solutions
    to many chronic problems to be reached. The Middle East, the nuclear
    issues, in all these matters, the politics should be considered well.

    Finally, I want to express this: especially Afghanistan and Pakistan,
    or rather the issue of Afghanistan, the name of Pakistan is necessarily
    included with Afghanistan due to being its neighbour, but in fact,
    the issue belongs to Afghanistan. The Afghanistan case is similar to
    that of the Middle East, which is a great event and a global issue
    that the world is interested in. If things are going wrong, this
    can turn out to be more insurmountable problem. Therefore, close
    concern for this region is a common responsibility. We, as Turkey,
    are aware of our responsibility. Because of this, twice we undertook
    the responsibility for commandership of ISAF by ourselves.

    Now, three or four days ago, we took over the Regional Commandership
    of Kabul related to security issues. However, I believe this: as a
    person who often visits Afghanistan and knows this country, and as I
    pointed out in the meetings of NATO and in my speeches as the minister
    of Foreign Affairs and President, Afghanistan is not an issue that
    can be solved only by means of military and its methods. This problem
    cannot be concluded regardless of Afghan people's sympathy. So far,
    much has been spent on military expenses. However, the fact is
    obvious. When I visited Afghanistan, I completely walked around Kabul.

    I also went outside of the city. I saw an international force,
    soldiers; American soldiers, the soldiers of NATO, Turkish soldiers,
    including Afghan soldiers. The poor clothes of Afghan soldiers and
    their needy conditions without helmets and boots, on the other side,
    the other soldiers with full equipment... These two kinds of soldiers
    act together; this strategy and policy are unacceptable. In fact,
    Afghans say, "train our soldiers, trust us, provide clothes and
    equipment, we do our job by ourselves, your children should not
    sacrifice themselves for us." They say this very clearly.

    However, unfortunately, there is a weakness in this direction. For
    instance, when the matter comes to winning Afghan people's hearts,
    frankly, no one acts as Turkey does. Without any doubts, we appreciate
    what has been done. I am saying as a comparison, I said that I walked
    around Kabul step by step; the streets of Kabul are muddy and people,
    children, women walk around these muddy places. I insist, "Let's pave
    this, let's win this society", however, no fund could be provided.

    Now, Turkey has started paving Kabul through TIKA. This is winning
    one's heart. Once upon a time, in a country where the girls were
    forbidden to go out, Turkish NGOs are now opening schools for
    thousands of girls. For example, I went to open a college for 2000
    girls. Babacan had visited them in his period as Minister of Foreign
    Affairs. Davutoglu is travelling throughout Afghanistan. In this
    respect, Turkey is in close cooperation with Pakistan in order to
    solve the problems of Afghanistan. I am sure that you have watched
    closely. Three times, the Presidents of Pakistan and Afghanistan have
    come together to negotiate how to work more efficiently. Turkey made
    great contributions to the development of cooperation, especially
    between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Finally, it happened for the first
    time that the President of General Staff, intelligence organizations
    and the Presidents of these three countries came together in Ankara. I
    believe that these things will all bring about good results.

    The security and stability in Caucasus are important to all of us. If
    stability is not established in the Caucasus, the Caucasus is like a
    wall which separates the East and the West. On the contrary, if there
    is a solution and stability in this region, the Caucasus can turn
    out to be an area in which cooperation extensively flourishes. The
    events in Georgia indicated that the frozen problems can always
    explode and they can cause important consequences. Think about it,
    if the Montreux Agreement had not been completely implemented during
    the war in Georgia, if huge ships had entered the small Black Sea,
    and they had confronted there, clashing as the planes in a conflict,
    what would have come about? For this reason, Turkey continues its
    policy with principles. Some courageous steps have been taken to reach
    the solutions of the Caucasus' problems. In this sense, I hope that
    the normalization process which has been launched with Armenia will
    be concluded. In the same way, the Caucasus is another reality, and
    indeed, the territories of Azerbaijan are occupied. I would like to
    say regarding this issue that there are various debates on Karabagh,
    but these territories of Azerbaijan belong to this country without
    any doubt. In this regard, there are not any claims from the Armenian
    side to be in question. In this respect, the attempts which focus
    on the evacuation of these territories under invasion, I believe,
    will easily solve many problems there.

    The point making me content is that the workings of the Minsk group,
    which have been going on in silence and at a low level for the past
    18 years, have recently come to the agenda of President Medvedev
    and Obama within the last year with the politics that Turkey also
    followed, and they have been conducted at their level. In my opinion,
    both of these countries, Azerbaijan and Armenia are content with this.

    Dear Guests, Opening ten new embassies and staffing them demonstrates
    the most significant signs of Turkey's activity in Africa. The
    historical ties with Africa are being revived. Our relations with
    Africa take its roots from human relations beyond trade, finance, and
    politics. I believe that everyone is responsible for Africa. Africa's
    resources have been transferred for ages. Now, everyone should pay its
    dues back to Africa. In early ages, we did not have the possibility
    to reach information on the living standards of Africa since we did
    not have internet and television, as I mentioned at the beginning of
    my speech.

    We did not know the grievances of children and women there. Yet it is
    impossible to be kept in that way in this age. There is bitterness in
    one side, but happiness on the other. Thus, everyone should show an
    undivided interest in Africa without losing time. Turkey indicates its
    responsibility towards Africa. TIKA has significant efforts in Africa.

    It is my belief that this policy pursued by Turkey is always
    appreciated by the international community.

    Needless to say, all these are being expressed sufficiently, as I
    previously mentioned, by the government commissioners. Yet, there is
    a strong civilian influence in these discussions, from journalists
    to scientists to researchers.

    Beyond a doubt, this is not meant to direct you, you will surely state
    your own, uninfluenced, opinions. While discussing sensitive issues,
    you will advise Turkey on what is going on all around the world
    for the purposes of conveying information in the best way. In this
    regard, I am so happy that think tanks are being established and are
    developing in Turkey. Within this framework, I came here with this
    perception. Maybe this is a small building and you may be a limited
    number, but I believe that you will grow rapidly in a short time period
    and new organizations will be established by following your example.

    First of all, I would like to thank those who have contributed to you.

    These things could not have been accomplished without financial
    support. There has been no government aid in these efforts; I would
    like to reaffirm this here. These are the fruits of the contributions
    of people who set their hearts on this job. I congratulate you and
    all your contributors.

    We, of course, follow you closely. From now on, most of you are not
    only members of this organization but also journalists and inevitable
    contributors to television talks. You both enlighten the people and
    give messages to specific people you wish to reach. Here, this is what
    open society means. I mention these things while saying that Turkey's
    soft power is growing stronger and representing an example. I strongly
    believe in this. In most of my lectures, I always reiterated what
    makes a country powerful. First of all, its democracy should be strong,
    undoubtedly. Its democracy, in its broad meaning soft power, should be
    open; law should be open and transparent and clear. There will not be
    a differentiation between domestic-foreign but just-unjust. Everyone
    will be equal. It will apply to all areas of commercial law, human
    rights, and all others. Turkey makes significant progress towards
    these matters. Under these circumstances, the economy would certainly
    be strengthened. Today we naturally realize it.

    Democratic reforms and legal reforms are the major causes behind
    Turkey's gradually growing economy.

    Without a doubt, the Turkish Armed Forces, of which we are proud,
    gives weight to Turkey's power. I would like to underline that
    the Turkish Armed Forces and security forces play a major role in
    Turkey's status as a crucial ally. It would be impossible to make the
    aforementioned foreign policy moves and have accomplishments abroad
    if Turkish democracy, economy and armed forces were not strong enough.

    Thus, internal matters are the deep motive behind everything.

    Possessing an orderly powerful home lies behind everything. Providing
    this order is not the responsibility or duty of anyone but ourselves.

    I believe that all the discussions are developing in ways that will
    make Turkey much stronger and everyone will witness this.

    I again wish you good luck, thank you.