Dec 4 2009
OSCE MG Foreign Ministers' statement on NKR conflict resolution made
in Athens, Dec. 1-2 is a concession by Armenia, RA People's Party
member Grigor Harutyunyan told NEWS.am.
"I personally assisted ANC statement, saying that for the first time
Armenia had signed a pentalateral document mentioning Azerbaijani
territorial integrity. This means no matter how high self-governing
status given to Nagorno-Karabakh will be, it will still be exercised
within the frames of Azerbaijani territorial integrity," he stated.
Asked about his opinion on Azerbaijani territorial integrity provision
in OSCE Lisbon Treaty draft (1997), that entailed strong response in
Armenia and NKR, however currently this tendency is no more noted,
Harutyunyan replied that it never turned into state paper in Lisbon,
as Armenia imposed veto. "Presently, there is no public opposing
to these documents, as it is brought to a terrifying state and does
not struggle. After March 1 events, this indifference is natural,"
Harutyunyan outlined.
As for Karabakhi people's indifference, he maintained that they are
unaware of the negotiation process, as get information from official
sources only.
"Karabakhi authorities solve their personal issues and are unwilling
to oppose Armenian authorities. One of the possible outs of this
situation is NKR authorities' vigor to state they ban Armenian
authorities to conduct negotiations on their behalf and not accept
Athens' document. Unfortunately, they are yet to come to this,"
Harutyunyan concluded.
Dec 4 2009
OSCE MG Foreign Ministers' statement on NKR conflict resolution made
in Athens, Dec. 1-2 is a concession by Armenia, RA People's Party
member Grigor Harutyunyan told NEWS.am.
"I personally assisted ANC statement, saying that for the first time
Armenia had signed a pentalateral document mentioning Azerbaijani
territorial integrity. This means no matter how high self-governing
status given to Nagorno-Karabakh will be, it will still be exercised
within the frames of Azerbaijani territorial integrity," he stated.
Asked about his opinion on Azerbaijani territorial integrity provision
in OSCE Lisbon Treaty draft (1997), that entailed strong response in
Armenia and NKR, however currently this tendency is no more noted,
Harutyunyan replied that it never turned into state paper in Lisbon,
as Armenia imposed veto. "Presently, there is no public opposing
to these documents, as it is brought to a terrifying state and does
not struggle. After March 1 events, this indifference is natural,"
Harutyunyan outlined.
As for Karabakhi people's indifference, he maintained that they are
unaware of the negotiation process, as get information from official
sources only.
"Karabakhi authorities solve their personal issues and are unwilling
to oppose Armenian authorities. One of the possible outs of this
situation is NKR authorities' vigor to state they ban Armenian
authorities to conduct negotiations on their behalf and not accept
Athens' document. Unfortunately, they are yet to come to this,"
Harutyunyan concluded.