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Principles Are To Be Changed

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  • Principles Are To Be Changed


    On 4 December 2009, a session of the board of the NKR non-governmental
    organizations and civil experts took place in Stepanakert.

    In the course of the meeting issues concerning the current phase of
    negotiations of the Azeri-Karabakh conflict, as well as the radical
    statements of the authorities of Azerbaijan and the violent,
    revenge-seeking attitudes in the Azerbaijani press.

    It was noted that we can consider this conduct of the official Baku
    and its blackmail as a call to Yerevan and intermediaries and as a
    traditional way to settle Azerbaijan's internal problems. Baku cannot
    conceal the political sense of discomfort due to the beginning of the
    process of normalizing relations between Armenia and Turkey, and the
    `military hype' of the Azerbaijani media- a kind of hysterical
    reaction to the situation which is estimated as a deadlock for the
    Azerbaijani diplomacy.

    However, the participants of the meeting expressed confidence that the
    Karabakh society should not only consider the realities on the basis
    of these assumptions. The historical experience of living together
    with Azerbaijan proves that the threats of our neighbors remain only
    threats. The NKR society should be maximally mobilized, but also it is
    to use all available means and tools to prevent any possible
    aggression which does not solve the problem but only exacerbate its
    decision, not to mention the unpredictable in scale tragic

    In this regard, the participants of the session also expressed
    bewilderment and incomprehension in connection with the reaction of
    formal and informal international institutions, and, in particular,
    the OSCE Minsk Group. According to the experts, the military threats
    posed by the Azerbaijani authorities already destabilize the region
    and violate all agreements and documents signed by the representatives
    of the supreme executive power of middlemen which means that their
    responsibility for what happens. Views were expressed that as long as
    the international community will not give an objective assessment of
    the causes and development of the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict, the
    Azerbaijani escalation of the conflict will remain a threat over the
    entire Caucasus region.

    At the meeting of the Council were also discussed prospects for the
    continuation of civil dialogue between the conflicting parties, the
    silence of the representatives of the social movements of Azerbaijan
    was assessed unacceptable. The absolute lack of response to the
    statements of the authorities could be taken as consent to the
    military scenario which does not promote the establishment of
    atmosphere of tolerance between the conflicting societies.

    The speakers stressed that the European institutions, planning
    programs to work with the societies in the region of conflict, should
    use their influence to avoid any possibility of radicalization of the
    political background which can cause the failure of any peace

    In discussing the latest developments in the negotiations - namely,
    the results of meetings between the presidents of Armenia and
    Azerbaijan in Munich and the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and
    Azerbaijan in Athens, the meeting highlighted the following:

    The joint statement issued in Athens shows the world's attention to
    the Karabakh problem and the desire to achieve an early agreement on
    basic principles for a settlement. However, there are many doubts
    about the possibility of achieving a breakthrough in the
    Nagorno-Karabakh settlement because the dialogue continues in the
    inferior format, the basic principles of settlement are unrealistic
    and the methodology adopted by the international mediators cannot
    resolve to make serious progress in this process. On the
    inadmissibility of the Madrid principles and their not being realistic
    was mentioned more than once. Therefore it is necessary to reconsider
    the principles of the settlement, the current negotiating framework,
    as well as the approaches of the intermediaries.

    No one can force us to withdraw from the liberated territories,
    violating our own Constitution. Therefore, mediators from the OSCE
    must look for other solutions, for example, to use new trends in
    international politics, like we have witnessed in the past year. These
    are the precedents of Kosovo, South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

    The meeting participants called on the authorities of the Republic of
    Armenia to seek review of the Madrid principles for settlement of the
    current negotiating format, as well as approaches of the
    intermediaries. In particular, it was also suggested: that the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic regained its status as a conflicting party,
    which, incidentally, is recognized in the decisions and other
    documents of the OSCE and the UN, the two Armenian states should
    allocate their roles and responsibilities in the negotiation process.
    Those key issues that will be charged within the purview of the NKR
    authorities should not be discussed in the leadership of RA nor with
    intermediaries or representatives of Azerbaijan. In this case,
    Karabakh will be invited to the negotiating table. Thus, using the
    internal resource of the NKR and Armenia the restoration of
    subjectivity of Nagorno-Karabakh can be achieved.

    If Azerbaijan starts a new military aggression against
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, then no one can guarantee how the duration
    of the war and its outcome will be. Baku cannot rely on `small
    victorious war'. Given the lessons of the military capabilities of the
    parties, the quality of forces and means, it can be argued that a new
    war would have disastrous results for the region. Therefore, the most
    important priority for the international mediators and interested
    regional powers, in parallel with the search for mutually acceptable
    principles of conflict resolution should be to implement measures to
    prevent a new war.