Srbuhy Vanyan
Azat Artsakh Newspaper NKR
December 07, 2009
We represent interview with the head of Askeran regional board of
administration Vahram Baghdasaryan -Mr Baghdasaryan, tell about
everyday life of Askeran. By what they differ from everyday life
of other NKR regions? - Askeran being nearby to Stepanakert,
its everyday life is closely connected with processes taken place
in the capital. For example, the part of inhabitants works there,
workers of agriculture at the same place realise the received crop,
the youth also participates in cultural and sport arrangements being
organized there. The affinity to the capital has also its minuses -
in the region cultural and sport arrangements are not practically
organised, the health service system properly does not develop, there
is also a certain migration from the region. - How many people live
in the region? - In Askeran region 17 880 inhabitants live, 2180 of
which - in district centres. - And in what they are basically engaged?
- The basic direction of activity - agriculture, more particularly,
cultivation, grain manufacture. Taking into account this circumstance,
the state realises here various programs of assistance. For example,
last year within the limits of the program of black steam in rented and
own territories counting on one hectare free aid at a rate of 35.000
drams have been rendered land users. As a result for 1252 hectares it
has been allocated 43 million 823 thousand drams. This year only owners
of privatized lands will receive grants for black steam. The following
program concerns corn cultivation in frameworks of which in the form
of the grant it has been allocated 35000 drams counting on 1 hectares
and seeds in the form of the interest-free credit. There are separate
programs, crediting of winter sowing on which it has been allocated
118 million drams in the form of the interest-free credit. This year
we have received and have distributed 720 tons of nitric fertilizers
- 100 drams for 1 kg, whereas the state has bought them by 120-130
drams. Potato and peas seeds have been also given. Realisation of
programs of crediting will proceed also in future. -It's not a secret,
that repayment of credits quite is often too tightened. What is the
situation in Askeran region? - At us the situation is not so bad:
agricultural credits are extinguished on 93 %. - In comparison
with other regions, a standard of living of the population of
Askeran region is not low. - The degree of population's standard
of well-being is defined by its incomes. In Askeran they depend on
results of harvesting. Unlike other regions here the situation is
rather better - thanks to irrigation system. We have 3000 hectares
of irrigated lands. Unfortunately, irrigation possibilities are used
by land users defectively, differently productivity would be higher.
- And how do you explain it? - That incompetent people are often
engaged in agriculture.The board of regional administration realises
a number of programs for correcting the situation. In 2009 six staffs
of agronomists have been allocated to the region, and they have been
distributed on communities. Further the stuffs will be increased. One
of problems is also the insufficient quantity of technics. I estimate
highly the work of agronomists during the extreme situation which have
developed in the republic owing to distribution of wreckers. Owing
to them, the struggle against rodents in different territories has
been organised simultaneously, which has provided final positive
result. As it is known, in this question the state has rendered great
assistance. - What works are done in capital construction sphere?
- By the condition of November 2009, within the limits of the program
of capital investments works of 979 million drams have been realized,
the size of the state capital investments has compiled 598,2 million
drams. A building of high school of Askeran city has been put into
operation, by one dwellings for families of killed azatamartiks in
Askeran, Khnapat, Sarushen communities and by two - in Avetaranots,
teletransmitting station in Nakhichevanik, works of repair of
Askeran-Khnapat motorway, a waterpipe of Harav village, water supply
systems of Nahichevanik and Khndzristan villages. Building of the
new house for a family of killed azatamartiks in Avetaranots village,
the educational annex of Noragyugh's high school, a hall of Askeran's
sport school, two dwellings in district is in the process. Capital
investments are carried out also at the expense of means of the
humanitarian organisations. Flat problems of some people registered
in preferential lists, will receive decision within the limits of this
program. So, in Askeran region for the purpose of resolving of social
problems of immigrants and refugees 202 families have migrated (773
persons). For persons of this category in different communities 106
houses have been constructed. Building of two houses in Nakhichevanik
and Vardadzor, repair of the central site of irrigating system Ivanyan
- Askeran - Khnapat are in the stage of end. - Recently it is much
spoken about poor-quality building. In your opinion, is it possible
to consider quality of building satisfactory? - By the corresponding
department of the regional board of administration corrective measures,
infringements of obligatory requirements of legal certificates and
normative and technical documents in the course of town-planning
activity in the territory of the region which are carried out by
builders, designers and the contract building organisations are
taken.It,of course will favour improvement of construction quality.
- As the head of the region, what problems you consider as the most
important? - As the most important problem I consider formation of
local self-governing bodies, development of communities. As the main
activity of the region's population is in agriculture sphere, we try to
create normal conditions for reception of higher crops by land users.
- What policy is conducted among the youth? - First of all we take
measures on activization of a sport life, attraction of many youngs
in different sport groups, organisations, clubs. Building of a new
sport school is in the process. Opening of chess club, building of
sport hall are planned. - Is there a flat problem in Askeran? -
Certainly. In our region one of perspective directions is the program
of hypothec crediting. As I have already noted, in the district two
dwellings are being constructed. Next year again two-three will be
constructed. And in general it is possible to view the flat problem
from other standpoint: in villages there are many not populated
houses and under our initiative these houses also are included in the
programs. Owners have not lived there for a long time already and are
ready to sell them. Today the state solves flat problem of some social
groups. As a whole to social sphere of the region from the beginning
of 2009 it has been directed more than 301 million 456 thousand drams.
For the specified period on the basis of the corresponding documents
presented to territorial agency, the single marriage grant for 58 new
families at a rate of 17 million 400 thousand drams, a lump sum on
a birth of the child - at a rate of 55 million 300 thousand drams,
the monthly state children's grant for 1745 children - 194 million
706 thousand drams have been appointed, renominated and paid. In
connection with September 1st a single monetary help at a rate of
1 million 590 thousand drams has been paid to children of killed
(died) servicemen. Within the limits of the program of stimulation
of birth rate and a possession of many children in regional branch of
"Artsakhbank" addressed to each third and subsequent child 64 target
contributions have been openned. In connection with celebrations of
May 9th, 18 million 232 thousand drams have been paid. And generally,
in my opinion, the state is obliged to care only of immigrants,
families of victims, in some cases to help with decision of flat
problem of refugees, social questions of children, old men and
invalids. Other citizens should care of well-being. - But after all,
the population's living standard is not so high, there is no source
of stable incomes for apartment acquisition, and programs of hypothec
crediting are accessible not to all. - Anyway even during the Soviet
period the state did not build houses in villages. Such questions
should dare within the limits of the program of hypothec crediting.
- What programs are developed for region development?
If I am not mistaken, the means collected during the recent telethone
of "Hayastan" all-Armenian Fund will go on development of Askeran
region. - Only a part. The accent will be made on infrastructure
development - expansion of an irrigating network, repair of a network
of water supply, road building, gasification. Inhabitants of district
and nearby villages already have possibility to watch 60 digital
television channels. There are a lot of programs of development,
and to speak about them in advance is not present sense. The list of
programs becomes known only after definition of the definitive sum
which the fund will allocate. - Is there enough water for caring
of requirements of the population? - There is enough water for
maintenance of round-the-clock water supply if we manage to exclude
losses. - And what question, in your opinion, the most paramount?
- I would underline the correct and rational use of ground
resources. Researches have shown, that in agrarian sphere ther is much
to do. We should think of increase of level of our life ourselves. To
charge all this on the state is absolutely incorrect.
Srbuhy Vanyan
Azat Artsakh Newspaper NKR
December 07, 2009
We represent interview with the head of Askeran regional board of
administration Vahram Baghdasaryan -Mr Baghdasaryan, tell about
everyday life of Askeran. By what they differ from everyday life
of other NKR regions? - Askeran being nearby to Stepanakert,
its everyday life is closely connected with processes taken place
in the capital. For example, the part of inhabitants works there,
workers of agriculture at the same place realise the received crop,
the youth also participates in cultural and sport arrangements being
organized there. The affinity to the capital has also its minuses -
in the region cultural and sport arrangements are not practically
organised, the health service system properly does not develop, there
is also a certain migration from the region. - How many people live
in the region? - In Askeran region 17 880 inhabitants live, 2180 of
which - in district centres. - And in what they are basically engaged?
- The basic direction of activity - agriculture, more particularly,
cultivation, grain manufacture. Taking into account this circumstance,
the state realises here various programs of assistance. For example,
last year within the limits of the program of black steam in rented and
own territories counting on one hectare free aid at a rate of 35.000
drams have been rendered land users. As a result for 1252 hectares it
has been allocated 43 million 823 thousand drams. This year only owners
of privatized lands will receive grants for black steam. The following
program concerns corn cultivation in frameworks of which in the form
of the grant it has been allocated 35000 drams counting on 1 hectares
and seeds in the form of the interest-free credit. There are separate
programs, crediting of winter sowing on which it has been allocated
118 million drams in the form of the interest-free credit. This year
we have received and have distributed 720 tons of nitric fertilizers
- 100 drams for 1 kg, whereas the state has bought them by 120-130
drams. Potato and peas seeds have been also given. Realisation of
programs of crediting will proceed also in future. -It's not a secret,
that repayment of credits quite is often too tightened. What is the
situation in Askeran region? - At us the situation is not so bad:
agricultural credits are extinguished on 93 %. - In comparison
with other regions, a standard of living of the population of
Askeran region is not low. - The degree of population's standard
of well-being is defined by its incomes. In Askeran they depend on
results of harvesting. Unlike other regions here the situation is
rather better - thanks to irrigation system. We have 3000 hectares
of irrigated lands. Unfortunately, irrigation possibilities are used
by land users defectively, differently productivity would be higher.
- And how do you explain it? - That incompetent people are often
engaged in agriculture.The board of regional administration realises
a number of programs for correcting the situation. In 2009 six staffs
of agronomists have been allocated to the region, and they have been
distributed on communities. Further the stuffs will be increased. One
of problems is also the insufficient quantity of technics. I estimate
highly the work of agronomists during the extreme situation which have
developed in the republic owing to distribution of wreckers. Owing
to them, the struggle against rodents in different territories has
been organised simultaneously, which has provided final positive
result. As it is known, in this question the state has rendered great
assistance. - What works are done in capital construction sphere?
- By the condition of November 2009, within the limits of the program
of capital investments works of 979 million drams have been realized,
the size of the state capital investments has compiled 598,2 million
drams. A building of high school of Askeran city has been put into
operation, by one dwellings for families of killed azatamartiks in
Askeran, Khnapat, Sarushen communities and by two - in Avetaranots,
teletransmitting station in Nakhichevanik, works of repair of
Askeran-Khnapat motorway, a waterpipe of Harav village, water supply
systems of Nahichevanik and Khndzristan villages. Building of the
new house for a family of killed azatamartiks in Avetaranots village,
the educational annex of Noragyugh's high school, a hall of Askeran's
sport school, two dwellings in district is in the process. Capital
investments are carried out also at the expense of means of the
humanitarian organisations. Flat problems of some people registered
in preferential lists, will receive decision within the limits of this
program. So, in Askeran region for the purpose of resolving of social
problems of immigrants and refugees 202 families have migrated (773
persons). For persons of this category in different communities 106
houses have been constructed. Building of two houses in Nakhichevanik
and Vardadzor, repair of the central site of irrigating system Ivanyan
- Askeran - Khnapat are in the stage of end. - Recently it is much
spoken about poor-quality building. In your opinion, is it possible
to consider quality of building satisfactory? - By the corresponding
department of the regional board of administration corrective measures,
infringements of obligatory requirements of legal certificates and
normative and technical documents in the course of town-planning
activity in the territory of the region which are carried out by
builders, designers and the contract building organisations are
taken.It,of course will favour improvement of construction quality.
- As the head of the region, what problems you consider as the most
important? - As the most important problem I consider formation of
local self-governing bodies, development of communities. As the main
activity of the region's population is in agriculture sphere, we try to
create normal conditions for reception of higher crops by land users.
- What policy is conducted among the youth? - First of all we take
measures on activization of a sport life, attraction of many youngs
in different sport groups, organisations, clubs. Building of a new
sport school is in the process. Opening of chess club, building of
sport hall are planned. - Is there a flat problem in Askeran? -
Certainly. In our region one of perspective directions is the program
of hypothec crediting. As I have already noted, in the district two
dwellings are being constructed. Next year again two-three will be
constructed. And in general it is possible to view the flat problem
from other standpoint: in villages there are many not populated
houses and under our initiative these houses also are included in the
programs. Owners have not lived there for a long time already and are
ready to sell them. Today the state solves flat problem of some social
groups. As a whole to social sphere of the region from the beginning
of 2009 it has been directed more than 301 million 456 thousand drams.
For the specified period on the basis of the corresponding documents
presented to territorial agency, the single marriage grant for 58 new
families at a rate of 17 million 400 thousand drams, a lump sum on
a birth of the child - at a rate of 55 million 300 thousand drams,
the monthly state children's grant for 1745 children - 194 million
706 thousand drams have been appointed, renominated and paid. In
connection with September 1st a single monetary help at a rate of
1 million 590 thousand drams has been paid to children of killed
(died) servicemen. Within the limits of the program of stimulation
of birth rate and a possession of many children in regional branch of
"Artsakhbank" addressed to each third and subsequent child 64 target
contributions have been openned. In connection with celebrations of
May 9th, 18 million 232 thousand drams have been paid. And generally,
in my opinion, the state is obliged to care only of immigrants,
families of victims, in some cases to help with decision of flat
problem of refugees, social questions of children, old men and
invalids. Other citizens should care of well-being. - But after all,
the population's living standard is not so high, there is no source
of stable incomes for apartment acquisition, and programs of hypothec
crediting are accessible not to all. - Anyway even during the Soviet
period the state did not build houses in villages. Such questions
should dare within the limits of the program of hypothec crediting.
- What programs are developed for region development?
If I am not mistaken, the means collected during the recent telethone
of "Hayastan" all-Armenian Fund will go on development of Askeran
region. - Only a part. The accent will be made on infrastructure
development - expansion of an irrigating network, repair of a network
of water supply, road building, gasification. Inhabitants of district
and nearby villages already have possibility to watch 60 digital
television channels. There are a lot of programs of development,
and to speak about them in advance is not present sense. The list of
programs becomes known only after definition of the definitive sum
which the fund will allocate. - Is there enough water for caring
of requirements of the population? - There is enough water for
maintenance of round-the-clock water supply if we manage to exclude
losses. - And what question, in your opinion, the most paramount?
- I would underline the correct and rational use of ground
resources. Researches have shown, that in agrarian sphere ther is much
to do. We should think of increase of level of our life ourselves. To
charge all this on the state is absolutely incorrect.