11:32 ~U 10.12.09
In honour of today, UN-designated Human Rights Day, a number of
rights-defending organizations in Armenia including the Helsinki
Citizen's Assembly Vanadzor branch, the Civil Society Institute,
Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center, the Helsinki
Committee of Armenia, the Helsinki Association of Armenia,
Collaboration for Democracy Center, the Helsinki Citizen's Assembly
Committee of Armenia, and the Rights and Freedom Center against legal
lawlessness have circulated the following statement:
"On the occasion of Human Rights Day, we, representatives of
rights-defending NGOs working in Armenia, are expressing our
deep concern with the legal bodies, the judicial system and the
implementation of justice in Armenia.
"Regretfully we note that, in 2009, human rights defenders have
registered numerous cases where torture has taken place, testimonies
have been extorted through use of force, and breaches of fair court
hearings have been observed.
"We wish to note the events and the following processes of March 1-2,
2008, as a negative manifestation.
"The individuals responsible and the circumstances that resulted in the
death of ten citizens through the use of force by governing authorities
on the evening of March 1, 2008, till this day, have not been revealed.
"That is, resolutions 1609, 1620, 1643, and 1677 which relate to
Armenia and adopted by the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
perhaps haven't been wholly carried out.
"Today, more than ten political prisoners continue to be imprisoned.
"We, representatives of rights-defending NGOs working in Armenia,
condemn the display of such violence and we are demanding the governing
authorities of the Republic of Armenia to
present the activities carried out thus far in uncovering the
circumstances surrounding the deaths of ten citizens on March 1
urgently reveal the circumstances surrounding the deaths of those ten
citizens and hold those guilty accountable, putting the furthering of
an unpunishable environment to an end immediately free all political
prisoners, [thus] creating a country without political persecution."
11:32 ~U 10.12.09
In honour of today, UN-designated Human Rights Day, a number of
rights-defending organizations in Armenia including the Helsinki
Citizen's Assembly Vanadzor branch, the Civil Society Institute,
Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center, the Helsinki
Committee of Armenia, the Helsinki Association of Armenia,
Collaboration for Democracy Center, the Helsinki Citizen's Assembly
Committee of Armenia, and the Rights and Freedom Center against legal
lawlessness have circulated the following statement:
"On the occasion of Human Rights Day, we, representatives of
rights-defending NGOs working in Armenia, are expressing our
deep concern with the legal bodies, the judicial system and the
implementation of justice in Armenia.
"Regretfully we note that, in 2009, human rights defenders have
registered numerous cases where torture has taken place, testimonies
have been extorted through use of force, and breaches of fair court
hearings have been observed.
"We wish to note the events and the following processes of March 1-2,
2008, as a negative manifestation.
"The individuals responsible and the circumstances that resulted in the
death of ten citizens through the use of force by governing authorities
on the evening of March 1, 2008, till this day, have not been revealed.
"That is, resolutions 1609, 1620, 1643, and 1677 which relate to
Armenia and adopted by the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
perhaps haven't been wholly carried out.
"Today, more than ten political prisoners continue to be imprisoned.
"We, representatives of rights-defending NGOs working in Armenia,
condemn the display of such violence and we are demanding the governing
authorities of the Republic of Armenia to
present the activities carried out thus far in uncovering the
circumstances surrounding the deaths of ten citizens on March 1
urgently reveal the circumstances surrounding the deaths of those ten
citizens and hold those guilty accountable, putting the furthering of
an unpunishable environment to an end immediately free all political
prisoners, [thus] creating a country without political persecution."