12.12.2009 12:34 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Senator Barbara Boxer, a senior member of the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Chair of its Subcommittee on
International Operations and Organizations, Human Rights, Democracy,
and Global Women's Issues, joined her colleagues yesterday in
cosponsoring S. Res. 316, the Armenian Genocide resolution, reported
the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly).
"We welcome Senator Boxer's continued commitment in combating genocide
denial through U.S. reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide," stated
Armenian Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. "In the face of
continued denial of this great crime against humanity, it is incumbent
upon us and all people of goodwill to do everything in our power to
put an end to this vicious cycle," added Ardouny.
Introduced by Senator Robert Menendez in October of this year, S. Res.
316 reaffirms the incontestable fact of the Armenian Genocide and has
also garnered the support of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. In
addition, while not an official cosponsor, former Presidential
hopeful, Senator John McCain in a recent interview publicly affirmed
the Armenian Genocide.
S.Res. 316 has been referred to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
and is pending further action. S.Res. 316 mirrors its counterpart in
the House of Representatives, H.Res. 252, which was introduced by
Congressmen Adam Schiff and George Radanovich, along with Armenian
Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone, Jr. and Mark Kirk.
12.12.2009 12:34 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Senator Barbara Boxer, a senior member of the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Chair of its Subcommittee on
International Operations and Organizations, Human Rights, Democracy,
and Global Women's Issues, joined her colleagues yesterday in
cosponsoring S. Res. 316, the Armenian Genocide resolution, reported
the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly).
"We welcome Senator Boxer's continued commitment in combating genocide
denial through U.S. reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide," stated
Armenian Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. "In the face of
continued denial of this great crime against humanity, it is incumbent
upon us and all people of goodwill to do everything in our power to
put an end to this vicious cycle," added Ardouny.
Introduced by Senator Robert Menendez in October of this year, S. Res.
316 reaffirms the incontestable fact of the Armenian Genocide and has
also garnered the support of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. In
addition, while not an official cosponsor, former Presidential
hopeful, Senator John McCain in a recent interview publicly affirmed
the Armenian Genocide.
S.Res. 316 has been referred to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
and is pending further action. S.Res. 316 mirrors its counterpart in
the House of Representatives, H.Res. 252, which was introduced by
Congressmen Adam Schiff and George Radanovich, along with Armenian
Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone, Jr. and Mark Kirk.