Psychosexual education to become compulsory subject in kindergarten
and school curricula
12.12.2009 19:36 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Psychosexual education should become a compulsory
subject in kindergarten and school curricula, according to Ph.D.
Candidate of Sexology Marat Zakaryan, Assistant in Sexology Chair at
Yerevan State Medical University. `The absence of such education
causes deviations like homosexuality etc. This is a problem that
should be resolved on state level,' he told today a news conference.
At that, he stressed the importance of raising awareness among teachers.
`The country's main problem is the existence of a great number of poor
quality books whose accessibility disorients teenagers. Free access to
the Internet can also have harmful effect,' Mr. Zakaryan said,
stressing the importance of starting psychosexual education at
pre-school age.
and school curricula
12.12.2009 19:36 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Psychosexual education should become a compulsory
subject in kindergarten and school curricula, according to Ph.D.
Candidate of Sexology Marat Zakaryan, Assistant in Sexology Chair at
Yerevan State Medical University. `The absence of such education
causes deviations like homosexuality etc. This is a problem that
should be resolved on state level,' he told today a news conference.
At that, he stressed the importance of raising awareness among teachers.
`The country's main problem is the existence of a great number of poor
quality books whose accessibility disorients teenagers. Free access to
the Internet can also have harmful effect,' Mr. Zakaryan said,
stressing the importance of starting psychosexual education at
pre-school age.