DECEMBER 14, 2009
YEREVAN, DECEMBER 14, NOYAN TAPAN. The examination of the
application-complaint of Zhirayr Sefilian's citizenship right
protection committee was stopped under RA Ombudsman Armen
Haroutiunian's December 1 decision N 1-0433. The Ombudsman had
accepted it for examination as early as in 2009 June. Committee
Coordinator Aghavni Sahakian reported it at a December 14 press
conference. The committee application mentioned that in 2004, 2006
and 2008 RA President without motivation dismissed Z. Sefilian's
applications on being granted RA citizenship, and RA Police Passport
and Visa Department, in its turn, refused to provide a status of one
year's residence to Z. Sefilian.
A. Sahakian said that the Ombudsman stopped application's examination
taking as a basis the answer of the National Security Service,
according to which Z. Sefilian, on December 10 2006, voiced "appeals
of overthrowing the RA state order by force."
According to lawyer Mushegh Shushanian, with such a formulation the
National Security Service disregarded the judgement of the court that
came into force, according to which, Z. Sefilian was found not guilty
of making appeals of overthrowing the RA state order by force. "The
answer of the National Security Service to the Ombudsman is absurdity,
incompetence. This structure stays loyal to its style being guided
by political motives," M. Shushanian said.
DECEMBER 14, 2009
YEREVAN, DECEMBER 14, NOYAN TAPAN. The examination of the
application-complaint of Zhirayr Sefilian's citizenship right
protection committee was stopped under RA Ombudsman Armen
Haroutiunian's December 1 decision N 1-0433. The Ombudsman had
accepted it for examination as early as in 2009 June. Committee
Coordinator Aghavni Sahakian reported it at a December 14 press
conference. The committee application mentioned that in 2004, 2006
and 2008 RA President without motivation dismissed Z. Sefilian's
applications on being granted RA citizenship, and RA Police Passport
and Visa Department, in its turn, refused to provide a status of one
year's residence to Z. Sefilian.
A. Sahakian said that the Ombudsman stopped application's examination
taking as a basis the answer of the National Security Service,
according to which Z. Sefilian, on December 10 2006, voiced "appeals
of overthrowing the RA state order by force."
According to lawyer Mushegh Shushanian, with such a formulation the
National Security Service disregarded the judgement of the court that
came into force, according to which, Z. Sefilian was found not guilty
of making appeals of overthrowing the RA state order by force. "The
answer of the National Security Service to the Ombudsman is absurdity,
incompetence. This structure stays loyal to its style being guided
by political motives," M. Shushanian said.