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The Cinematograph And The Oligarchs

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  • The Cinematograph And The Oligarchs


    Ruben Hayrapetyan's apology to Gagik Tsarukyan and to his party
    partners seems to be an unprecedented step for the Armenian
    governmental and oligarchic circles. The representatives of these
    circles are not inclined to apologizing much let alone a public apology
    even if the point is about apologizing to each other. Usually, if
    there are disputes or quarrels between them, the supreme government
    is to settle them which even if makes the sides apologize, it does
    not happen surely in public. From this point, we may presume that
    Ruben Hayrapetyan's case is particular and unprecedented which shows
    once again that much has changed within the governmental system. We
    do not have to hurry to make conclusions about whether the change is
    good or bad. In other words, we do not have to hurry to think that
    the government makes oligarchs enhance their political culture and
    settle quarrels by apologizing.

    There is a Soviet film about a "cinematograph" who makes civil
    revolution in an American small town of cowboys and the American
    cowboys start speaking to each other with "sorry"-"sorry Sir". The
    cinematograph is hardly possible to have penetrated into the Armenian
    governmental pyramid too. Even if Ruben Hayrapetyan's apology reminds
    the famous film and creates grounds to think that a civil revolution
    took place within the governmental pyramid, it is too early to make
    univocal judgments and conclusions.

    Naturally, in this case the question occurs. Which is the reason why
    before in case of such quarrels public apologies were not made? What
    has changed within the governmental pyramid creating need for public
    apologies? The point is that the representatives of this pyramid
    will apology only to each other but not to citizens who stand lower
    than they do. But on the other hand, they are evident to have never
    asked for apology to each other before either. The point perhaps is
    that previously none of the governmental pyramid representatives
    cared for the public opinion because everyone set hopes on Robert
    Kocharyan standing at the peak of the pyramid, everyone used to trust
    their destinies to him and considered exceptionally his opinion on
    their quarrels.

    Now perhaps, this trust lacks in case of Serge Sargsyan. Possibly
    the parts of the pyramid start looking for protection in other
    places including the society. This is the reason why the public's
    opinion became important for at least a part of them. The point is
    not of course about Ruben Hayrapetyan and his "sparring partner"
    Gagik Tsarukyan. Tsarukyan is likely not to be satisfied with
    inner-governmental version of reconciling with Hayrapetyan. He was
    offended in front of the society so the problem is to be solved
    before the society too, a public apology was to be made. This is the
    expression of the change that happened in the governmental system.

    They started giving always more importance to the public perceptions,
    they started understanding more that the public opinion is power in
    any case even if it yields to police bludgeons by now. But this change
    of emphasizing the public opinion can hardly be determined by the
    change of thinking of the governmental pyramid, or the modernization
    of its system of values. Merely, the pyramid started inspiring less
    confidence to its parts and they started seeking for new sources of
    security in this case in the public opinion.